Eric Voegelin Society Meeting 2009

Toronto, ON , Canada, Sept. 3-6, 2009

105th APSA Annual Meeting, 25th EVS Annual International Meeting

Organizer: Ellis Sandoz, Louisiana State University

Posted by permission of the respective authors. Copyright 2009. 

All rights reserved.


Program Summary

Panel 1. Mysticism and Politics in Voegelin’s Philosophy

Panel 2. Conscience, Expression & Liberty: Pitfalls of Political Correctness–Roundtable

Panel 3. Voegelin and the Ancients

Panel 4. Voegelin’s The Form of the American Mind and American Pragmatism as a Significant Contribution to World Philosophy

Panel 5. Voegelin’s The Political Religions After 70 years

Panel 6. Assessing Voegelin’s Critique of Hegel

Panel 7. Revisiting Reinhold Niebuhr in the 21st Century

Panel 8. Anamnetic Literature

Panel 9. Theorists, Theologians, and Littérateurs: Evil and Modern Political Thought

Panel 10. Voegelin in Toronto, the DVD: Reflections on the 1978 York University “Hermeneutics and Structuralism” Conference–Roundtable

Panel 11. The Primacy of Persons in Politics: Empiricism and Theory

Panel 12. The Languages of Political Order: Experience and Symbolization in Non-Western Modes of Thought

Panel 13. The Modern Philosophical Revolution: The Luminosity of Existence–Roundtable


PROGRAM DETAIL – 13 panels

Panel 1.   Mysticism and Politics in Voegelin’s Philosophy

Chair: Ellis Sandoz, Louisiana State University


“James’ Pure Experience and the Creative Potential of the Metaxy”  Macon Boczek , Kent State

Joachim of Fiore and Gnosticism – Matthias Riedl, Central European University–Budapest

How far is it from Voegelin’s reflective distance to mysticism?  Peter von Sivers, University of Utah

What Is Philosophy? Reflections on Plato and the Voegelin – Strauss Impasse  Henrik Syse, International Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)

Basil of Caesarea on Christian Discernment in the Light of Eric Voegelin’s Principles – Anne G. Keidel, Boston College


Glenn Hughes, St. Mary’s University–San Antonio

William Petropulos, Eric Voegelin Archiv–Munich


Panel 2.   Conscience, Expression & Liberty: Pitfalls of Political Correctness–Roundtable

Chair: Barry Cooper, University of Calgary


Jodi Bruhn, Institute on Governance

John von Heyking, University of Lethbridge

Robert P. George, Princeton University

Travis D. Smith, Concordia University


Panel 3: Voegelin and the Ancients

Chair: Paul Caringella, Hoover Institution–Stanford University


Harmony and Justice in Plato’s Republic  Richard Avramenko, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Voegelin’s Reading of Plato’s Philebus  Bernat Torres Morales, University of Barcelona & Co-author: Josep Monserrat Molas, University of Barcelona

Aristophanic Themes in the Republic  Zdravko Planinc, McMaster University

Voegelin on Aristotle’s “Science of the Polis”– Jacqueline Pfeffer Merrill, Independent Scholar


Ronald Srigley, ThorneloeUniversity

Timothy Fuller, Colorado College


Panel 4. Voegelin’s The Form of the American Mind and American Pragmatism as a Significant Contribution to World Philosophy.  

Chair: Macon Boczek, Kent State University


The American Open Self: Exploring Voegelin’s Experience of Peircian Philosophy – Clancy Smith, Duquesne University

Science and Paradox: Peirce and Voegelin on the Practice of Language amid God, Man, World, and Society – Rhydon Jackson, Independent Scholar

“Two Pragmatic Moral Universes: James vs. Dewey and Rorty” – Scott Segrest, United States Military Academy at West Point


Macon Boczek, Department of Philosophy, Kent State University

Steve Ealy, Liberty Fund, Inc.

Thomas J. McPartland, Kentucky State University


Panel. 5. Voegelin’s The Political Religions After 70 Years

Chair:   Matthias Riedl, Central European University–Budapest


Interpreting Secularity: Taylor and Voegelin– Rodney Kilcup, Linfield College (emeritus)

From “political theology” to political religion”: Voegelin and Carl Schmitt – Thierry Gontier, University of Lyon

Fascism as Political Religion: The case of the Romanian Iron Guard – Ionut Biliuta, Oxford University


Peter Brickey LeQuire, University of Chicago


Panel 6. Assessing Voegelin’s Critique of Hegel

Chair:   Timothy Fuller, Colorado College


Decrypt: Voegelin and Kojeve’s Hegel  Barry Cooper, U. of Calgary

Reflections on Hegel’s Philosophy of Right – Timothy Fuller, Colorado College

History as Freedom? Voegelin’s Hegel – Horst Mewes, University of Colorado–Boulder

