Lab News
January 17, 2025 After working very long hours all week helping Ph.D. student Lee sample hundreds
of water samples from his GEMS experiment, lab members take a much needed respite
January 5, 2025. The WABL continues with sampling in the new year ! This time Captain Eddie took
out Dr. White, undergrad Katie, and MS students Nico and Eloho sampling down at Port
Fourchon. The team collected soils samples and intact cores from two different marshes;
Spartina grass marsh and Black Mangrove tree marsh.. Climate change has allowed Black
Mangroves (see picture) to begin replacing Spartina marshes in coastal Louisiana.
Eloho and Katie are conducting research on how this replacement is affecting wetland
biogeochemical cycling of carbon and nitrogen. Nico is going to return to the marshes
and see how they respond to sediment additions. Mangroves have not typically been
found in Louisiana because they are not tolerant to hard freezes but as the climate
continues to warm, they have expanded their range from the tropics into the subtropical
northern Gulf of Mexico.
January 3, 2025. The WABL started the new year off right with a trip to the Lake Pontchartrain Estuary
to collect intact cores for a storm effect experiment. Lee will use equipment that
will create storm-induced bedload shear on the sediments to see how large wind events
increase phosphorus flux into the water column impacting water quality and potentially
feeding algal blooms. Field guide Eddie Weeks captained the boat while undergraduates
Riley and Katie assisted Lee with the coring.
December 19, 2024. The WABL gathered to celebrate Nico's undergraduate graduation from the Coastal
Environmental Science Program. Nico's family came down from Tennessee to celebrate
as well, After graduation, we migrated over to the CCE building where Nico gave a
tour of the lab to his assembled guests and we popped a few bottles of champagne to
wash down a tasty red velvet cake. This day was made extra special for Nico, because
he received his diploma for his Birthday! Nico will start his Masters with the WABL
January 2025 working on Thin Layer Dredge Sediment Placement in Wetlands dominated
by Black Mangroves.
November 13, 2024. Lee was presenting his research at the Society of Wetland Scientists Meeting held
in Taipei, Taiwan this November in the special session organized by Drs. White and
Corstanje on Big Data in the Environment. The conference had 500 attendees.
November 1, 2024. The WABL participated in the Annual Ocean Commotion where thousands of youngsters
descend on the LSU campus to learn all about the environment. The WABL featured terrestrial
vs wetland soils, coring in the mud, a demonstration on water quality improvement
and a global C cycling discussion. Clockwise from Top left panel; Lee, Nico and Alumni
Jacob field questions from the students, top right; Lee and Riley demonstrate coring
technique (actually playing in the mud) while Nico checks his cores. Bottom right,
Katie is explaining where all the carbon comes from in the atmosphere, and bottom
left; Jey answers questions from the students. Everyone enjoyed the chaos !
October 17-18, 2024. The LSU College of the Coast & Environment hosted the Society of Wetland Scientists
South Central Chapter Meeting with Adjunct LSU Faculty member, Dr. Jacob Berkowitz
organizing the meeting. The event was highlighted by an evening reception of food
and drink at the LSU Center for River Studies.
October 18, 2024 WABL undergraduate Riley Jenkins won First Place Poster at the SWS South Central
Chapter Meeting and received a $700 cash award for her efforts. Ph.D. student Lee
Potter received the second place Oral Presentation Award, which also included a cash
September 2024. Lee continued to sample the Lake Pontchartrain estuary, here sectioning sediment
cores with alumni Jacob. You can just make out the tall buildings of the city of
New Orelans in the background.
August 28, 2024. The WABL is excited to welcome a new refrigerated, high speed centrifuge to the
laboratory. The former one lasted an amazing 22 years but has now been retired.
Technology has come along way in the past few decades, no longer physical switches
but a high tech touch screen and much smaller unit !
August 18, 2024. Nico and Riley are sectioning Lake P estuary cores to determine the vertical distribution
of phosphorus in the sediments.
July 25, 2024. Drs. Miller and White were interivewed for WVLA/WGMB (BrProud) media outlet about
hurricane impacts. The story is located here
June 15, 2024. Lee had his team out on the Lake Pontchartrain estuary with a very early start
to beat the heat. We collected 20+ cores and also retrieved 6 porewater equilibrators
aka peepers. Riley is pictured on the lower right pulling the samples out with syringes.
