Eric Voegelin Society Meeting 2011

Seattle, Washington , Sept. 1-4, 2011

107th APSA Annual Meeting, 27th EVS Annual International Meeting

Organizer: Ellis Sandoz, Louisiana State University

Posted by permission of the respective authors. Copyright 2011. 

All rights reserved.
PROGRAM DETAIL – 12 panels
Panel 1. Mysticism & Politics in Voegelinian Theory        

Chair: Ellis Sandoz, Louisiana State University



What is a Mystic Philosopher and Why does it Matter?
Ellis Sandoz, Louisiana State University

“The Philosophical Basis for Belief: Some Voegelinian Reflections”
Henrik Syse, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)

The Voice of Revelation in the Conversation of Mankind
Steven Ealy, Liberty Fund, Inc.

The Scandal of Divine Presence
Jerry L. Martin, American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) (emeritus)


William Petropulos, Voegelin Archiv Munich
Macon Boczek, Kent State University
Peter von Sivers, University of Utah


Panel 2. Religious Experience and Politics: Eric Voegelin and Beyond    

Chair: Claudia Kinkela, National Endowment for the Humanities


“Politics” and”’Religion” in the Upper Paleolithic: A Voegelinian Analysis of Some Selected Problems
Barry Cooper, University of Calgary

Nietzsche’s Most Abysmal Thought
Michael Gillespie, Duke University

The Noetic Turn: From Zarathustra to the Wisdom of Salomon
Wolfgang Leidhold, University of Cologne, Germany:

Communicating Mystical Experience: The Problem of Secondary Symbolism
Eugene Webb, The Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies University of Washington


Glenn Hughes, St. Mary’s University, San Antonio, Texas


Panel 3. The Languages of  Eric Voegelin                                                                                                           

Chair: Tilo Schabert, University of Erlanen-Nuremberg (emeritus)


Eric Voegelin and the Languages of Science and Common Sense
John von Heyking, University of Lethbridge

Voegelin`s Uses of Metaphor
Glenn Hughes, St. Mary`s University–San Antonio

Language and the Evocation of Order – Toward a Linguistic Theory of the Political
Matthias Riedl, Central European University–Budapest

Voegelin`s Voyages in Languages between Consciousness and Reality
Tilo Schabert, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg


Barry Cooper, University of Calgary
Steven McGuire, Eastern University, St. David’s


Panel 4. The Range of Human Memory                                                                                                                

Chair: Manfred Henningsen, University of Hawaii Manoa


The Origins of Evil and the Banality of its Perpetrators: Some Thoughts on Reflections by Kant, Schelling, Freud, Arendt, Voegelin and Others
Manfred Henningsen, University of Hawaii Manoa

American Forgetting: Abraham Lincoln, the Conquest of the West and the Removal of Indians
Patrick Johnston, University of Hawaii at Mānoa

The Khmer Rouge and the Re-Visioning of the Khmer Empire: Buddhism encounters Political Religion
Steven De Burger, University of Hawaii at Mānoa:

Southern African Bushmen and Voegelin’s “New Science of Politics”
Louis Herman, University of Hawaii at West-O‘ahu


Jürgen Gebhardt, University of  Erlangen-Nuremberg
Michael Franz, Loyola College of Maryland


Panel 5. Order and Disorder in International Politics: From Pacem in Terris to the Regensburg Address

Chair: Timothy Fuller, Colorado College


Pacem in Terris and the Just War Tradition
David Corey, Baylor University

21st Century International Politics: The Philosophical Perspective from the Small States
Martin Palouš, Czech Republic Ambassador to the United Nations

Joseph de Maistre’s Insufficient Response to the Crisis(Spoken Remarks version)
John T. Jamieson, independent scholar


David Walsh, Catholic University of America
William Thompson-Uberuaga, Duquesne University (emeritus)


Panel 6. Is there a Clash of Civilizations?  Geopolitics and Globalization. Roundtable      

Chair: Greg Russell, University of Oklahoma


Tim Lomperis, Saint Louis University
Michael Desch, Notre Dame University
Peter von Sivers, University of Utah
David Clinton, Baylor University
Dan Lang, Lynchburg College
Greg Russell, University of Oklahoma


