Chicoine, D. & D. Nichols. (n.d.) Embedding Ancient Maya Economies: Breaking Binaries in a Post-Polanyian World. In Ancient Maya Embedded Economies edited by B. Cap & R. Horowitz. University Press of Colorado, Boulder, CO.
Chicoine, D. & M. Helmer. (2025) Real, Imagined, Vibrant: Ruins-as-Cemeteries in Ancient Coastal
Peru. In Space and Communal Agency in Pre-Modern Societies, edited by J.C. Moreno
García, pp. 185-209. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Ancient Societies vol. 5. Oxbow Books, Oxford.
Lau, G.F. & D. Chicoine. (2025) Crowning Affairs: Sacred Sovereigns in the Pre-Columbian World. World Art 15 (Special issue “Sacred Sovereigns: Art, Divinity, Rulership in the Ancient Americas”).
Chicoine, D. & M. Helmer. (2024) Spatial Clustering, Focal Nodes and Neighborhood Organization in Early Horizon Peru: Comparative Perspectives from Caylán and Samanco, Nepeña Valley. In Neighborhood and District Integration in the Andes and Mesoamerica, edited by G. Cervantes Quequezana & J.P. Walden, pp. 171-192. Center for Comparative Archaeology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.
Golay Lausanne, K., D. Chicoine, J. Navarro & G.F. Lau. (2024) Aerial, Surface, and Subsurface Multimodal Mapping in Coastal Peru: Insights from Cerro San Isidro, Moro Region, Nepeña Valley. Advances in Archaeological Practice 12 (2): 143-155.
Chicoine, D., H. Ikehara & K. Shibata. (2023) Beyond Chavín: The Millennium BC in the Nepeña Valley. In Reconsidering the Chavín Phenomenon in the Twenty-First Century, edited by R.L. Burger & J. Nesbitt, pp. 207-236. Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA.
Lau, G.F., M. Luján Dávila, J. Bongers & D. Chicoine. (2023) The Rise of Native Lordships at Pashash, A.D. 200–600, North Highlands of Ancash,
Peru. Journal of Field Archaeology 48 (1): 36-54.
Chicoine, D. & J. Navarro. (2023) Informe técnico de los trabajos de campo del Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológica Cerro San Isidro, Valle de Nepeña, Costa de Ancash -- Temporada 2022. Field report submitted to the Ministerio de Cultura del Perú, Lima.
Chicoine, D. & J. Warner. (2022) Gathering Salinar Houses: Platforms-as-Assemblages in Ancient Coastal Peru. In From House Societies to States: Early Political Organization, from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, edited by J.C. Moreno García, pp. 195-217. Multidisciplinary Approaches to Ancient Societies vol. 3. Oxbow Books, Oxford.
Chicoine, D., B. Clement & L.S. Cummings. (2022) Plants and Diets in Early Horizon Coastal Peru: Macrofloral Remains from Rehydrated Fecal Samples at Caylán. Andean Past 13: 445-455.
Chicoine, D., V. Vásquez & T. Rosales. (2022) Taxonomic Analyses of the Vertebrate Faunal Remains at Caylán, Peru. Andean Past 13: 456-466.
Chicoine, D. (2022) Enchantment in Ancient Peru: Salinar Period Murals and Architecture. World Art 12 (1): 67-94.
Chicoine, D. & J. Navarro. (2022) Datos preliminares de la temporada 2019 del Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológica Cerro San Isidro, Distrito de Moro, Ancash. Actas del Congreso Nacional de Arqueología 7: 77-84.
Warner, J., K. DeLong, D. Chicoine, K. Thirumalai & F. Andrus. (2022) Investigating the Influence of Temperature and Seawater δ18O on Donax obesulus (Reeve, 1854) Shell δ18O. Chemical Geology 588: 120638.
Chicoine, D., H. Ikehara & J. Ortiz. (2021) Cercaduras and Domestic Urban Life in Early Horizon Nepeña, Coastal Ancash. In Ancient Households on the North Coast of Peru, edited by I. Johnson, D. Pacifico & R.E. Cutright, pp. 68-102. University Press of Colorado, Boulder, CO.
Chicoine, D., C. McNabb & B. Clement. (2020) Commensality, Irrigation and Agrarian Entanglements in Early Horizon Nepeña, Coastal Peru. Americae: European Journal of Americanist Archaeology 5: 7-22.
Sutherland, K., D. Chicoine, M. Helmer & H. Ikehara. (2020) Pots Speak Volumes: Commensal Politics and Kitchenwares in Early Horizon Nepeña, Peru. Ñawpa Pacha: Journal of Andean Archaeology 40 (1): 101-117.