June 9-13, 2024. Lee presented his preliminary work at the Soil Science Society of America Meeting
in San Juan, Puerto Rico. It was a good, interactive conference though it was quite
May 17, 2024. Jacob graduated today with his Masters degree in Oceanography & Coastal Sciences
and James graduated today with his B.S. degree in Coastal Environmental Science and
an undergraduate honors thesis. They have a combined 10 years working in the WABL
and their expertise and comradery will be missed. James will begin a Ph.D. at Florida
State in August. Jacob is interviewing for consulting jobs here in Louisiana.
May 15, 2024. Jacob is excited about graduation this Friday, but even more excited to place his
abstract on the WABL "Wall of Achievement". This is a special honor reserved for
students who have submitted their manuscripts to a journal. Excellent Job ! This
is the second time for Jacob, as he submitted his undergraduate research for publication
a few years ago.
May 9, 2024. The WABL got a bit of an upgrade today. Thanks to Field Technician Eddie Weeks,
we now have lots more storage and no longer have the leaning tower of coolers perched
on top of the refrigerators.
April 26, 2024. The WABL was well-represented at the College Convocation today. Ph.D. student
Lee Potter won the William H. Patrick, Jr award for Wetland Biogeochemistry, undergraduate
researcher Katie Aranda won the Candice Chun Memorial Scholarship, and Dr. White was
awarded the Dean's Outstanding Service Award along with Melanie Spinks, for their
teamwork on assisting the faculty who collectivley broke the grants funding records
for the college this year with several months remaining. Also mentioned was James
Anderson, who previously was given his award certificate for the CES undergraduate
poster competition that was held last week.
April 19, 2024. Jacob Cheng is pictured with his Environmentors high school mentee, Kimani Shropshire
from Scotlandville Magnet High School. The Environmentor students participated at
the LSU Discover Day, a university wide research symposium. Kimani won a trip to
Washington D.C. to present her work at the National Environmentors Conference. This
was Jacob's second year volunteering as a research mentor in the College's Environmentors
Program. Well done to both of you !
April 17th and April 19th, 2024. Graduating undergraduate researcher, James Anderson, presented his Honors Thesis
work at the College of the Coast & Environments undergraduate research symposium and
two days later, presented at the University-wide research LSU Discover Day. James
received cash prizes for both events for placing in the top 3 poster presentations.
Undergraduate researcher Riley Jenkins presented her preliminary Honor's thesis work
at the College's at the college research symposium, as well. Well Done !
April 12, 2024. Drs. Paul Miller and John White were interviewed on camera by the show "This Week
In Louisiana Agriculture" regarding the projections for 11 named storms for the Atlantic
Hurricane Season and the potential impacts for coastal wetland erosion" Watch HERE and the operative section is between 8:26 and 10:44 timestamps.
April 1, 2024. Congratulations to James Anderson for defending his undergraduate honors thesis today entitled "Hurricanes and Harmful Algal Blooms: Assessing the Legacy P Role
in Linking These Events Through a Lake Pontchartrain Estuary Case Study". His committee
included Drs. White, Hiatt and Bargu all from the Department of Oceanography and Coastal
Sciences and Dr. Wilson from the Department of Environmental Sciences. The defense
included an open presentation lasting about 25 minutes followed by the closed door
defense. We look forward to James' first draft of his publication before he graduates
in May.
March 29, 2024 We are thankful to Robert for sharing his picture with Louisiana Senator Bill Cassidy,
M.D. whose office he is assigned to for his NOAA-funded, year long Knauss Fellowship.
Also, we received word today that Robert's first manuscript from his Masters was
accepted for publication by Science of the Total Environment. The paper is titled
"Impact of Freshwater River Reconnection on Porewater Salinity and Ammonium Availability
in Coastal Brackish Marsh Soils" and becomes WABL manuscript 130! Congratulations
! There is a paucity of research conducted on coastal freshening, making this paper a critical contribution
to the scientific literature, despite the reviewer making us remove the word "paucity"
from the text because they felt it was too hard a word to understand.
March 13-15, 2024 Drs. Berkowitz and White organized the 2024 LSU Hydric Soils Identification Workshop
during the last part of Spring Break. Attendees were practitioners from the private
sector, state government and included several LSU students. The 2 1/2 day workshop
included classroom instruction on hydric soils indicators as well as two field exercises
in describing hydric soils and identifying the hydric soils wetland boundary.
