Eric Voegelin Society Meeting 2019

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35th International Meeting of The Eric Voegelin Society, 2019

American Political Science Association Meeting,

August 29-September 1

Washington, DC


David Walsh, Meeting Director


Dear Friends,

I look forward to our annual gathering in late August.  It does not appear that our host, APSA, has assigned rooms but most of our panels will be in the Omni Shoreham with a couple in Marriott Wardman.  We have a full program with an interesting mix of topics and panels.  All of this is to your credit as it reflects the fascinating work you are engaged on. I thank you for your submissions and encourage you to support one another by attending as many of the sessions as you can. I will post the final version of the program on Voegelinview where our intrepid editor, Lee Trepanier, also welcomes your best work. As always, your continuing financial support of EVS, in contributions small or large, is always appreciated (for donations email  I remind you that APSA requires your registration in order to be listed on their program.


Thursday, August 29



Panel 1, Anti-Utopian Thought in International Relations

Chair: Greg Russell,; University of Oklahoma


A Reevaluation of Scientific International Theories

Christopher Daniel Ruiz,; Baylor University


Christian Realism, Pacifism, and the Beloved Community

Daniel G. Lang,; Lynchburg College


Winston Churchill and the Crisis of Zionism

Marjorie Louise Jeffrey,; Baylor University
Michael S. Kochin,; Tel Aviv University


The Anti-Utopianism of Raymond Aron

Nathan Orlando,


Discussant: David Clinton,; Baylor University



Panel 2,Grounding the Political



Chair: James Greenaway,; St. Mary’s University


Aristophanes, Freud, and the Politics of the Non-transcendent

Justin Brophy,; University of Notre Dame


The Nation, Metaxy, and the Order of Being

James Greenaway,; St. Mary’s University


Lincoln’s Romantic Political Thought: Law, Political Religion, and Slavery

David M. Sollenberger,; Catholic University of America


Philosophy of Consciousness as Philosophy of the Person

David Walsh, The Catholic University of America,


Discussant: Steven McGuire, Villanova University,

Josh Bowman,, Heidelberg University



Panel 3,  Russell Kirk: A Reevaluation of His Life and Work after his Centenary



Chair: Jeffrey Polet, Hope College,


Russell Kirk and the Literary Imagination

Gary L. Gregg, University of Louisville,


Russell Kirk and Catholic Social Teaching

Richard M. Reinsch, Liberty Fund,


Russell Kirk and an Educated Public

Jeffrey Polet, Hope College,


Discussants: Gregory S. Butler, New Mexico State University,

Eric Schmidt, Louisiana State University,



Panel 4,Consciousness and Politics by Barry Cooper



Chair: John von Heyking




Glenn Hughes,, St. Mary’s University of Texas

Henrik Syse,, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)

Sarah Beth V. Kitch,, University of Missouri

Paul Caringella,

Barry Cooper, University of Calgary,



Panel 5, What is Political Theory? Methods, Schools, and Disciplines: Roundtable



Chair: Lee Trepanier, Saginaw Valley State Univeristy,



Alan I. Baily, Stephen F. Austin State University,

David D. Corey, Baylor University,

Scott Segrest, The Citadel,

Jeremy J. Mhire, Louisiana Tech University,




Friday, August 30


Panel 6, The Initial Reception of Eric Voegelin in Brazil



Chair: Eduardo Schmidt Passos, Texas State University, San Marcos,


Guerreiro Ramos as a Reader of Eric Voegelin: Postcolonial Theory and the Alternatives to Liberal Modernity

Christian E. Cyril Lynch, State University of Rio de Janeiro,

Eric Voegelin and Mario Vieira de Mello´s Search for the Order of the Soul in Brazilian Culture.
Matim Vasques da Cunha, Fundacão Getúlio Vargas FGV-SP,

Voegelin’s Reception in Brazilian Catholic Political Thinkers: History and the Political Community in the Redefinition of the Modern Brazilian Nation.
Gustavo Santos, Oficina Municipal,

Oliveira Vianna, Gilberto Freyre, and Eric Voegelin on the Idea of Race and its Political Consequences.

Eduardo Schmidt Passos, Texas State University, San Marcos


Discussants: Nathalia Henrich, The Catholic University of America,

Gustavo Santos



Panel 7,  Life as a Spiritual Journey



Chair: Jerry L. Martin,; University of Colorado at Boulder


Aspects of Evil

Abigail L. Rosenthal,; Brooklyn College of The City University of New York


Avenues on the spiritual

Jerry L. Martin,; University of Colorado at Boulder


Altruism: The Renouncement of Self

Stephen Calogero,; St. Mary’s University


The Political Philosophy of Josef Pieper

Thomas E. Lordan,; Independent scholar


Discussants: Macon Boczek

Olivia O’Donnell, State University of New York at Plattsburgh,



Panel 8,  Pierre Manent’s Practical Natural Law and the Problem of Transcendence



Chair: Ralph C. Hancock, Brigham Young University.


Manent’s Natural Law and the Revival of Liberal Democracy

Jenna Silber Storey, Furman University,


The Contribution of Montaigne to the Eclipse of Natural Law

Peter P. Seaton, St. Mary’s Seminary and University.


