Eric Voegelin Society Meeting 2023

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39th International Meeting of THE ERIC VOEGELIN SOCIETY

[PDF of program]

American Political Science Association Meeting

August 31-September 3, 2023

Los Angeles, CA


            Thank you for your submissions that have made the upcoming program of the Eric Voegelin Society possible.  It is gratifying to see the range of Voegelin and Voegelin related studies that are abundantly on display.  As you know we have continually enlarged our range of interests beyond what an association with a name like ours might suggest.  I can only imagine that Voegelin would approve.  He always wanted to be on the frontiers of science, never merely curating past accomplishments.  We carry on his work by forging ahead along new lines of inquiry that demonstrate we are engaged in a living enterprise.  Yet we are also conscious of the need to appropriate what we have received, and therefore to ensure we possess a sufficiently solid basis on which the forward movement can proceed.  None of us can do this alone.  We rely on the conversation and support of others who are travelling the same road.  This is the principal justification for our annual meetings and one of the main reasons I am pleased to play a small part in facilitating them. I look forward to seeing you in the City of Angels, even as I am well aware that it has not been the most convenient venue for many.  You will notice that we have not been able to fill all our panels completely.  So there is still time to encourage colleagues or students who may wish to participate to get in touch.  In the meantime, do not forget to circulate your papers to me and your fellow panelists well in advance of our meeting.  I remind you also to register with our host, the American Political Science Association, indicating EVS as your preferred Partner Association.  The latter step does not incur any financial obligation, but you should be aware that we too require financial support.  Please consider using our donate button found here, or you may contact our treasurer, David Whitney, Among our pressing expenses is the support of VoegelinView which under the innovative leadership of our new editor, Paul Krause, has seen its readership significantly increased in the past year.  As a closing note I want acknowledge the appearance of vol.2 of Eric Voegelin Studies: Democracy and Representation, edited by Giuliana Parotto, a handsomely produced volume from Brill, with Harald Bergbauer as managing editor of the series.

Thurs. 8:00-9:30

Panel 1. Science and American Political Thought

Chair: Barry Cooper,; University of Calgary

Scientism, Liberalism, and the Response to COVID-19 in the United States

David Whitney,;  Nicholls State University

“Gorgons, Hydras, and Chimeras Dire”: Literary Limits in the Federalist

Matt Cantirino,; Assumption University

A Kathechontic Approach to White Christian Nationalism

Juan Pablo Aranda Vargas,;  Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla

Discussant: Barry Cooper,; University of Calgary


Panel 2. Eric Voegelin and his Interlocutors

James R. Stoner, Jr.,;  Louisiana State University

Voegelin and Heidegger: Apocalypse Without Apocalypse

David Walsh,; Catholic University of America

Harald Bergbauer, Eric Voegelin’s View of Friedrich Nietzsche

Harald Bergbauer,; University of Applied Sciences Munich

Voegelin and Strauss

Daniel Mahoney,; Assumption University

Voegelin, Schelling, and Husserl: A Dialogue on Modes and Limits of Consciousness

Gustavo Santos,; Catholic University of America

Discussants:  Zdravko Planinc,; McMaster University

James R. Stoner, Jr.,;  Louisiana State University



Panel 3. Rulers and Scholars in Medieval Islamic Political Thought


Chair: Alex Orwin, Louisiana State University;


Softening Plato: Alfarabi’s Unplatonic Philosopher Rulers

Alex Orwin, Louisiana State University;


Rulership in the Virtuous City: A Comparison between Alfarabi’s Political Regime and the Virtuous City

Leo Moradi, Boston University;


Between Divine Law and Human Wisdom: Notes on a Trilogy of Averroes’s Works

Karen Taliaferro, Arizona State University;


The Caliphate will Last Thirty Years: Political Debates over a Prophetic Hadith

Han Hsien Liew, Arizona State University;


Discussants: Alex Orwin, Louisiana State University;





Panel 4. Author Meets Critics: The History of Experience by Wolfgang Leidhold

Chair: John von Heyking,; University of Lethbridge

Thomas Heilke,, University of British Columbia

McPartland,, Kentucky State University

Glenn Hughes,; St. Mary’s University

Wolfgang Leidhold,, University of Cologne


Panel 5. The Founding and Refounding of America

Chair: Steve McGuire, ; American Council for Trustees and Alumni


Natural and Traditional Rights in the American Founding

Scott Robinson,; Schreiner University

The Politics of American Pluralism

Samuel Sprunk,; Nicholls State University

Politics, More Art than Science: Recovering the Non-Humean James Madison

Aaron Alexander Zubia,;  Furman University

Discussant: Steve McGuire,; American Council for Trustees and Alumni




Friday, September 1


Panel 6. Medieval Continuities in Modern Politics

Chair: James Greenaway,; St. Mary’s University of Texas

Art as God’s Grandchild: Dante’s Aristotelian Case Against Usury

Monica Jeffery; Catholic University of America

Religious Liberty and the Natural Law in the Scholastic Tradition

Steven Waldorf,;  University of Chicago

Discussant: James Greenaway,; St. Mary’s University of Texas


Panel 7. Roundtable: Totalitarianism in the Past and Its Echoes in the Present

Chair: Martin Palouš,; Florida International University

Barry Cooper,; University of Calgary

James Greenaway,; St. Mary’s University

Daniel J. Mahoney,; Assumption University

Steve McGuire,; American Council for Trustees and Alumni


Panel 8. Taking the Pulse of American Politics

Chair: James R. Stoner, Jr.,;  Louisiana State University

“The Compromise of 1850: The Statesmen of the Senate and the Price of Union”