March 8, 2024 Jacob Cheng successfully defended his Masters Thesis entitled "The Impacts of Nature-Based Sediment Restoration Practices on Coastal Wetland
Soil Biogeochemistry". His committee included Dr. Jacob Berkowitz and Dr. Matt Hiatt
in addition to Dr. White. Jacob is eagerly preparing his two draft publications to
be submitted before graduation this May.
February 21, 2024 The Coastal Studies Institute at LSU turned 70 years old today! We celebrated with
a party at the WWII museum in New Orleans. The AGU Ocean Sciences Meeting was ongoing
in New Orleans so we had many alumni come to the event. Pictured with Dr. White is
Dr. Emily Smith who works for NOAA in DC and worked with the WABL on Lake P estuary
research, Dr. Larry Rouse, former DOCS department chair and now retired faculty member
and Robert Feder, who graduated from the WABL in 2023 and is doing a Knauss Fellowship
in Congress, Washington DC.
February 20, 2024 The Lake P estuary has officially been completely sampled by Lee and his team.
It took 5 all-day trips to get all 160 stations for the 0-5 and 5-10 cm sediment depths.
With replicates, this comes to about ~350 total samples . . . and now comes the hard
work of processing all the samples.
February 7, 2024 Ph.D stuent Lee, and yes he has only one field shirt, was once again dragging folks out on the Lake Pontchartrain estuary.
The left panel shows stalward captain Eddie watching Lee manipulate the coring device
that he built, which requires no piston. The right panel show Lee and Jacob sectioning
sediment into 0-5 cm and 5-10 cm sections. This was trip 4 of 5 to evantually collect
sediment from 160 stations to eventually complete a sediment map of the estuary.
This map will be the basis for more detailed research focused on nutrient triggers
leading to harmful algal blooms.
February 1, 8, 2024 Riley ventured out twice, to the wetlands along the northeast part of Lake Pontchartrain
estuary with Dr. Quirk's field group to collect soils from a dredge-material created
wetland site as well as a nearby natural marsh. For the OCS3999, Supervised Research
Class, she will be characterizing the soils for various physiochemical characteristics.
For her Honor's thesis research, Riley will be conducting core flux experiments examining
Nitrogen flux.
January 7-11, 2024 Dr White presented at the 11th BIOGEOMON International Symposium on Ecosystem Behavior
held at the University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras Campus. The presentation included
some of Mercedes Pinzon's Masters work on nitrogen cycling in the face of a river
diversion. We have been invited to submit this work to a special issue of Biogeochemistry.
The submission is Due June 1, so Mercedes is balancing her research for her Ph.D.
at UCF while working with the WABL to get this paper submitted.
December 15, 2023 Congratulations to Kate Landholm on her graduation with her undergraduate degree
in Coastal Environmental Science. Kate has been a fixture in the lab for 3 years
and we look forward to hearing which graduate program in Coastal Policy she will be
attending for her Masters Degree.
December 5, 2023 The WABL crew was back at it on the Lake Pontchartrain Estuary. This time Lee brought
along Jacob to assist with coring and sectioning while boat captain Eddie steered
a true course. 40% completed for the 160 station mapping of the sediments. It was
cold but nice flat water for coring. The team posed with their newly issued College
of the Coast & Environment T shirts (bottom right).
November 18, 2023. The WABL was out sampling the Lake Pontchartrain Estuary today as part of Lee's
Ph.D. research. He brought along trusty undergraduate researchers Riley and Sam to
assist sectioning the cores. We managed to hit 30 stations out of the eventual 160
stations. Lee (left panel) was glad to try out field expert, Eddie Weeks, new design
corer which doesn't require a piston, a remarkable technological step forward in field
October 25, 2023. The WABL, represented by Lee, Riley, Jacob, James and Kate (missing from picture
as she had to run off to class) presented to almost 2000 youngsters at the annual
LSU Ocean Commotion at the PMAC. They discussed the elegance of wetland soils and
how important the carbon in soils is for regulating water quality, for microbial
energy and making mudpies !
October 18, 2023. Jacob Cheng and Riley Jenkins represented the WABL at the College of the Coast and
Environment's undergraduate Research Fair today at LSU. They described how wetlands
were important for improving water quality and storing carbon as well as talking with
potential undergraduate researchers, how their own experiences conducting research
has helped shape their career goals.
September 4, 2023. Dr. White was interviewed by Yale Climate Connections at this year's state of the coast on coastal wetland loss. Feel free to click HERE to hear the <2 minute elevator speech and click HERE to see the accompany web article.
