
John White headshot

Dr. John R. White

John & Catherine Day Professor of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences

Associate Dean of Research, College of the Coast & Environment, LSU

Google Scholar:   

Expertise: Wetland and Aquatic Biogeochemical Cycling, Water Quality,  Ecosystem Response                                              

jacob smilingDr. Jacob F. Berkowitz

WABL affiliate faculty member

Adjunct Faculty, Department of Oceanography & Coastal Sciences 

Senior Research Soil Scientist & Wetlands Research Team Leader, US Army Engineer Research and Development Center

Google Scholar: 

Expertise: Hydric Soils Indicators, Biogeochemical Cycling

lee by waterLee Potter

Ph.D. Candidate : Started January 2023

M.S. in Renewable and Natural Resources, Louisiana State University, Dec 2022  Thesis title: Environmental Controls on Carbon Biogeochemistry in Aquatic Systems

Research: Watershed Phosphorus Biogeochemistry - Lake Pontchartrain Basin 

Funding:  U.S. Geological Survey

jey at the lakeJey DeWaters

Incoming Masters Degree Student in Oceanography & Coastal Sciences - Starting Fall 2024

B.S. degree - Environmental Science, Towson University  Spring 2024

Research:  Wetland plant uptake of Nitrate vs Microbial Denitrification

Funding: Coastal Sciences Assistantship, CPRA and LA SeaGrant



Jacob Cheng poses with an instrument on a boatJacob Cheng 

Masters Degree in Oceanography & Coastal Science Spring 2024  Graduated

B.S. in Coastal Environmental Science, Louisiana State University Spring 2022

Research: Effects of thin layer dredge placement on wetland biogeochemical function and salinty shifts is coastal marshes.  DEFENDED Masters !  Graduated Spring 2024

Undergraduate Research -Manuscript published - WABL paper #119 : Ecological Engineering 

Funding:  Teaching Assistantship Fall 2022-Spring 2023.  CSAP funding and US Army Corp Funding

Jacob Anderson holds equipment in a labJames Anderson

Summer Lab Technician  2024, starting Ph.D at FSU in Fall 2024

B.S. degree in Coastal Environmental Science, LSU Honors College - Graduated

Undergrad Research: Nutrient dynamics in deltaic marshes of different ages

Presented at LSU Discover Day 2022, Presented Honors Thesis work at LSU Discover Day 2024

Honor's thesis research started Fall 2022: Internal (sediment) vs External (watershed) Phosphorus Loading Linked to Harmful Algal Blooms - Funded by LA SeaGrant UROP program

DEFENDED Honor's thesis !  Graduated Spring 2024

Summer 2022 - DOE Pacific Northwest National Lab Richland, WA, Science Undergraduate Lab Internship  Summer 2023 - Bonanza Creek Long-Term Ecological Research Program, Fairbanks, Alaska

riley in labRiley Jenkins

Summer 2024  Lab Technician

Undergraduate Researcher since 2022,  senior year 

Seeking B.S. degree in Coastal Environmental Science; LSU Honors College

Honors Thesis Research - Microbial Processes in Confined and Unconfined Dredge Material Created Wetlands





nico stirring soil slurries

Nico Lonergan

Summer 2024 Lab Technician

Undergraduate Researcher since 2024,  senior year 

Seeking B.S. degree in Coastal Environmental Science

katie face picKatie Aranda

Undergraduate Researcher since 2024,  sophomore year 

Seeking B.S. degree in Coastal Environmental Science







tiger picture Sam Lohmeyer

Undergraduate Researcher since 2023, Freshman Year

Seeking B.S. degree in Coastal Environmental Science














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