CONFERENCE: “Reason and Revolution!” (April 9-10, 2021)
Friday, April 9, (Sternberg Salon, French House/ Honors College)
3:30 -5:00 pm, Keynote Lecture: Bryan-Paul Frost, “Alexis de Tocqueville on Revolution”
5:00 pm, Crawfish Reception
Saturday, April 10, (Sternberg Salon, French House/ Honors College)
10:00 – 11:15 am, Panel One: Gabrielle Stanton Ray & Albert Samuels, “Exceptional Revolutions?”
11:15 – 11:30 am, coffee break
11:30 am – 12:45 pm, Panel Two: Andrea Conque & Jeremy Mhire, “Radical Revolutions?”
12:45 – 1:45 pm, lunch
1:45 – 3:00 pm, Panel Three: Bryan-Paul Frost, “Recap: Reason and Revolution”
On behalf of the Eric Voegelin Institute (and our co-sponsor: the Intercollegiate Studies Institute), I’m very pleased to announce a student conference at Louisiana State University on Friday, April 9 and Saturday, April 10: “Reason and Revolution: a conference on philosophy, politics, and economics.” Postponed from last year because of the pandemic, the conference will proceed observing LSU protocols, requiring the wearing of masks at the conference venue. Sessions will be available live via Zoom (see registration links below).
We begin Friday afternoon at 3:30 pm with a keynote lecture by Bryan-Paul Frost, Elias “Bo” Ackal, Jr./BORSF Endowed Professor of Political Science at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. A graduate of St. John’s College in Santa Fe who earned his PhD at the University of Toronto, Dr. Frost is the co-translator, contributor and/or co-editor of five books, including most recently Philosophy, History and Tyranny: Reexamining the Debate between Leo Strauss and Alexandre Kojève (with Timothy W. Burns, Baylor University; SUNY Press 2016) and The Political Theory of Aristophanes: Explorations in Poetic Wisdom (with Jeremy J. Mhire, LA Tech; SUNY Press, 2013). His lecture will be held in the Sternberg Salon of the French House on the LSU campus, home of the Ogden Honors College, and an outdoor crawfish boil reception will follow.
On Saturday we will have three sessions, with discussions led by faculty panelists, focusing on classic texts that have explored our theme. Panels will begin at 10:00 am and will conclude at 3:00 pm. Panelists include: Andrea Conque, Instructor of Philosophy, University of Louisiana Lafayette; Jeremy Mhire, Joe D. Waggoner Professor of Political Science, Louisiana Tech University; Gabrielle Stanton Ray, PhD candidate in Philosophy, Tulane University; and Albert Samuels, Professor and Chair of Political Science, Southern University. Panels will be held at the French House, home of the LSU Ogden Honors College. A box lunch will be served.
The conference is open to undergraduate and graduate students and faculty from any university in the region. Because of Covid restrictions, you must pre-register to attend by filling out the forms above. For additional information, feel free to contact me at or call the number below.
Parking is available on the LSU campus in the lot behind the Visitor’s Center at the corner of Highland and Dalrymple; also, there should be room in the garage attached to the Barnes and Noble bookstore. (On Saturday, you should be able to park on the streets if you prefer.)
We hope you can join us for what we anticipate will be a lively and enlightening couple days.
Department of Political Science
214 Stubbs Hall
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-5433 USA
o: 225.578.2538