Phone: +1 225 578 1118
Fax: +1 225 578 6513
Dr. Xue has a joint appointment at Dept. of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences and the Center for Computation and Technology at LSU. Dr. Xue is a broadly trained oceanographer with extensive experiences in sediment, nutrient, and carbon dynamics of the Mississippi River-Gulf of Mexico system and the Mekong River- South China Sea system
Curriculum Vitae Google Scholar
Phone: +1 225 578 1118
Fax: +1 225 578 6513
Assistant Professor (Research)
Zhengchen's research focuses on marine sediment and ecosystem processes. He got his Ph.D. degree in Marine Science from LSU. He worked as a postdoc scholar at WHOI during 2020-2022
Assistant Professor (Research)
Xiaochen works on the development of an operational river forecasting system and coupled hydrology-ocean model. She got her Ph.D. degree in Marine Science from LSU.
Postdoc Researcher
Yanda works on coupled physical-biogeochemical modeling of water quality in the Northern Gulf of Mexico. He got his Ph.D. degree in Marine Science from LSU
Postdoc Researcher
Daoyang works on coupled river-ocean modeling and combines numerical solution and AL/ML approach to investigate and forecast coastal compound flooding.
Ph.D. Candidate
Chaired by Xue
Ogooluwa got his master degree of Physical Oceanography from the South China Sea Institute of Oceanography. He is a 4th-year Ph.D. student working on carbon modeling in the Gulf of Mexico
Ph.D. Candidate
Chaired by Xue
Yixuan got her MS from University College London and is a 4rd-year Ph.D. student working on coupled river-ocean modeling and sediment modeling using WRF-Hydro
Ph.D. Candidate
Chaired by Xue
Ziyan got his master’s degree from the Second Institute of Oceanography, China. He is the 2st-year Ph.D. student and works on sediment dynamics in the Mississippi Delta region.
Master Candidate
Chaired by Xue
Farid got his bachelor's degree in Ocean Engineering from Institut Teknologi Bandungis, Indonesia. He is an experienced Metocean Data Analyst. He is the 2st-year master candidate and is interested in operational ocean modeling.