Publications | David Chicoine



*Chicoine, D. & D. Nichols. Embedding Ancient Maya Economies: Breaking Binaries in a Post-Polanyian World. In Ancient Maya Embedded Economies edited by B. Cap & R. Horowitz. University Press of Colorado, Boulder, CO.

Chicoine, D. & M. Helmer. Real, Imagined, Vibrant: Ruins-as-Cemeteries in Ancient Coastal Peru. In Space and Communal Agency in Pre-Modern Societies, edited by J.C. Moreno García. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Ancient Societies vol. 5. Oxbow Books, Oxford.

*Chicoine, D. & M. Helmer. (2024) Spatial Clustering, Focal Nodes and Neighborhood Organization in Early Horizon Peru: Comparative Perspectives from Caylán and Samanco, Nepeña Valley. In Neighborhood and District Integration in the Andes and Mesoamerica, edited by G. Cervantes Quequezana & J.P. Walden, pp. 171-192. Center for Comparative Archaeology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

*Golay Lausanne, K., D. Chicoine, J. Navarro & G.F. Lau. (2024) Aerial, Surface, and Subsurface Multimodal Mapping in Coastal Peru: Insights from Cerro San Isidro, Moro Region, Nepeña Valley. Advances in Archaeological Practice 12 (2): 143-155.

*Chicoine, D., H. Ikehara & K. Shibata. (2023) Beyond Chavín: The Millennium BC in the Nepeña Valley. In Reconsidering the Chavín Phenomenon in the Twenty-First Century, edited by R.L. Burger & J. Nesbitt, pp. 207-236. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.

*Lau, G.F., M. Luján Dávila, J. Bongers & D. Chicoine. (2023) The Rise of Native Lordships at Pashash, A.D. 200–600, North Highlands of Ancash, Peru. Journal of Field Archaeology 48 (1): 36-54.

Chicoine, D. & J. Navarro. (2023) Informe técnico de los trabajos de campo del Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológica Cerro San Isidro, Valle de Nepeña, Costa de Ancash -- Temporada 2022.  Field report submitted to the Ministerio de Cultura del Perú, Lima.

Chicoine, D. & J. Warner. (2022) Gathering Salinar Houses: Platforms-as-Assemblages in Ancient Coastal Peru. In From House Societies to States: Early Political Organization, from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, edited by J.C. Moreno García, pp. 195-217. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Ancient Societies vol. 3. Oxbow Books, Oxford.

Chicoine, D., B. Clement & L.S. Cummings. (2022) Plants and Diets in Early Horizon Coastal Peru: Macrofloral Remains from Rehydrated Fecal Samples at Caylán. Andean Past 13: 445-455.

Chicoine, D., V. Vásquez & T. Rosales. (2022) Taxonomic Analyses of the Vertebrate Faunal Remains at Caylán, Peru. Andean Past 13: 456-466.

*Chicoine, D. (2022) Enchantment in Ancient Peru: Salinar Period Murals and Architecture. World Art 12 (1): 67-94.

Chicoine, D. & J. Navarro. (2022) Datos preliminares de la temporada 2019 del Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológica Cerro San Isidro, Distrito de Moro, AncashActas del Congreso Nacional de Arqueología 7: 77-84.

*Warner, J., K. DeLong, D. Chicoine, K. Thirumalai & F. Andrus. (2022) Investigating the Influence of Temperature and Seawater δ18O on Donax obesulus (Reeve, 1854) Shell δ18O. Chemical Geology 588: 120638.

*Chicoine, D., H. Ikehara & J. Ortiz. (2021) Cercaduras and Domestic Urban Life in Early Horizon Nepeña, Coastal Ancash. In Ancient Households on the North Coast of Peru, edited by I. Johnson, D. Pacifico & R.E. Cutright, pp. 68-102. University Press of Colorado, Boulder, CO.

*Chicoine, D., C. McNabb & B. Clement. (2020) Commensality, Irrigation and Agrarian Entanglements in Early Horizon Nepeña, Coastal Peru. Americae: European Journal of Americanist Archaeology 5: 7-22.

*Sutherland, K., D. Chicoine, M. Helmer & H. Ikehara. (2020) Pots Speak Volumes: Commensal Politics and Kitchenwares in Early Horizon Nepeña, Peru. Ñawpa Pacha: Journal of Andean Archaeology 40 (1): 101-117.

*Chicoine, D., C. Rojas, V. Vásquez & T. Rosales. (2020) The Supply and Consumption of Marine Resources at the Inland Center of Caylán, Coastal Ancash. In Maritime Communities of the Ancient Andes, edited by G. Prieto & D.H. Sandweiss, p. 188-217. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL.