August 11, 2023. Robert Feder and Mercedes Pinzon both graduated with their MS degrees today. Their
research will help Louisiana manage the nearly 3 billion dollar coastal restoration
river diversion operations. Mercedes has relocated to Orlando, FL where she has joined
the laboratory of Dr. Lisa Chambers in pursuit of a Ph.D. at the University of Central
Florida. Robert will be moving soon to Washington DC where he will begin a year-long
paid Knauss Fellowship funded by NOAA working with Policymakers in Congress on Environmental
Issues. They will be missed but we are excited for their new adventures ahead !
July 18, 2023. Dr. White was in London again assisting with the Study Abroad Program where undergraduates
from LSU spend a month learning about Urban Sustainability and Urban Water Resources.
We visited Cranfield University which does research on improving wastewater performance
and is working on the "airport of the future" among other attractions including "The
living lab" and the National Soil Survey archive for the UK. Special thanks to Dr.
Ron Corstanje and Dr. Jim Harris for hosting us.
June 22, 2023 Robert sucessfully defended his Master's thesis research entitled "Effects of coastal
freshening on porewater chemistry and nutrient availability in brackish marsh soils:
Implications for biogeochemical resilience in Barataria Basin, LA". This research
is critical for improving environmental models to better predict what will happen
to our coastal marsh vegetation species when we reconnect them with the Mississippi
River through a Sediment Diversion, currently under construction. Next up for Robert
is working on submitting his research papers and graduation on August 11, 2023. Robert
has received word that he has received a one year Knauss fellowship from NOAA in Washington
DC and will begin in early February 2024. Congratulations !
June 16, 2023 Mercedes successfully defended her Master's thesis research entitled "Impact of Sediment
Diversion for Coastal Restoration on Nitrogen and Phosphorus Biogeochemical Cycling
in Coastal Louisiana, USA". This research is critical for improving modeling for
the impact on water quality when we reconnect the coastal marshes with the Mississippi
River through a Sediment Diverson, currently under construction. Next up for Mercedes
is working on submitting her research papers and graduation on August 11, 2023. Mercedes
will be joining Dr. Lisa Chambers laboratory at the University of Central Florida
to pursue a Ph.D. after graduation. Congratulations !! She is excited to work on
a new coastal system, the Indian River Lagoon.
June 13-15, 2023 Drs. White and Hiatt were invited to attend a DOE on-site review panel at the Smithsonian
Environmental Research Center in Maryland. The site has impressive real time data
collections for forests and coastal wetlands. This trip has inspired Drs. Hiatt and
White to start building a wetland porewater sensor network in coastal Louisiana.
We have acquired over $30,000 in funding from LA Seagrant, NOAA and NSF to start building
our sensor network, with 5 purchased and 10 more on order.
June 6-7, 2023 Drs. White and Li were invited to attend a NOAA-sponsored workshop in Biloxi, MS aimed at setting up a Habitat Focus Area spanning the LA and MS coastlines that are affected from episodic flood releases from the Mississippi River through the Lake Pontchartrain Estuary out into Mississippi Sound. We are hopeful this could become the first NOAA-HFA in the Gulf Coast.
June 1, 2023 Both Mercedes and Robert presented oral presentations and poster presentations at the State of the Coast Conference in New Orleans, LA outlining their research importance on the impact of Sediment River Diversions for the Louisiana Coastal Master Plan. The college wrote a story about their research located HERE
Summer 2023 James spent the summer on a paid internship at the Bonanza Creek Long-Term Ecological Research Program in Fairbanks, Alaska. The picture is from a tunnel dug into the permafrost by the USACE where James had the opportunity to examine frozen carbon from tens of thousands of years ago.
March 26, 2023 The WABL was out on the Lake Pontchartrain Estuary collecting cores for James' and
Kate's undergraduate research project. They plan to investigate the relative amounts
of P released through normal estuarine conditions vs when a large storm comes through.
Lee came along to help out piston coring and to get a first hand look at his study
March 16-18, 2023 Both DOCS Adjunct Faculty Member Dr. Jacob Berkowitz and Dr. White hosted a Hydric Soils Identification and Delineation Workshop at LSU for consultants and graduate students. This 2 1/2 day course combines classroom teaching with hands on field work identifying the hydric soils indicators for our Land Resource Regions while also learning about indicators used in other parts of the country. Here we are down by the Mississippi River levee identifying hydric soils indicators.
