Church History and Liturgy

  • Anglo-Saxon Penitentials – a database of all the vernacular penitentials that survive from Anglo-Saxon England
  • Dictionnaired’histoire et de géographieecclésiastiques – provides a historical notice on any personage, institution or place linked to Church history; available in print at LSU’s Middleton Library (Main Collection); subscription required through Brepols to access electronically
  • Europa Sacra – offers coverage of medieval Church prelates, information on all 1300 medieval bishoprics, archdioceses and patriarchates under obedience to Rome. As of 2003, it provides prosopographical information on 18,507 bishops, archbishops and patriarchs. Gradually more recent prosopographical works on members of religious orders and data on secular clergy supplied by nationally-based prosopographical projects will be added; subscription required through Brepols