Manent’s Renewal of Natural Law and Christian Conscience

Daniel J. Mahoney, Assumption College,


Manent’s Practical Natural Law and the Problem of Transcendence

Ralph C. Hancock


Discussants: Harvey C. Mansfield, Harvard University,

Robert Kraynak, Colgate University,





Panel 9, The Political Theory of Slavery and Abolition



Chair: Gregory Collins, Yale University,


John Marshall, Slavery, and Anti-Nationalist Constitutional Decision-Making

Paul Finkelman, Gratz College,


Natural Right and Anti-Natural Right Arguments in Antebellum America

Alan Levine, American University,;
Daniel S. Malachuk, Western Illinois University-Quad Cities,


The Enlightenment Roots of American Anti-Abolitionism

Joshua Aaron Lynn, Eastern Kentucky University,


Lincoln, Majority Rule, and the ‘Ultimate Extinction of Slavery’

James H. Read, St. John’s University / College of St. Benedict,


Discussants: James R. Stoner,; Louisiana State University

Robinson Woodward-Burns, Howard University,



Panel 10,  Literature, Persons and Modern Politics



Chair: David Sollenberger, The Catholic University of America,


Eric Voegelin and Walker Percy: The Political Problem of “Post-Christian” Life,

Matalyn Vander Bleek, The Catholic University of America,


The Inward Turn of the Transcendentalists: Hawthorne’s Inscapes Into the Person

John McNerney, University College Dublin,


Karol Wojtyla and Vaclav Havel

Carly Jones, The Catholic University of America,


Deplorable Political Consciousness in Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground

Thomas Hutchinson,


Discussants: Carol Browning Cooper, University of Houston,

David Sollenberger





Saturday, August 31



Panel 11, Liberal Politics and Liberal Education



Chair: Dennis Coyle


Is a Moral Basis of Political Science Possible?

Robert M. Schaefer,; University of West Georgia


Person and Common Good in Yves Simon

Bradley Lewis,; Catholic University of America


Those Were the Days: The Current Relevance of the Liberal/Communitarian Debate

Dennis J. Coyle,; Catholic University of America


Discussants: Graham Walker, Independent Institute,

Samuel Goldman, George Washington University,



Panel 12, The Politics of Wit I



Chair: Travis D. Smith,; Concordia University


Jesting with Giants: Rabelais on the Political Uses of Wit

Zak Black, University of Toronto,


The Creating Person: God, Art and Action in the Work of Miguel de Unamuno

Enrique Pallares, Catholic University of America,


Discussants:  Taylor Putnam, University of Toronto,



Panel 13,  Integralism and the American Constitutional Tradition: Roundtable



Chair: James Patterson, Ave Maria University,



Ashleen Menchaca-Bagnulo, Texas State University,

James R. Stoner, Louisiana State University,

Gladden J. Pappin, University of Dallas,

Bradley Lewis, The Catholic University of America,

Jeffrey Polet, Hope College,




Panel 14, The Politics of Wit II                                                           Marriott Wardman Park

Division 1: Political Thought and Philosophy: Historical Approaches




Panel 15, Unlearning Liberalism and Conservatism



Chair: Aaron D. Hoffman, Bellarmine University,


Trump the Aberration

  1. Lee Cheek, East Georgia State College,


Reconsidering Conservatism: Challenges to a Failing Ideology

Eugene J. Halus, Immaculata University,


New Thinking on the Right

Daniel McCarthy, The American Conservative,


Whose Liberalism? Which Failure?

Steven P. Millies, Chicago Theological Union,


Discussant: Aaron D. Hoffman

Dennis Coyle, The Catholic University of America,





Panel 16, Voegelin as a Reader of Political Philosophers: Roundtable



Chair: Bernat Torres Morales, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona,


Participants: Barry Cooper, University of Calgary,

Nicoletta Scotti Muth, Catholic University of Sacro Cuore, Milan,

Harald Bergbauer, University of Applied Sciences, Munich,

Bernat Torres Morales, Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Barcelona,

Shaun Rieley, Catholic University of America,




Sunday, September 1


Panel 17, Ideology and History



Chair: Jodi Bruhn, Stratéjuste Canada,


Observations on a Political Dimension of Karl Löwith’s Philosophy of History

Stan Molchanov,; Catholic University of America


Art and Ideology: The Struggle for Independence

Eugen L. Nagy,; University of Southern Mississippi


Númenórean Gnosticism: A Voegelinian Interpretation of Tolkien

Zachary Yost,; Catholic University of America


The Myth of the Social Contract: Bossuet and Leo XIII

Dennis Nilsen, Catholic University of America,


Discussant: Martin Palous, Florida International University,

Jodi Bruhn,




Panel 18,  Regions of the Political: Territoriality, Sovereignty, and the Body Politic



Chair: Ellen L. Kennedy,; University of Pennsylvania



Schmitt in Jerusalem

Nathaniel Shils,; University of Pennsylvania


The Enduring Partisan State: A Commentary on the DPRK chez Carl Schmitt

Juman Kim,; University of Oregon


Dissenting Opinion: Carl Schmitt and the Problem of Power in US Legal Theory

Rheuben Bundy,; University of Oregon


Power in the Blood: Politics and Martyrdom in Augustine’s Civitate Dei

Ian Tuttle,; Catholic University of America


Discussant: Eduardo Schmidt Passos,; Texas State University, San Marcos




Business meeting    

Marriott, Virginia B

Saturday, August 31, 6:30-7:30

Marriott Wardman




Saturday, August 31, 7:30-9:00

Marriott Wardman