February 16, 2023 Dr. White's Wetlands and Water Quality (Service-Learning) class visited Iberville
Math, Science, Arts Academy to talk with the high school students about succeeding
in college and different STEM jobs. These high school students will mostly be first-generation
college students and this was a great opporunity for the LSU students (Team Duckweed
in the picture on the left) to share what they have learned thus far in their academic
journey. This was the 9th out of 10 years (no visit in pandemic year) that we have
visited with the high school students and we have valued our decade long relationship
with the school and teacher Ms Mary Ellen Day.
February 12, 2023 While the rest of the world was preparing for the Super Bowl, The WABL was hard at
work in Barataria Bay collecting marsh cores for Jacob's and Robert's Salinity freshening
experiment. It was a chilly start but a beautiful boat ride out and back from Myrtle
Grove and we did make it back in time for the game ! The picture on the far left
depict Kate working dilligently hammering in core tubes while Jacob supervises. The
picture on the right shows James and Dr. White setting up more cores for hammering
February 2, 2023 HAPPY WORLD WETLANDS DAY !!! The College wrote a story highlighting some of the
College's recent wetlands research. The story is located HERE The Picture is a blast from the past, Dr. White circa 1991 with his MS advisor Dr.
Parkinson, from Florida Institute of Technology in Melbourne, FL after battling red
mangroves all day in St Lucie County, Florida.
January 2023 - The WABL enters a new semester and a new year. Due to the pandemic and other associated factors, we have a backlog of papers which we are seeking to get out the door and get published. The WABL will try and "catch up" this year with a goal of 14 published papers in 2023, breaking the previous record of 13 papers in one year set in 2012. The problem with doing great science and not getting it published is that no one ever knows what you did. We are well on our way with 3 papers published/accepted, 2 in revision and 3 more in review. We look forward to submitting papers by Jacob, Mercedes, Robert and James in the coming months.
November 25, 2022 - The College of the Coast & Environment had its Awards Convocation after long last.
Pictured are from left to right, undergraduate researcher, Kate Landholm - winner
of the Anne Atherton Adrian Endowed Scholarship; Graduate student Jacob Cheng winner
of the Warren "Whip" Mermilliod Scholarship; Graduate student Mercedes Pinzon; winner
of the Joseph Lipsey Sr Memorial Award and the William H. Patrick Jr. scholarship
for wetlands expertise, Missing from photo: Former Ph.D. student Yadav Sapkota,
who won the College of the Coast & Environmental Outstanding Dissertation Award and
Graduate student Robert Feder who won the William H. Patrick Jr. scholarship for wetlands
expertise. Congrats to all the WABL members for winning a collective $12,000+ in
scholarship awards.
November 12, 2022 - The WABL's recent published research was highlighted today in the local paper as
support for the planned coastal restoration projects to help slow wetland loss in
the MIssissippi River Delta. The article is located HERE
November 6-9, 2022 - More Awards A few members of the WABL headed to Baltimore, Md. to attend the Soil Science Society
of America International Annual Conference. Both Mercedes and Robert presented their
Masters research results in a Rapid 5 minute oral presentation followed by a poster
session later that afternoon. Congratulations to both, as Mercedes won 2nd place in the Student competion for Wetland Soils and Robert
won 3rd place, both with cash prizes !!
Alumni Update: Dr. Havalend Steinmuller is taking a faculty position at Dauphin Island Sea Lab in
January 2023, where she will be an assistant professor with University of South Alabama.
Havalend will be the Fourth WABL Alumni to take a faculty position joining Dr. Jeremy Conkle (Texas A&M-Corpus
Christi), Dr. Lisa Chambers (Univ. of Central Florida) and Dr. Eric Roy (Univ. of
October 2022 The WABL received a number of graduate student college awards. From left to right; Jacob Cheng received the Warren "Whip" Mermilliod Scholarship;
Mercedes Pinzon received the Joseph Lipsey, Sr. Memorial Scholarship Award and the
William H. Patrick, Jr., Scholarship for Wetlands Expertise and Robert Feder was awarded
the William H. Patrick, Jr., Scholarship for Wetlands Expertise. Congratulations to All !!! The list of all the college awards is located HERE
October 21, 2022 Mercedes and James traveled out to Barataria Bay to collect 40+ cores for her research
on how sediment diversions will affect Phosphorus cycling. (left) The sign in the
background warns of a channel being dredged to bury a new natural gas pipeline in
support of the plaquemines Liquidfied Natural Gas export facility which will export
20 million metric tonnes per year, so the folks up north can stay warm in the winter.
