Illustrated Manuscripts

  • The Book of Kells online through Trinity College Dublin; open access to each page of the manuscript and their images.
  • British Library—open access to one of the richest collections in the world of medieval and renaissance illuminated manscripts; catalogue descriptions and visual images, searchable; includes extensive bibliography of scholarship.
  • The Cambridge Illuminations: virtual exhibition – a representative selection of images from some of the most sumptuous manuscripts displayed in the Cambridge Illuminations exhibition (Fitzwilliam Museum, 26 July – 30 December 2005); includes flash animation of how manuscripts are made
  • PhiloBiblon – a bio-bibliographical database of early texts produced in the Iberian Peninsula. Contains links to the Bibliografía Española de TextosAntiguos (BETA), Bibliografia de TextosAntigosGalegos e Portugueses (BITAGAP), and Bibliografia de Textos Catalans Antics (BITECA).