Chicoine, D., C. Rojas, V. Vásquez & T. Rosales. (2020) The Supply and Consumption of Marine Resources at the Inland Center of Caylán, Coastal Ancash. In Maritime Communities of the Ancient Andes, edited by G. Prieto & D.H. Sandweiss, p. 188-217. University Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL.
Chicoine, D. (2020) Early Complex Society in South America, The Development of. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by C. Smith, pp. 1-11. Springer International Publishing, Cham (Switzerland).
Chicoine, D. (2020) Archaeology and Geography. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by C. Smith, pp. 1-10. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
Chicoine, D. (2020) Clermont, Norman. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by C. Smith, pp.1-4. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
Chicoine, D. (2020) Murra, John. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by C. Smith, pp. 1-5. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
Chicoine, D. (2020) Proulx, Donald. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by C. Smith, pp. 1-4. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
Chicoine, D. (2020) Donnan, Christopher. In Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by C. Smith, pp. 1-4. Springer International Publishing, Cham.
Chicoine, D. & J. Navarro. (2020) Informe técnico de los trabajos de campo del Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológica Cerro San Isidro, Valle de Nepeña, Costa de Ancash -- Temporada 2019. Field report submitted to the Ministerio de Cultura del Perú, Lima.
Chicoine, D. & A. Whitten. (2019) Gated Communities, Neighborhoods, and Modular Living at the Early Horizon Urban Center of Caylán, Peru. In Excavating Neighborhoods: A Cross-Cultural Exploration, edited by D. Pacifico & L. Truex. Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association 30 (1): 84-99.
Helmer, M., D. Chicoine, H. Ikehara, & K. Shibata. (2018) Plaza Settings and Public Interactions during the Formative Period in Nepeña, North-Central Coast of Peru. Americae: European Journal of Americanist Archaeology 3: 7-31
Chicoine, D. (2018) The Value of Things: Prehistoric to Contemporary Commodities in the Maya Region (edited by J.P. Mathews & T.H. Guderjan) [BOOK REVIEW]. Antiquity 92 (361): 255-256.
Chicoine, D., H. Ikehara, K. Shibata & M. Helmer. (2017) Territoriality, Monumentality, and Religion in Formative Nepeña, Coastal Ancash. In Rituals of the Past: Prehispanic and Colonial Case Studies in Andean Archaeology, edited by S.A. Rosenfeld & S.L. Bautista, pp. 123-149. University Press of Colorado, Boulder, CO.
Chicoine, D. (2017) The Casma City of El Purgatorio: Ancient Urbanim in the Andes (by Melissa A. Vogel) [BOOK REVIEW]. Journal of Anthropological Research 73 (3): 548-549.
Chicoine, D. (2017) Ancient Urbanism and Complex Societies in the Peruvian Desert: Recent Field Research on the North and South Coasts [BOOK REVIEW ESSAY]. Antiquity 91 (358): 1098-1100.
Chicoine, D. (2017) Sacrifice, Violence, and Ideology among the Moche: The Rise of Social Complexity in Ancient Peru (by S. Bourget) [BOOK REVIEW]. Latin American Antiquity 29 (1): 164-165.
Szpak, P., D. Chicoine, C.D. White, J.-F. Millaire, R. Parry & F.J. Longstaffe. (2016) Early Horizon Camelid Management in the Nepeña Valley, North-Central Coast of Peru. Environmental Archaeology: The Journal of Human Palaeoecology 21 (3): 230-245.
Chicoine, D. (2016) Mortuary Practices and Living-Dead Interactions: Recent Research in the Ancient Andes [BOOK REVIEW ESSAY]. Antiquity 90 (349): 249-251.
Chicoine, D., B. Clement & K. Stich. (2016) Macrobotanical Remains from the 2009 Season at Caylán: Preliminary Insights into Early Horizon Plant Use in Nepeña, North-Central Coast of Peru. Andean Past 12: 155-161.
Chicoine, D. (2016) Ritual Strangulation in the Southern Moche World: Mortuary Ligatures as Tools of Liturgical Violation. In Ritual Violence in the Ancient Andes: Reconstructing Sacrifice on the North Coast of Peru, edited by H.D. Klaus & J.M. Toyne, pp. 97-119. University of Texas Press, Austin, TX.
Helmer, M. & D. Chicoine. (2015) Neighbourhoods and Incipient Urbanism in the Nepeña Valley, North-Central Coast of Peru circa 500 BCE. Contributions in New World Archaeology: Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of the Jagiellonian University 9: 33-50.
Helmer, M. & D. Chicoine. (2015) Seaside Life in Early Horizon Peru: Preliminary Insights from Samanco, Nepeña Valley. Journal of Field Archaeology 40 (6): 626-643.