(right) Mercedes instructs James' on coring technique.
October 19, 2022. Mercedes, James and Kate were on hand with Jacob and Robert to try and recruit
undeclared undergraduate majors to the Coastal Environmental Science Program at the
College open house. They were enthusiastic in explaining why wetland soil is so important.
October 13, 2022. Mercedes, Kate and James all ventured out on to the Mississippi River down at Mardi
Gras Pass. This is place where the levee was breached by the river. The team was
sampling for Mercedes experiment in the delta, now being formed as a result of the
levee breach. This sediment will be placed on marsh cores to replicate the impact
of a sediment diversion on N and P cycling.
October 3, 2022. Congratulations to Jacob Cheng for getting his undergraduate research entitled
"Dredge-Material Created Coastal Marshes Are More Effective at Improving Water Quality
Than Natural Marshes in Early-Stage Development" accepted for publication in Ecological
September 25, 2022. Robert led his team out to Barataria Bay to collect soil for his research experiment
#2 which will investigate the effects of salinty changes on microbial processes.
It was hot, but a real nice boat ride. We also ran around and set more erosion poles
in the marsh in preparation for hurricane season.
September 23, 2022. Drs. Rabalais and White were honored by LSU President Tate and the Boyd Professors
for their recent awards at a dinner reception along with 7 other faculty from across
the LSU system. The lsu story is located here.
July 6 - August 1, 2022 - Dr. White was in London, UK co-teaching a study abroad class on Urban Sustainability
with faculty Members, Drs. Pardue, Willson and Kees from LSU Civil and Environmental
Engineering. Thanfully, It was much cooler in London compared to Louisiana in the
dead of summer!
Summer 2022 - James was awarded a DOE Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship and spent the
summer at the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory at the Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory. We look forward to his return when he starts his Honors Thesis
research on Phosphorus in Lake Pontchartrain linked to Harmful Algal Blooms this fall.
June 15, 2022 - Robert successfully collects 24 cores from a brackish marsh in Barataria Bay to
impose a freshwater pulse to mimic the river diversion currently under construction.
May 28th, 2022 - Mercedes and her WABL team traveled out to Barataria Bay to collect 48 soil cores
for her Masters laboratory study on Nitrogen Cycling. I think this is a WABL coring
record for one trip! The picture below is a wide angle of the marsh to the right
and open water to the left.
May 24, 2022 - Mercedes went sampling at Mardi Gras Pass, a break in the natural levee of the
Mississippi River down south of New Orleans, LA. This sediment will be used to replicate
the river diversion placement of mineral sediment over the organic marsh soil, once
the river and marsh are connected.
May 28, 2022 - Alumni Update, Alina Spera measuring water quality through the ice in the Arctic
as part of her Ph.D. research at UTEP.
May 4, 2022 - Congrats to Robert who received a travel award from the Coastal Environmental Graduate
Organization at LSU to be used for the Soil Science Society of America Meeting to
be held in Baltimore in November 2022. He just found out that the department will
match the travel funds !
April 28, 2022 - And the Awards Keep Coming for the WABL ! Mercedes Pinzon was awarded the 2022
Louisiana Coast, Ocean, Ports, Rivers Institute (COPRI) scholarship for $500 ! She
attended the meeting in New Orleans, LA to collect her cash prize. In addition, our
undergraduate researcher, James Anderson won the undergraduate scholarship for $500
! Congrats to you both !
April 27, 2022 - The Lab received another honor today. Dr. White was the recipient of the National
Wetlands Award for Research, awarded by the Environmental Law Institute. Full details
can be found by clicking here. and the LSU story is located here. No other university has won more than 1 of these awards, except for LSU, where
Dr. White is the 6th recipient, all from the College of the Coast & Environment! The
College's wetlands program rules !
April 22, 2022 - James did an excellent job presenting his research as an oral presentation at the
LSU University-wide Undergraduate Research Forum entitled "Nutrient Dynamics in Deltaic
Wetlands: Implications for Restoration Designed for Saving the Louisiana Coast".
He will be working on submitting the manuscript this summer.
April 20, 2022 - James (left panel) and Jacob (right panel) were both presenting their undergraduate
research posters at the College of the Coast and Environment Undergraduate Research
Symposium to a captive audience. Well Done !
