Image of dollar bill with images of Tocqueville, Jefferson, Lincoln, Obama, and Trump; and information also on the page below

SPRING CONFERENCE 2025: "Presidential Democracy in America"


Friday, April 11 (Sternberg Salon, French House/LSU Ogden Honors College)

3:30 – 5:00 pm, Keynote Lecture: Jean Yarbrough, Bowdoin College, “Tocqueville's Democracy in America in Presidential Perspective”

5:00 pm, Reception


Saturday, April 12, (218 French House/LsU Ogden Honors College)

10:00 – 11:15 am, Panel One: Nineteenth-Century Presidentialism

Cynthia Ma, “Jefferson”

John Bardes, “Lincoln”

11:15 – 11:30 am, coffee break

11:30 am – 12:45 pm, Panel Two: Twnety-first-Century Presidentialism

Albert Samuels, “Obama”

Philip de Mahy, “Trump”

12:45 – 1:45 pm, lunch

1:45 – 3:00 pm, Panel Three: Jean Yarbrough, “Recap: Presidential Democracy in America”


On behalf of the Eric Voegelin Institute, I’m very pleased to announce a faculty-student conference at Louisiana State University on Friday, April 11 and Saturday, April 12: “Presidential Democracy in America”  

We begin Friday afternoon at 3:30 pm with a keynote lecture by Jean Yarbrough, Gary M. Pendy, Sr., Professor of Social Sciences at Bowdoin College.  Author of books on Jefferson and Theodore Roosevelt, Dr. Yarbrough is author as well of many articles on American political thought and American presidents.

Dr. Yarbrough’s lecture will be held in the Sternberg Salon of the French House on the LSU campus, and a reception will follow.  The lecture will be available live via Zoom as well.

On Saturday we will have three sessions, with discussions led by faculty panelists, focusing on different presidents.  Panels will begin at 10:00 am and will conclude at 3:00 pm. Panelists will include John Bardes, Assistant Professor of History at LSU; Philip de Mahy, Professor of Practice, Tulane University; Cynthia Ma, Gaisman Predoctoral Fellow in Philosophy, Tulane University; and Albert Samuels, Professor of Political Science, Southern University.  Panels will be held in French House 218, home of the LSU Ogden Honors College.   Lunch will be served to all who register.

For more information, contact James Stoner,