"Odyssey, Skepticism, Tragedy, Mystery: A Symposium on the Work of Michelle Zerba"
Friday, March 7, 2025
Hill Memorial Library Lecture Hall
11am-11:30am Welcome and introductory remarks
11:30am-12:20pm Odysseys: A Conversation
Drew Lamonica Arms
Evan Leonhard
12:20-12:30pm Break; refreshments served
12:30pm-1:20pm Skepticism: A Conversation
Suzanne Marchand
Golden G. Richard III
Inessa Bazayev
1:20pm-1:30pm Break
1:30pm-2:20pm Tragedy & Mystery
James Stoner
Joshua Allbright
Victoria Pfeifer
2:20-2:30pm Break
2:30-3pm Thoughts, reflections, reminiscences
Mary Sirridge (Zoom)
Liga Pavlovska
Alyssa Anders (video)
Elsa Hahne
Brad Storin (video)
Sue Weinstein
Mattie Worsham Thompson (video)
Joshua Thompson
3pm Cake-cutting: Jonathan Earle
3pm-4pm Music and mingling
4pm-5pm Reading of The Bacchae
Chris Barrett
Drew Lamonica Arms
Elsa Hahne
James Stoner
Suzanne Marchand
Golden Richard
Joshua Allbright
David Nee
Rhett Barker
Daniel Goldsmith
Bella Spano
Maddie Jackson
Madalaine Dupree
Special thanks to sponsors the Eric Voegelin Institute, the LSU Department of English,
Inessa Bazayev, and Suzanne Marchand. Special thanks to Maddie Jackson for the choral
masks.Special thanks to Laura Fernandez for organizational assistance.