April 18, 2022 - Congratulations to Mercedes who has won a scholarship from the the New Orleans Town Gardeners Club for $2,500. Mercedes looks forward to going to New Orleans to talk about how her research will benefit the people and environment of LA.
February 23, 2022 - Field technician extraordinaire, Eddie Weeks, is demonstrating piston coring in
the Lake Pontchartrain Estuary while James waits eagerly for the appearance of the
sediment core.
January 17, 2022 - Undergraduate researchers, James and Jacob collecting cores for research on nitrogen
and phosphorus flux in both newly created and established delta wetland soils. James
will present at LSU Discover Day, a research symposium highlighting undergraduate
research, to be held on April 22, 2022.
December 17, 2021 - Yadav proudly accepts his Ph.D. diploma at the College graduation ceremony celebrating
with his family. Yadav finished his Ph.D. in less than 4 years and published 5 papers
before graduation. Well Done !
December 13-17, 2021. Masters students, Mercedes (left) and Robert (right) attending the American Geophysical
Union Meeting in New Orleans, LA.
October 30, 2021 - Master's students Robert (left) and Mercedes (right) were out in Barataria Bay,
LA collecting wetland soil cores for their research. Fun in the mud.
June 14, 2021—Undergraduate researcher James Anderson braved the heat in Barataria Bay to collect
water samples for DIC and nutrients as part of our RAPID:NSF grant on hurricane impacts
to coastal wetlands.
June 11, 2021—Alumni Update - Former WABL member, Katie Bowes, was the subject of an Alumni Highlight on the LSU
College of the Coast & Environment. We are excited to see Katie using her WABL experience
to affect positive environmental change. Read more.
June 8, 2021—The College wishes everyone a Happy World Oceans Day !! Read all about our oceanographic research.
May 11, 2021—Yadav has started his internship/trainingship today in Vicksburg, MS with the US
Army Corp of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC).
May 8, 2021—Congratulations to Erol who graduated Saturday with his Masters in Coastal and Ecological
Engineering. He has earned the proud designation as WABL grad student #32. Erol will
start working next month as an Engineer for the LA Coastal Protection and Restoration
Authority in Baton Rouge, LA in support of Lousiana’s 50 billion dollar coastal restoration
April 2021—Alumni Update - Former WABL member, Alina Spera, is back from a trip to the Arctic (Beaufort Lagoons
Ecosystem LTER) where she is working on her Ph.D. at UTEP on research on climate change
impacts on carbon/nutrient cycling at coastal margins.
April 15, 2021—Congrats to undergraduate researcher Jacob Cheng who was awarded first place at LSU
Discover Day in Our College Division for his presentation entitled “Effects of Internal
Loading on Nitrate Reduction Rates in Created vs Natural Coastal Marshes: Implications
for River Reconnection." Jacob also received an award for one of the most visited
posters at the 13th International Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands in March
of this year. Next stop – manuscript. Read more about the Discover Day award.
The Lab was recently awarded a Coastal Sciences Assistantship for 2021-2024 for support
of a Masters student (Robert Feder, B.S. UF, starting Fall ’21) to focus on research
needs in support of the LA coastal Master Plan (summary description at left provided
by LA SeaGrant.)
March 22-25, 2021—We are closing in on the start of the 13th International Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands Conference that Dr. White is organizing. Original plan was to hold conference in Baton Rouge in 2020 but the pandemic caused plans to go virtual and in 2021. We hope you can join us for some interesting wetland research from around the globe.
March 5, 2021—Congrats to Erol who successfully defended his thesis entitled “Changes in wetland soil processes and ecosystem functions six years after marsh creation in Barataria Bay, Louisiana”. Well Done !
February 15, 2021. Congrats to Yadav for being awarded The Nepalese Student Association of LSU Outstanding
Student Award for 2020. Keep up the good work!
February 2, 2021—Happy World Wetlands Day. The College of the Coast and Environment celebrates World Wetlands Day by describing some of the important research the College has conducted in recent years. Read more about World Wetlands Day
Laura’s paper on “The impact of recently excavated dredge pits on coastal hypoxia in the northern Gulf of Mexico shelf “has been recently published in Marine Environmental Research. Congrats !
December 8 , 2020—MP’s and Yadav’s manuscript entitled “Investigating the Impact of in situ Soil Carbon Degradation Through Porewater Spectroscopic Analyses on Marsh Edge Erosion” has been accepted by Chemosphere. This work was a collaboration with M.P. Hayes from Dr. Cook’s group in the Department of Chemistry and our group in Oceanography and Coastal Sciences. Congrats to all!
