2013 Photo Gallery

Karen M. and Fernald Lab colleagues Caroline Hu and Rosa Alcazar

Karen M. and Fernald Lab colleagues Caroline Hu and Rosa Alcazar - SICB meeting 2013

Karen M., Jackie Webb, Paul Forlano, and Steve Kajiura at the SICB meeting

Karen M., Jackie Webb, Paul Forlano, and Steve Kajiura at the SICB meeting - San Francisco 2013


Arthur and Fay symposium members

David, Chris, Karen and Paul at Popper-Fay Symposium 2013

David, Chris, Karen and Paul at Popper-Fay Symposium 2013


Anupa presents her summer research at the annual 2013 SURF poster session at LSU

Anupa presents her summer research at the annual 2013 SURF poster session at LSU

Anupa and Karen Jr. working on molecular biology

Anupa & Karen Jr. gettin' molecular

Karen holding a gar



Pics from Dr. Brian Grone's visit to the lab - June 2013


Brian Grone, Karen Jr., Anupa, and Danielle in the lab
Karen Maruska and Brian Grone in the lab

Karen Jr., Anupa, Danielle, and Brian doing benchwork

Brian and Karen Jr. discussing lab techniques
Brian, Danille, and Anupa laughing in the lab
Brian working on the lab oven



BARD Workshop on Cichlid Endocrinology in Israel - October 2013


BARD workshop group picture


Karen holding an Israeli hedgehog

Karen with an Israeli hedgehog!

Dinner of tilapia on the Sea of Galilee

Dinner of tilapia on the Sea of Galilee


Danielle, Karen, and Julie ready for the 2013 LSU BioGrads Symposium

Danielle, Karen, and Julie ready for the 2013 LSU BioGrads Symposium

Karen Field presents her research at the BioGrads Symposium

Karen Field presents her research at the BioGrads Symposium - Nov. 2013

Lab Holiday Sweater Party 2013

Lab Holiday Sweater Party 2013