- Lamont Doherty Climate Data Library
- Global Change Master Directory (GCMD)
- KNMI Climate Explorer
- Climate Prediction Center
- GHRSST - The Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature
- Southern Regional Climate Center
- National Hurricane Center
- ESRL: PSD - Climate Indices: Monthly Atmospheric and Ocean Time-Series
Tree rings
- Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment (AGRRA) Program
- Neogene coral Identification
- Coral Anatomy and Morphology
- NOAA Coral Reef Conservation Program
Data analysis tools
- Wavelets
- Cross-wavelets This is a toolbox for matlab for making continuous wavelet, cross-wavelet, and wavelet coherence analysis.
- SSA-MTM Toolkit
- Kspectra - Advanced Time Series Analysis for Mac
- NOAA - Paleoclimatology Data
- PAST - Past is free software for scientific data analysis, with functions for data manipulation, plotting, univariate and multivariate statistics, ecological analysis, time series and spatial analysis, morphometrics and stratigraphy.
- Qanalyseries - for time assignment of geochemical data. Works on Mac, Windows, and Linux, partial replacement for Analyseries.
- Analyseries - The well known in paleoclimatic community by Paillard et al. but is restricted to the Mac OS (32-bit) and not supported by Apple 64-bit system (OS 10.15 and newer) and it will not be supported in the future upgrades of Macintosh OS.