Eric Voegelin Society Meeting 2004

Chicago, IL , September 2-5, 2004

100th APSA Annual Meeting, 20th EVS Annual International Meeting

Organizer: Ellis Sandoz , Louisiana State University

Posted by permission of the respective authors. Copyright 2004. 

All rights reserved.


Program Summary  

Panel 1. Time of the Tale: Being in Flux and Modern Literature

Panel 2. Eric Voegelin on Literary and Artistic Symbols

Panel 3. The Modern State and Conceptions of Friendship

Panel 4. Roundtable on the State of Political Science and Philosophy at Mid-Century: The Correspondence of Eric Voegelin, Leo Strauss, and Willmoore Kendall

Panel 5. Roundtable on Eric Voegelin as Master Teacher [Co-sponsored by Sec. 9-4 of APSA Program]

Panel 6. Questions of Transcendence in Political Philosophy

Panel 7. Eric Voegelin and Post-Modern Thought


Program Detail – 7 panels

Panel 1. Time of the Tale: Being in Flux and Modern Literature


Chair:   Charles R. Embry, Texas A & M University—Commerce




“Recovering ‘The Time of the Tale’ in J.M. Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians” – Polly Detels, Texas A &M University–Commerce


“History, Choice, and Reflection in Robert Penn Warren’s Americana Trilogy – Steven D. Ealy, Liberty Fund, Inc.


“The Literary Criticism of Eric Voegelin in his Correspondence with Robert B. Heilman” – Charles R. Embry, Texas A & M University–Commerce


“Politics, Philosophy, and Myth in Natsume Soseki’s First Trilogy” – Timothy Hoye, Texas Woman’s University


“Eric Voegelin’s Analysis of Spiritual Deformation and Robert Musil’s The Man Without Qualities” – T. John Jamieson, Independent Scholar




Michael Franz, Loyola College of Maryland

Michael Henry, St. Vincent’s College, St. John’s University (Jamaica, N.Y.)



Panel 2. Eric Voegelin on Literary and Artistic Symbols  


Chair: Glenn Hughes, St. Mary’s University (San Antonio)




“Eric Voegelin, Martha Nussbaum, and Literary Art”  – Paulette Kidder, Seattle University


“The Philosopher and the Literary Critic: Eric Voegelin & Northrop Frye” – David Palmieri, University of Montreal


“Artistic Symbols and Life in the Metaxy” – Glenn Hughes, St. Mary’s University (San Antonio)




Thomas J. McPartland, Whitney Young College, Kentucky State University

David Walsh, Catholic University of America



Panel 3. The Modern State and Conceptions of Friendship


Chair: Joshua Mitchell, Georgetown University




“Friendship with God as Civic Virtue: A Reformation Absence”– Thomas Heilke, University of Kansas


“Hobbes On Getting By With Little Help From Friends” – Travis D. Smith, Harvard University


“Zarathustra and his Asinine Friends: A Study of Post-modern, Post-liberal Friendship”   Richard Avramenko, Georgetown University
“Friendship, Trust, and Political Order” – Jürgen Gebhardt, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg




Mark T. Mitchell, Patrick Henry College

John von Heyking, University of Lethbridge

Jeremy Mhire, Louisiana State University


Panel 4. Roundtable on the State of Political Science and Philosophy at Mid-Century: The Correspondence of Eric Voegelin, Leo Strauss, and Willmoore Kendall


Chair:  Steven D. Ealy, Liberty Fund, Inc




John E. Alvis, University of Dallas

Barry Cooper, University of Calgary

Gordon Lloyd, Pepperdine University

John A. Murley, Rochester Institute of Technology




Panel 5. Roundtable on Eric Voegelin as Master Teacher [Co-sponsored by Sec. 9-4 of APSA Program]


Chair: Barry Cooper, University of Calgary




Tilo Schabert, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg

Ellis Sandoz, Louisiana State University

Thomas A. Hollweck, University of Colorado–Boulder

Frederick Wagner, Attorney-at-Law

Athanasios Moulakis, University of Lugano

Brendan Purcell, University College Dublin



Panel 6. Questions of Transcendence in Political Philosophy  

Chair: Michael Franz, Loyola College of Maryland




“Cognitive and Existential Truth in Voegelin’s Theory of Governance” – William Petropulos, University of Munich


“A Mode of Experience: Voegelin’s Herrschaftslehre [Theory of Governance]” – Hans-Joerg Sigwart, University of Erlangen-Nuernberg


“A Voegelinian Reading of Pope John Paul II’s Fides et Ratio”– Celestino Perez, Jr., United States Military Academy


“The God-Question: Does It Have a Political Future?” – Thomas Hollweck, University of Colorado-Boulder




Gilbert Weiss, University of Vienna

Matthias Riedl, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg



Panel 7. Eric Voegelin and Post-Modern Thought


Chair: Horst Mewes, University of Colorado–Boulder



“Totality and Ambivalence: Postmodern Responses to Globalization and the American Empire” – Paul Corey, McMaster University


“The People Could Fly: Existence Between Remembering and Oblivion in Thomas Pynchon and Toni Morrison” – Margaret Hrezo, Radford University


“Comparisons and Contrasts of Postmodern Thought in Voegelin and Levinas” – Oona Eisenstadt, Pomona College


“Ethics and Natural Law in Eric Voegelin’s Anamnesis” – Henrik Syse, Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO)


“History, Consciousness, and Method in Voegelin and Foucault” – Lee Trepanier, Southern Utah University




John David Baltes, University of Virginia

James L. Wiser, University of San Francisco