Bibliographical Indexes in Art History
Art History Resources on the Web, Sweet Briar College – links to both Medieval and Renaissance art sites
Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) – available through LSU; open access
Getty Center for research in medieval art – Open access to bibliography and published articles without cost; searchable.
Getty Research Portal is an online search platform providing global access to digitized art history texts. Through this multilingual, multicultural union catalog, scholars can search and download complete digital copies of publications for the study of art, architecture, material culture, and related fields. Open Access. Free.
Historians of Islamic Art — partial access without cost to bibliography and resources in Islamic art, architecture, and archeology. Subscription required for full access.
- The Index of Medieval Art, Princeton
International Bibliography of Art (IBA) – takes over the listing of publications from Bibliography of the History of Art (BHA) beginning with the year 2007. But IBA is now hosted by Proquest, and access is restricted to registered users. LSU users have access through a PAWS account.