*Chicoine, D. (2020) Early Complex Society in South America, The Development of. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by C. Smith, pp. 1-11. Springer International Publishing, Cham (Switzerland).

*Chicoine, D. (2020) Archaeology and Geography. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by C. Smith, pp. 1-10. Springer International Publishing, Cham.

Chicoine, D. (2020) Clermont, Norman. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by C. Smith, pp.1-4. Springer International Publishing, Cham.

Chicoine, D. (2020) Murra, John. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by C. Smith, pp. 1-5. Springer International Publishing, Cham.

Chicoine, D. (2020) Proulx, Donald. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by C. Smith, pp. 1-4. Springer International Publishing, Cham.

Chicoine, D. (2020) Donnan, Christopher. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by C. Smith, pp. 1-4. Springer International Publishing, Cham.

Chicoine, D. & J. Navarro. (2020) Informe técnico de los trabajos de campo del Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológica Cerro San Isidro, Valle de Nepeña, Costa de Ancash -- Temporada 2019. Field report submitted to the Ministerio de Cultura del Perú, Lima.

*Chicoine, D. & A. Whitten. (2019) Gated Communities, Neighborhoods, and Modular Living at the Early Horizon Urban Center of Caylán, Peru. In Excavating Neighborhoods: A Cross-Cultural Exploration, edited by D. Pacifico & L. Truex. Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 30 (1): 84-99.

*Helmer, M., D. Chicoine, H. Ikehara, & K. Shibata. (2018) Plaza Settings and Public Interactions during the Formative Period in Nepeña, North-Central Coast of Peru. Americae: European Journal of Americanist Archaeology 3: 7-31

Chicoine, D. (2018) The Value of Things: Prehistoric to Contemporary Commodities in the Maya Region (edited by J.P. Mathews & T.H. Guderjan) [BOOK REVIEW]. Antiquity 92 (361): 255-256.

*Chicoine, D., H. Ikehara, K. Shibata & M. Helmer. (2017) Territoriality, Monumentality, and Religion in Formative Nepeña, Coastal Ancash. In Rituals of the Past: Prehispanic and Colonial Case Studies in Andean Archaeology, edited by S.A. Rosenfeld & S.L. Bautista, pp. 123-149. University Press of Colorado, Boulder, CO.

Chicoine, D. (2017) The Casma City of El Purgatorio: Ancient Urbanim in the Andes (by Melissa A. Vogel) [BOOK REVIEW]. Journal of Anthropological Research 73 (3): 548-549.

Chicoine, D. (2017) Ancient Urbanism and Complex Societies in the Peruvian Desert: Recent Field Research on the North and South Coasts [BOOK REVIEW ESSAY]. Antiquity 91 (358): 1098-1100.

Chicoine, D. (2017) Sacrifice, Violence, and Ideology among the Moche: The Rise of Social Complexity in Ancient Peru (by S. Bourget) [BOOK REVIEW]. Latin American Antiquity 29 (1): 164-165.

*Szpak, P., D. Chicoine, C.D. White, J.-F. Millaire, R. Parry & F.J. Longstaffe. (2016) Early Horizon Camelid Management in the Nepeña Valley, North-Central Coast of Peru. Environmental Archaeology: The Journal of Human Palaeoecology 21 (3): 230-245.

Chicoine, D. (2016) Mortuary Practices and Living-Dead Interactions: Recent Research in the Ancient Andes [BOOK REVIEW ESSAY]. Antiquity 90 (349): 249-251.

Chicoine, D., B. Clement & K. Stich. (2016) Macrobotanical Remains from the 2009 Season at Caylán: Preliminary Insights into Early Horizon Plant Use in Nepeña, North-Central Coast of Peru. Andean Past 12: 155-161.

*Chicoine, D. (2016) Ritual Strangulation in the Southern Moche World: Mortuary Ligatures as Tools of Liturgical Violation. In Ritual Violence in the Ancient Andes: Reconstructing Sacrifice on the North Coast of Peru, edited by H.D. Klaus & J.M. Toyne, pp. 97-119. University of Texas Press, Austin, TX.

*Helmer, M. & D. Chicoine. (2015) Neighbourhoods and Incipient Urbanism in the Nepeña Valley, North-Central Coast of Peru circa 500 BCE. Contributions in New World Archaeology: Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of the Jagiellonian University 9: 33-50.