Kevin J. Burns,; Christendom College

Escaping Isolation: Harry Truman and the Sources of Modern Presidential Authority

Jordan Cash,;Michigan State University

Liberalism’s Separationism: Views from Rawls and Tocqueville”

Sarah Gustafson,;  Harvard University

Deliberation, Negotiation, and the Common Good: What Law Does a Representative Legislature Make?

James R. Stoner, Jr.,;  Louisiana State University

Discussants: Lucas Morel, Washington & Lee University <> [on Burns & Stoner]

James Patterson, Ave Maria University <> [on Cash & Gustafson]


Panel 9.  Ramifications of Voegelin’s Project

Chair: Thomas Heilke,, University of British Columbia

Political Symbols of the Northeast Neolithic

Barry Cooper,; University of Calgary

Eric Voegelin and Austria’s Authoritarian Regime: A Reappraisal

Bruno Godefroy,;  Erlangen University

Language in Eric Voegelin’s Thinking

Pierre-Alain Drien,;  University of Jean Moulin – Lyon 3

Who Owns the Timeline? Covenant in Voegelin, Buber and Ourselves

Abigail L. Rosenthal,; Brooklyn College of the City of New York

Discussants: Thomas Heilke

John McNerney,; Catholic University of America





6:30-7:0                                                           Business Meeting

7:30-9:00                                                          Reception

Saturday, September 2


Panel 10. The Person as the Heart of the Political

Chair: Carol Cooper, The Honors College, University of Houston;

The Promise and Vision of Weil’s The Need for Roots

Sarah Dunford,;  Catholic University of America

Radically Personal? Challenges from Robert Bellah, Charles Taylor, and Linda Zagebski

Jerry L. Martin,;  University of Colorado at Boulder



John Bassett Moore and the Modest Virtues of International Law

David Clinton, ; Baylor University



Stephen Sims,;Rochester Institute of Technology

Carol Cooper, The Honors College, University of Houston;






Panel 11.  Friendship, Universal Love, and Pluralism

Chair: Carol B. Cooper, The Honors College, University of Houston;

Pluralism, Generosity, Charity, and Friendship

Thomas Heilke,, University of British Columbia

Friendships in a Friendly Cosmos

Glenn Hughes,; St. Mary’s University

Universal Humanity: History as Belonging in the Cosmos

James Greenaway,; St. Mary’s University of Texas

The Forgotten Dimension: Bonhoefferian Perspectives on ‘Fraternity’

John McNerney,; Catholic University of America

Discussants: Carol Cooper, The Honors College, University of Houston;

Holly Elizabeth Ching,; University of Wisconsin-Madison


Panel 12. Tocqueville on Religion, Civic Education, and the Nation

Chair: Susan McWilliams,; Pomona College

Did Tocqueville’s Catholicism Change America, or Vice Versa?

Jeremy Seth Geddert,; Assumption University

Tocqueville’s Catholic Social Science

Richard Avramenko,; University of Wisconsin

Discussants: James R. Stoner, Jr.,;  Louisiana State University


Panel 13. Prudence and Ethics in Foreign Policy and International Politics

Chair: David Clinton, Baylor University,

The Moral Foundations of Isolationism and Empire

Stephen Sims, Rochester Institute of Technology,

The Tragedy of Small Power Politics: Statesmanship in Rousseau’s Poland and Corsica

Joshua King, United States Military Academy at West Point,

The Philosophical Problems Posed by Divided Sovereignty in the Annexation of Texas: Sectional Interests and American Foreign Policy

Joseph Natali, Baylor University,

Should Like Cases Be Decided Alike?

Richard Jordan, Baylor University,

Discussant: David Clinton, Baylor University,

Sunday, September 3



Panel 14. Friendship, Loneliness, and the Philosophical Life

Friendship and Loneliness: What does it mean to be a friend with oneself? 

Holly Ching, University of Wisconsin-Madison,

Return To The Cave:  Philia, Eros, And The Erotic-Hermetic Structure Of The Philosophical Life

Thomas Holman, Catholic University of America

Love and Justice from Aristotle to Abolition

Carol Cooper,The Honors College, University of Houston;

What Do We Give When We Give of Ourselves?

John von Heyking,; University of Lethbridge


James Greenaway, University of St. Mary’s

Steve McGuire,; American Council for Trustees and Alumni





Panel 15. The Primacy of Practice within Theory


Chair: David Sollenberger,; Pennsylvania State University


David Walsh as American Philosopher

David Sollenberger,; Pennsylvania State University


Immanuel Kant on the Relationship of Law and Morals

Thomas E. Lordan,; Catholic University of America


Institutions and Persons within Politics

Dennis Coyle, The Catholic University of America,

Discussants: Steve McGuire,; American Council for Trustees and Alumni

David Walsh, Catholic University of America,