Societies and Associations

  • Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English
  • Digital Medievalist (DM). The Digital Medievalist Project is an international web-based Community of Practice for medievalists working with digital media. Established in 2003 to help scholars who work on/design contemporary digital projects
  • English Heritage. Organization that maintains a number of key medieval sites in Britain. Includes portal to English National Monuments Record
  • International Medieval Society, Paris.A non-profit association that welcomes international scholars of the Middle Ages in France and promotes international exchange with French colleagues. IMS organizes monthly apéritifs in which scholars present their research projects for discussion as well as an annual three-day international symposium on a designated theme every June Numerous online resources include, but are not limited to:
  • International Society for the History of Rhetoric — promotes study of rhetoric in all periods and languages. Open and free access online to rhetorical texts.  Access to the publication of the Society, by subscription.
  • Medieval Academy of America. A vital institution of world-wide reputation for the study of medieval civilization. This link to the home page of the Medieval Academy includes descriptions and links to all of its functions
  • North American Institute for Living Latin Studies. SALVI’s mission is to propagate communicative approaches to Latin language acquisition, making the entire Classical tradition of Western culture more available to—and enjoyable for—students, teachers, and the general public
  • Society for Medieval Feminist Scholarship – promotes study of the patristic, medieval, and early modern periods from the perspective of women and gender. Open and free access
  • TEAMS (The Consortium for the Teaching of the Middle Ages). Open access; independent nonprofit educational corporation whose mission continues to be the support of teaching in medieval studies at the undergraduate, secondary, and elementary school level through the provision of resources and the sharing of techniques