*Helmer, M. & D. Chicoine. (2015) Seaside Life in Early Horizon Peru: Preliminary Insights from Samanco, Nepeña Valley. Journal of Field Archaeology 40 (6): 626-643.

*Chicoine, D. & H. Ikehara. (2014) Ancient Urban Life at the Early Horizon Center of Caylán, Peru. Journal of Field Archaeology 39 (4): 336-352.

*Chicoine, D. & C. Rojas. (2013) Shellfish Resources and Maritime Economy at Caylán, Coastal Ancash, Peru. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 8 (3): 336-360.

*Helmer, M. & D. Chicoine. (2013) Soundscapes and Community Organisation in Ancient Peru: Plaza Architecture at the Early Horizon Centre of Caylán. Antiquity 87 (335): 92-107.

*Helmer, M., D. Chicoine & H. Ikehara. (2012) Plaza Life and Public Performance at the Early Horizon Center of Caylán, Nepeña Valley, Peru. Ñawpa Pacha: Journal of Andean Archaeology 32 (1): 85-114.

Chicoine, D. & C. Rojas. (2012) Marine Exploitation and Paleoenvironment as Viewed through Molluscan Resources at the Early Horizon Center of Huambacho, Coastal Ancash. Andean Past 10: 284-290.

Chicoine, D. (2012) Dating Garbage Deposition. In Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste: The Social Science of Garbage, edited by C.A. Zimring and W. Rathje, pp. 172-173. SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.

*Chicoine, D. (2011) Death and Religion in the Southern Moche Periphery: Funerary Practices at Huambacho, Nepeña Valley, Peru. Latin American Antiquity 22 (4): 525-548.

*Ikehara, H. & D. Chicoine. (2011) Hacia una reevaluación de Salinar desde la perspectiva del valle de Nepeña, costa de Ancash. In Arqueología de la Costa de Ancash (Andes: Boletín del Centro de Estudios Precolombinos de la Universidad de Varsovia 8), edited by M. Giersz & I. Ghezzi, pp. 153-184. Universidad de Warsaw, Institut Français d’Études Andines, Warsaw, and Lima.

*Chicoine, D. (2011) Feasting Landscapes and Political Economy at the Early Horizon Center of Huambacho, Nepeña Valley, Peru. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 30 (3): 432-453.

Chicoine, D. & H. Ikehara. (2011) Informe Técnico Final del Trabajo de Campo del Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológica Caylán (Temporada 2010). Field report submitted to the Ministerio de Cultura del Perú, Lima.

*Chicoine, D. (2010) Cronología y secuencias en Huambacho, valle de Nepeña, costa de Ancash. Boletín de Arqueología PUCP 12 (2008): 317-348.

*Chicoine, D. & H. Ikehara. (2010) Nuevas evidencias sobre el Formativo del valle de Nepeña: Resultados preliminares de la primera temporada de investigaciones en Caylán. Boletín de Arqueología PUCP 12 (2008): 349-370.

*Chicoine, D. (2010) Elite Strategies and Ritual Settings in Coastal Peru during the 1st Millennium BC. In Comparative Perspectives in the Archaeology of Coastal South America, edited by R. Cutright, E. López-Hurtado & A. Martin, pp. 191-212. Center for Comparative Archaeology, University of Pittsburgh, Fondo Editorial PUCP, Ministerio de Cultura del Ecuador, Pittsburgh, Lima, and Quito.

Chicoine, D. & H. Ikehara. (2009) Informe Técnico Final del Trabajo de Campo del Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológica Caylán (Temporada 2009). Field report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de Cultura del Perú, Lima.

*Chicoine, D. (2006) Early Horizon Architecture at Huambacho, Nepeña Valley, Peru. Journal of Field Archaeology 31 (1): 1-22.

Chicoine, D. & J. Navarro. (2005) Informe técnico de los trabajos de campo del Proyecto Arqueológico Huambacho-Temporada 2004. Field report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de la Cultura del Perú, Lima.

*Chapdelaine, C., V. Pimentel, G. Gagné, J. Gamboa, D. Regalado, & D. Chicoine. (2004) Nuevos datos sobre Huaca China, Valle del Santa, Perú. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Études Andines 33 (1): 55-80.

Chicoine, D. & V. Pimentel. (2004) Informe técnico de los trabajos de campo del Proyecto Arqueológico Huambacho-Temporada 2003. Field report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de la Cultura del Perú, Lima.

*Chicoine, D. (2001) Propagande et jeux politiques chez les Mayas de la période Classique. Altérités: revue d’anthropologie du contemporain 2: 1-26.