Hegel Today – Cyril O’Regan, University of Notre Dame

Understanding the Revolution in Philosophy – David Walsh, Catholic University of America


Harald Bergbauer, Munich School of Politics

Michael Gillespie, Duke University


Panel 7. Revisiting Reinhold Niebuhr in the 21st Century

Chair: Greg Russell, University of Oklahoma


A Fire in their Minds: Christian Realism and Democracy Promotion  Eric Patterson, Georgetown University

Pilgrims’ Progress: The Disenchanted Destinations of Reinhold Niebuhr and Raymond Aron  Reed Davis, Seattle Pacific University

Reinhold Niebuhr on Tragedy, Irony and Politics– Daniel G. Lang, Lynchburg College

Niebuhr’s Christian Realism and Dewey’s Pragmatism: The Faith Experience – Vibeke Schou Tjalve, Danish Institute For Military Studies


David Mayers, Boston College

David Clinton, Baylor University


Panel 8. Anamnetic Literature

Chair: Charles Embry, Texas A&M University–Commerce (emeritus)


A Heaven-Gram for World Politics: Hillesum, Heschel and Rilke rescuing God in exile – Meins Coetsier,Ghent University EHOC

“Cruciform Logic:” Mastering the Present in J. M. Coetzee’s Age of Iron – Polly Detels, Texas A & M University-Commerce

W.B. Yeats and the Formation of the National Consciousness – Patrick Dowdall, Independent Scholar

Anamnesis in the Work of Stefan George – William Petropulos, Eric Voegelin Archiv–Munich  

The Persistence of Symbol and Sacrament in Albert Camus – Matthew Connell, Louisiana State University


David Palmieri, Auburn University

Ron Srigley, Laurentian University


Panel 9.   Theorists, Theologians, and Littérateurs: Evil and Modern Political Thought

Chair:     Martin Palous, Charles University


Brutality, Vulgarity, and Evil in Chekhov’s Three Sisters – Lee Trepanier, Saginaw Valley State University

F.W.J. Schelling on the Metaphysics of Evil – Steven F. McGuire, Catholic University of America

Reinhold Niebuhr, Modernity, and the Problem of Evil: Towards a Politics of Hope – Matthew Sitman, Georgetown University

Psychologists of Evil: Nietzsche and Dostoevsky on the Darkness of the Soul – Rouven Steeves, United States Air Force Academy

Voegelin’s Nietzsche: Overcoming the Problem of Evil in Zarathustra – Sarah Shea, McGill University


Michael Henry, St. John’s University

Paul Corey, Humber College


Panel 10.   Voegelin in Toronto, the DVD: Reflections on the 1978 York University “Hermeneutics and Structuralism” Conference–ROUNDTABLE

Chair: Zdravko Planinc, McMaster University


Barry Cooper, University of Calgary

Joseph Gonda, York University – Glendon Campus

Frederick Lawrence, Boston College

John O’Neill, York University


Panel 11. The Primacy of Persons in Politics: Empiricism and Theory

Chair: Thomas Heilke, University of Kansas


Can Politics be Creative? Theory and Empirical Evidence  Thomas Heilke, University of Kansas

Friendship as Precondition and Consequence of Creativity in Politics – John von Heyking, University of Lethbridge

The Hidden Power for the Creation of Order – Peter Nitschke, Hochschule Vechta

The true form of a government: The constitutional movements of power – Tilo Schabert, University of Erlangen


Panel 12. The Languages of Political Order: Experience and Symbolization in Non-Western Modes of Thought

Chair:   Timothy Hoye, Texas Woman’s University


Place and Identity in Palestinian Literature:Susan Abulhawa’s The Scar of David  Samah Elhajibrahim, Texas Woman’s University

Styles of Truth in Gao Xingjian’s Soul Mountain   Timothy Hoye, Texas Woman’s University

Religion and Politics in the Constitutions of Japan – Kyoko Inoue, University of Illinois, Chicago (Emerita)

“The Geopolitics of the Two Koreas and the United States Seen through the North Korean Nuclear Issue”– Yu Nam Kim, Dankook University (Emeritus)


Paul Kiparsky, Stanford University

Thomas J. McPartland, Kentucky State University

John Robert “Haj” Ross, University of North Texas


Panel 13. The Modern Philosophical Revolution: The Luminosity of Existence–Roundtable


Chair: Michael Franz, Loyola College of Maryland


Thomas Heilke, University of Kansas

Glenn Hughes, St. Mary’s University–San Antonio

Henrik Syse, Int’l Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)

Rouven J. Steeves, USAF Academy

Respondent: David Walsh, Catholic University of America