
Newly Published: Eric Voegelin Reader

Paperbacks by Eric Voegelin in print

The Collected Works of Eric Voegelin

All volumes are currently available

Eric Voegelin Institute Series in Political Philosophy
Ellis Sandoz, Editor

A series of studies in political theory, constitutionalism, and intellectual history. The Eric Voegelin Institute Series in Political Philosophy consists of original, single-authored scholarly studies addressing the perennial issues of political philosophy in its theoretical, institutional, biographical, and historical aspects.

Volumes available in the main series:

Volumes available in the Studies in Religion and Politics series

Other Materials Available

  • Voegelin in Toronto DVD now available!
    The University of Missouri Press is pleased to announce the distribution of Voegelin in Toronto: The Conference at York University, November 22-24, 1978, a DVD produced by the Eric Voegelin Institute.  The video features Eric Voegelin’s lecture, “Structure in Consciousness,” as well his participation in panel discussions with Bernard Lonergan, Hans-Georg Gadamer, Allan Bloom, Roger Poole, and Frederick Lawrence.  Topics for the panels include “Reading the Republic” and “Criticism: Science, and/or Scholarship.”
  • Eric Voegelin Video: SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER: ERIC VOEGELIN–PHILOSOPHER OF CONSCIOUSNESS, Ellis Sandoz, Executive Producer.  2012.  Distributed by Insight Media, NYC 10024-0621 [streaming version, click here]
  • Philosophy, Literature, and Politics: Essays Honoring Ellis Sandoz, edited by Charles R. Embry and Barry Cooper
  • Teaching in an Age of Ideology, edited by John von Heyking and Lee Trepanier [includes chapters on Eric Voegelin and Ellis Sandoz]

Euporean Ordering Information

The Collected Works and other University of Missouri Press Voegelin books can be ordered via, a European distributor.