Semi-Active Control via Probabilistic Methods: Advancing Smart Damper Design

The utilization of smart dampers in civil engineering structures has shown tremendous potential for vibration attenuation in recent years. However, evaluating the effectiveness of these dampers in multiple-degree-of-freedom (MDOF) dynamic systems has been a time-consuming process, limiting the exploration of different families of controllers for reliable system design and tuning. In this study, we propose a novel theory of semiactive control gains that leverages the Lyapunov function to solve highly nonlinear control systems incorporating smart dampers.

Our hypothesis is that the tuning of semiactive dampers in MDOF systems can be achieved analytically. By adopting a probabilistic approach, we have developed an innovative methodology that significantly improves upon existing simulation methods and substantially reduces computational effort. Our new theory offers a powerful tool for designing and evaluating the efficacy of smart dampers in MDOF systems, encompassing diverse applications such as multistory buildings and wind turbines.

Moreover, our developed control theory facilitates accelerated performance-based semiactive controller tuning. This advancement holds the potential to drive the progress of innovative technologies in constructing smart, resilient, and sustainable structures capable of withstanding multiple hazards. By integrating our probabilistic methods into the design process, engineers can confidently optimize the performance of smart dampers, leading to more efficient and effective vibration control strategies.

Our research not only contributes to the field of civil engineering by addressing the challenges of evaluating smart dampers in MDOF systems but also offers valuable insights into the broader goal of enhancing structural resilience. By harnessing the power of semiactive control and probabilistic methods, we pave the way for the development of next-generation structures that can withstand dynamic loads, adapt to changing conditions, and ensure the safety and well-being of occupants.
 Proposed Theory of Semiactive Gains for Smart Dampers in MDOF Systems

Proposed Theory of Semiactive Gains for Smart Dampers in MDOF Systems 2

Proposed Theory of Semiactive Gains for Smart Dampers in MDOF Systems 3

Selected Publications

  • Rezaee, M., Aly, A.M. (2019), “Proposed Theory of Semiactive Gains for Smart Dampers in MDOF Systems,” Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 145(12). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0002453
  • Rezaee, M., Aly, A.M. (2018), “Vibration Control in Wind Turbines to Achieve Desired System-Level Performance under Single and Multiple Hazard Loadings,” Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 25(12), e2261. DOI:10.1002/stc.2261
  • Aly, A.M. and Christenson, R.E. "On the evaluation of the efficacy of a smart damper: a new equivalent energy-based probabilistic approach," Smart Materials and Structures, 17 045008 (11pp), 2008. doi: 10.1088/0964-1726/17/4/045008
  • Aly, A.M. and Christenson, R.E. "Fast hybrid testing of controlled smart dampers for nonlinear structures under earthquake loads," Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, Springer, 1-7, 2013.