Panel 7. What does mass man do with his soul?  Popular arts in democracies                                        

Chair: Charles R. Embry, Texas A & M University Commerce (emeritus)


The Original Port Huron Statement: The Big Lebowski and the Religion of Laughter
Alan Baily, Stephen F. Austin State University

Lord of the Rings: Mythopoesis, Heroism, and Providence
Tom McPartland, Kentucky State University

Justice and the Western Perception of Dostoevsky: Woody Allen’s Crimes and Misdemeanors and Match Point Michal Kuz, Louisiana State University

Doing What Comes Unnaturally: The Gnostic Zombie in Robert Kirkman’s The Walking Dead
Peter Y. Paik, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee


Timothy Hoye, Texas Woman’s University
Rodney Kilcup (retired)


Panel 8. Realism in Political Philosophy                                

Chair: Matthias Riedl, Central European University


Spiritual Realism, Phenomenalism and the Current Crisis Discourse
Jürgen Gebhardt, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (emeritus)

A Renaissance of Realism? Recent Contributions to the Realist Tradition in Political Philosophy
Hans-Jörg Sigwart, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

Hobbes and Spinoza. The Realist Reaction to Religious Warfare
Maxwell Staley, University of California, Berkeley

Rousseau in the Philosophy of Eric Voegelin
Carolina Armenteros, University of Groningen


Peter Brickey LeQuire, University of Chicago
Michael A. Gillespie, Duke University


Panel 9. Voegelin and Personalism                                                                                                                    

Chair: David Walsh, Catholic University of America


Karol Wojtyla’s personalism and Kantian idealism: Parallel Avenues of Reason within the Tension towards the Ground of Existence
Gustavo Santos, Catholic University of America

The Primacy of the Personal in Kant and Voegelin
Steven F. McGuire, Eastern University

The Concept of the Person in Eric Voegelin’s Early Philosophy (1922-1934)
William Petropulos, Eric Voegelin Archiv–Munich

Lonergan’s Voegelin: Why Voegelin Is and is Not an Existentialist
Sarah Shea, McGill University


John von Heyking, University of Lethbridge
Athanasios Moulakis, American University in Iraq
Panel 10.  Perspectives on the Crisis of Modernity                                                                                               

Chair: Sylvie Courtine-Denamy, Centre de Recherches en philosophie politique. Sciences Politiques (CEVIPOF)–Paris


Hunting the Devils: Eric Voegelin and Simone Weil
Sylvie Courtine-Denamy, Centre de Recherches en  philosophie politique. Sciences Politiques–Paris

Modernity and secularisation in The Legitimacy of the Modern Age of Hans Blumenberg
Thierry Gontier, University of Lyon

Voegelin and Arendt Religion and Politics
Robert Virdis, McMaster Univrsity

On the Centrality of the Jewish Experience in the Political Theory of Hannah Arendt
Jennifer Richard, Louisiana State University


Dan Larabie, University of Calgary
David Walsh, Catholic University of America
Henrik Syse, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)


Panel 11. A Republic if You can Keep it: Constitutionalism in Crisis? Roundtable                                    

Chair: James R. Stoner, Louisiana State University


Hadley Arkes, Amherst College
Matthew Franck, Witherspoon Institute
Ralph Rossum, Claremont McKenna College
James Stoner, Louisiana State University
David C. Brown, Loyola University of New Orleans


Panel 12. Voegelin Studies and East Asian Politics: The Silent Brush–Politics & Art in China             

Chair: Paul Caringella, Hoover Institution Stanford


Calligraphy as Restoration of Meaning
Jiang Li Qun, Jiang Su Technology and Science University

The Silent Brush
S. Barret Dolph, Zhen Jiang Culture Center

The Reception of Hannah Arendt in China Today
Benjamin Li, Jian Su University


Timothy J. Lomperis, Saint Louis University
Eugene F. Webb, University of Washington
Zhang Xu-Rui, JingNan Morning Newspaper
Jiang Tiang, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics