William B. Allen, “Proclaiming Emancipation: How Washington and Lincoln Prepared the End of Slavery in America”
After a technical glitch, the host introduced William Allen:
William B. Allen, is Dean Emeritus of James Madison College and Professor Emeritus
of Political Science at Michigan State. He has served as both member and chairman
of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights and as a Kellogg National Fellow, a Fulbright
Fellow, a visiting fellow in the James Madison Program at Princeton University and
the Matthew J. Ryan Center at Villanova University, and a visiting scholar at the
University of Colorado. Allen edited George Washington: A Collection and authored George Washington: America’s First Progressive, Rethinking Uncle Tom: The Political Philosophy of H.B. Stowe, and numerous other books and essays, including a series of lectures on The Federalist first delivered in Baton Rouge.
The recording began then: VIDEO