Funded Projects
With support from funding agencies and collaborators, our team has raised more than
$ 45.6 million extramural research funds since August 2014
($41.2 million to LSU including subawards, $4.6 million as the lead PI, $36.7 million as a co-PI)
Ongoing Projects
The Mississippi River Delta Transition Initiative
(Xue is a Co-PI; Zang and Zhao are senior personnel)
National Academy of Science Gulf Research Program
A Real-time System to Track Louisiana Coastal Hazards: High Frequency Radar Ocean Observing Network
(Xue is a co-PI)
Offshore Analysis of Seafloor Instability and Sediments (OASIS Partnership) with Applications to Offshore Safety and Marine Archaeology
(Xue is a co-PI)
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Hydrodynamic Modeling Support for Oyster Metapopulation Modeling
(Xue is PI, Zang is co-PI)
CC* Data Storage: Tiger Den: sustainable campus-wide data system to support CI-enabled research and education
(Zhao is co-PI)
COAWST WSSSR Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Waves Sediment Transport Waves, Sediment, Surge and Structure Response Forecasting System
(Xue is LSU PI)
National Oceanographic Partnership Program
Impacts of Transient Events on Ecosystem Resistance and Resilience along Western Gulf of Mexico Coast
(Xue is the Lead PI)
2021-2024 (NCE)
Coupled Ocean Modeling Testbed (COMT) Platform for Physics and Contaminant Exchange through the River - Estuary - Ocean Continuum
(Xue is a co-PI)
2021-2024 (NCE)
Larval orientation, dispersal and connectivity in a brachyuran crab under ocean acidification and elevated temperature
(Xue is a co-PI)
National Science Foundation
Finished Projects
Developing an Integrated Modeling System to Assess and Project Impacts of Human Activity and Climate Change on Terrestrial-Ocean Carbon and Nutrient Associated Coastal Ecosystem Dynamics in the Gulf of Mexico
(Xue was the Lead PI)
Louisiana Board of Regents
Access Climate Change and Human Activities' Impact on the Coastal Environment of the Mekong Delta using High Performance Computing Techniques
(Xue was the Lead PI)
Vietnam Education Foundation
Development of a Fully Coupled Atmospheric-Hydrological Model for Louisiana Coastal Rivers
(Xue was the Lead PI)
Louisiana State University
Enhancing Sediment Retention Rate of Receiving Basins of Louisiana Sediment Diversions
(Xue was a co-PI)
Louisiana Center of Excellence
Project Louisiana River's Sediment Flux to the Coastal Ocean Using a Coupled Atmospheric-Hydrological Model
(Xue was the Lead PI)
Louisiana Center of Excellence
Development of a Monitoring Program for Water Quality and Biogeochemical Processes of Louisiana Sediment Borrow Areas
(Xue was a co-PI)
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
CyberSEES: Type 2: A Coastal Resilience Collaboratory: Cyber-enabled Discoveries for SustainableDeltaic Coasts
(Xue was a co-PI)
National Science Foundation
Fate of Coastal Wetland Carbon Under Increasing Sea Level Rise: Using the Subsiding Louisiana Coast as a Proxy for Future World-Wide Sea Level Projection
(Xue was a co-PI)
National Science Foundation
A Numerical Assessment of Louisiana's Surface Water Resource over the Past Three Decades
(Xue was the Lead PI)
Louisiana Water Resource Research Institute
Development of a Fully Coupled Hydrology-Sediment Model to Evaluate Economic Costs of Soil Erosion in Southwest Louisiana
(Xue was the Lead PI)
Louisiana State University
Using Linked Models to Predict the Impacts of Hypoxia on Gulf Coast Fisheries Under
Scenarios of Watershed and River Management
(Xue is a co-PI)
Understanding and Quantifying Carbon Export to Coastal Oceans through Deltaic Systems
(Xue is the Lead PI)
NASA & LA Board of Regents
RAPID: Waiting to Exhale: Quantifying Tropical Storm-Induced Increased Flux of Coastal Wetland Carbon into the Atmosphere?
(Xue is a co-PI)
National Science Foundation
Impact of Nonlinear Sedimentation on Dredge Area Benthic Ecosystem on Louisiana Shelf
(Xue is the Lead PI)
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
Synergistic Effects of Petroleum Production and Ocean Environmental Changes on Oyster
(Xue is the Lead PI)
National Science Foundation
Using a Coupled Numerical Modeling System to Investigate Flooding Impacts During Hurricane Florence (2018)
(Xue is the Lead PI)
US Geological Survey
The development of observation and modeling system for assessing scallop growth potential in the Northeast U.S. Shelf
(Zang is the Lead PI)