Two new graduate students for 2020

Welcome to Kylie Palmer and Erika Ornouski, our two newest PAST lab members!

Kylie comes to us from Florida by way of University of North Carolina and she will be pursuing her doctoral degree studying coral paleoclimatology in the Gulf of Mexico. She is a South Central Climate Adapatation Science Center Fellow and will be collabrating with the science center members during her days at LSU. Kylie's master research involved conservation paleobiology and by analyzing past environments with fossilzed clam shells.

Erika is a masters student from California State University, Sacramento where she studied geography and geology and was an active undergraduate reseacher. Erika’s passions are storms and marine ecology. Just a few of her far too many research interests are extreme precipitation, ENSO, ocean-atmosphere coupling, paleotempestology, upwelling zones, and coastal-nearshore marine ecosystem interactions.