Bibliography of Bibliographies

  • Archives de littérature du MoyenÂge (ARLIMA) – a bibliographic website on medieval texts and authors, mostly in French, but Latin and other western European languages are not excluded

  • Analytic Bibliography of online Neo-Latin Texts, UC Irvine– open access. Analytic bibliography of Latin texts written during the Renaissance and later. Currently contains 44,770 records

  • L’Annéephilologique, SociétéInternationale de BibliographieClassique – subscription required; several volumes appear to be available in print at LSU Middleton Library (Reference section); a specialized bibliographic database of scholarly works relating to all aspects of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations 

  • Bibliographie de Civilisation Médiévale, Université de Poitiers– subscription required; provides a comprehensive current bibliography of monographs worldwide and listings of miscellany volumes; current coverage comprises 40,000 titles from 1958-2003

  • Book Review Index, University of Toronto – subscription required

  • British Library Catalogues, free and open service for searching the nearly 57 million records held in the major Reference and Document Supply collections of the British Library. An irreplaceable resource for research bibliography.

  • Chaucer Bibliography Online  Open access. The Chaucer Bibliography Online is supported by The University of Texas at San Antonio Library and The New Chaucer Society. This bibliography includes Chaucer studies from 1975 until the present; and each entry is annotated briefly.

  • Digital Atlas of Roman and Medieval Civilizations (DARMC) – makes freely available on the internet the best available materials for a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) approach to mapping and spatial analysis of the Roman and medieval worlds. DARMC allows innovative spatial and temporal analyses of all aspects of the civilizations of western Eurasia in the first 1500 years of our era, as well as the generation of original maps illustrating differing aspects of ancient and medieval civilization
  • Dissertation Abstracts

  • Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index, University of Iowa libraries – open access; covers journal articles, book reviews, and essays in books about women, sexuality, and gender during the Middle Ages

  • Google Books, search the Google index of books throughout the world. Open access to millions of books. Online downloads. Free.

  • International Medieval Bibliography (IMB), University of Leeds – select issues available in print at LSU Middleton Library (Main Collection); subscription required for electronic access. Major index to medieval studies (c. 400-1500) that includes citations to articles in approximately 4,500 journals and “miscellany” volumes, such as conference proceedings, essay collections and Festschriften

  • The Internet Archive. A digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts. Provides free access to materials online and in PDF, EPUB, Kindle, Daisy, HTML, and DjVu formats.
  • JURN – a curated academic search-engine indexing 4,484 free e-journals in the arts and humanities

  • Library of Congress Catalogue (United States), free and open service for searching the 15 million records for books, serials, manuscripts, maps, music, recordings, images, and electronic resources in the Library of Congress collections.  Essential resource for research bibliography.

  • Medieval Sources Bibliography – provides detailed information about modern editions, both in print and online, of medieval primary sources

  • MLA Directory of Periodicals – available with an LSU PAWS account

  • MLA International Bibliography (Modern Language Association) available with an LSU PAWS account.

  • Oxford Bibliographies in Medieval Studies – subscription required

  • RegestaImperii Online/RI-Opac –within the context of the project RegestaImperii Online, the RI-Opac is both an online bibliography of the literature quoted in RI publications and a freely accessible, comprehensive database for historical research; one of the system’s main goals is the in-depth recording of non-independently published literature, such as essays and proceedings; site is mostly in German