Chicoine, D. & H. Ikehara. (2014) Ancient Urban Life at the Early Horizon Center of Caylán, Peru. Journal of Field Archaeology 39 (4): 336-352.
Chicoine, D. & C. Rojas. (2013) Shellfish Resources and Maritime Economy at Caylán, Coastal Ancash, Peru. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology 8 (3): 336-360.
Helmer, M. & D. Chicoine. (2013) Soundscapes and Community Organisation in Ancient Peru: Plaza Architecture at the Early Horizon Centre of Caylán. Antiquity 87 (335): 92-107.
Helmer, M., D. Chicoine & H. Ikehara. (2012) Plaza Life and Public Performance at the Early Horizon Center of Caylán, Nepeña Valley, Peru. Ñawpa Pacha: Journal of Andean Archaeology 32 (1): 85-114.
Chicoine, D. & C. Rojas. (2012) Marine Exploitation and Paleoenvironment as Viewed through Molluscan Resources at the Early Horizon Center of Huambacho, Coastal Ancash. Andean Past 10: 284-290.
Chicoine, D. (2012) Dating Garbage Deposition. In Encyclopedia of Consumption and Waste: The Social Science of Garbage, edited by C.A. Zimring and W. Rathje, pp. 172-173. SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA.
Chicoine, D. (2011) Death and Religion in the Southern Moche Periphery: Funerary Practices at Huambacho, Nepeña Valley, Peru. Latin American Antiquity 22 (4): 525-548.
Ikehara, H. & D. Chicoine. (2011) Hacia una reevaluación de Salinar desde la perspectiva del valle de Nepeña, costa de Ancash. In Arqueología de la Costa de Ancash (Andes: Boletín del Centro de Estudios Precolombinos de la Universidad de Varsovia 8), edited by M. Giersz & I. Ghezzi, pp. 153-184. Universidad de Warsaw, Institut Français d’Études Andines, Warsaw, and Lima.
Chicoine, D. (2011) Feasting Landscapes and Political Economy at the Early Horizon Center of Huambacho, Nepeña Valley, Peru. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 30 (3): 432-453.
Chicoine, D. & H. Ikehara. (2011) Informe Técnico Final del Trabajo de Campo del Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológica Caylán (Temporada 2010). Field report submitted to the Ministerio de Cultura del Perú, Lima.
Chicoine, D. (2010) Cronología y secuencias en Huambacho, valle de Nepeña, costa de Ancash. Boletín de Arqueología PUCP 12 (2008): 317-348.
Chicoine, D. & H. Ikehara. (2010) Nuevas evidencias sobre el Formativo del valle de Nepeña: Resultados preliminares de la primera temporada de investigaciones en Caylán. Boletín de Arqueología PUCP 12 (2008): 349-370.
Chicoine, D. (2010) Elite Strategies and Ritual Settings in Coastal Peru during the 1st Millennium BC. In Comparative Perspectives in the Archaeology of Coastal South America, edited by R. Cutright, E. López-Hurtado & A. Martin, pp. 191-212. Center for Comparative Archaeology, University of Pittsburgh, Fondo Editorial PUCP, Ministerio de Cultura del Ecuador, Pittsburgh, Lima, and Quito.
Chicoine, D. & H. Ikehara. (2009) Informe Técnico Final del Trabajo de Campo del Proyecto de Investigación Arqueológica Caylán (Temporada 2009). Field report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de Cultura del Perú, Lima.
Chicoine, D. (2007) Virtual Space, Education and Cultural Heritage: The Latin American Collections at the Simon Fraser University Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology [EXHIBIT REVIEW]. The Midden 39 (3): 18-21.
Chicoine, D. (2006) Early Horizon Architecture at Huambacho, Nepeña Valley, Peru. Journal of Field Archaeology 31 (1): 1-22.
Chicoine, D. & J. Navarro. (2005) Informe técnico de los trabajos de campo del Proyecto Arqueológico Huambacho-Temporada 2004. Field report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de la Cultura del Perú, Lima.
Chapdelaine, C., V. Pimentel, G. Gagné, J. Gamboa, D. Regalado, & D. Chicoine. (2004) Nuevos datos sobre Huaca China, Valle del Santa, Perú. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Études Andines 33 (1): 55-80.
Chicoine, D. & V. Pimentel. (2004) Informe técnico de los trabajos de campo del Proyecto Arqueológico Huambacho-Temporada 2003. Field report submitted to the Instituto Nacional de la Cultura del Perú, Lima.
Chicoine, D. (2001) Propagande et jeux politiques chez les Mayas de la période Classique. Altérités: revue d’anthropologie du contemporain 2: 1-26.