November 2, 2020—The WABL was awarded an NSF-RAPID grant entitled ” Waiting to Exhale: Quantifying
Tropical Storm-Induced Increased Flux of Coastal Wetland Carbon into the Atmosphere”
to study the effects of far-field vs direct impact hurricanes on C dynamic in Barataria
Bay, LA. in collaboration with Dr. George Xue. The photos here were taken November
1, 2020 depicting large swathes of marsh torn off by direct strike 85 mph winds of
Hurricane Zeta also showing stranded marsh fragments in the bay. (lower right) Our
new undergraduate researcher, James, is helping Ph.D. student Yadav reset his erosion
October 27, 2020—Yadav placed his abstract on the WABL “Wall of Achievement” of the paper submitted
to Chemosphere entitled ” Investigating the Impact of in situ Soil Carbon Degradation
Through Porewater Spectroscopic Analyses on Marsh Edge Erosion” in collaboration with
M.P. Hayes from Dr. Cook’s group in the Department of Chemistry. This is the 11th
paper from our current NSF collaborative grant.
Coastal Louisiana has taken it on the chin this Hurricane Season (2020) with a plethora
of named storms crisscrossing the state. Hurricane Zeta roared right through our study
area, green rectangle (map courtesy of collaborator Dr. George Xue).
September 14, 2020—The College of the Coast & Environment published a story about researchers working on hurricane issues. The WABL's recent work on hurricane induced coastal wetland erosion was included.
September 11, 2020—The WABL was recently featured in an article by National Geographic entitled “How powerful hurricanes hasten the disappearance of Louisiana’s wetlands."
September 5, 2020—Congrats to Yadav! His most recent paper documenting higher carbon stocks deep in the coastal wetland profile susceptible to erosion and mineralization to CO2 was made available online today, though officially will be a publication in 2021.
August 30, 2020—Yadav visited his coastal wetland erosion sites in Barataria Bay to investigate if the passage of nearby but not direct strike storms Marco and Laura had an impact on the marsh erosion rates. Preliminary data suggests that the erosion rate was more than 40 times the normal rate for both storms.
July 12, 2020—Erol made a foray out to the Lake Hermitage Marsh Creation Project, now ~6 years
since construction. His goal is to determine the trajectory of wetland ecosystem processes
recovery compared to a natural marsh.
June 9, 2020—Congrats to Peter who successfully defended his thesis by Zoom entitled “Phosphorus
Variability in the Area of Influence of the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion” Peter
has earned the designation of WABL Graduate student #31 . Peter is now employed by
ENCOS Environmental and Coastal Services, a Baton Rouge-based environmental consulting
company focused on
Environmental, Compliance, Coastal Services, and Industrial Hygiene.
March 18, 2020—Congrats to Alina! Her first master's manuscript was published in Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Sciences after an excruciating-long review process of seven months. Good things come to those who wait. This research was carried out with Dr. Corstanje’s environmental and agricultural informatics groups at Cranfield University, UK.
March 2, 2020—Congrats to Laura who successfully defended her thesis entitled “Sediment Biogeochemistry of Dredge Pits in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Shelf.” Laura is moving to the “Sunshine State” where she has been hired by Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institute at FAU.
WABL Hits Manuscript 100 !—The lab just hit a significant milestone in 2020. Manuscript 100 was just published! This accomplishment is due to all the hardworking students and great collaborators who have helped build our wetlands program over the years. Perhaps fitting that manuscript 100 includes 3 former students and one current student as co-authors.
Citation: Steinmuller, H.E., M.P. Hayes, N.R. Hurst, Y. Sapkota., R. Cook, J.R. White, Z. Xue, L.G. Chambers. 2020. Does Edge Erosion Alter Coastal Wetland Soil Properties? A Multi-Method Biogoechemical Study. Catena. 187:104373
November 13, 2019—Congratulations to our PhD student Yadav Sapkota for being selected as a finalist from the wetland soil division of the International Soil Science Society of America meeting held in San Antonio. Yadav won the third place cash award for 5-minute oral and poster presentation in the society-wide competition. #WABL #Bluecarbon #GeauxYadav
October 24, 2019—Dr. Cook’s and Dr. Xue’s Lab joined the WABL in Welcoming Baton Rouge Area students to “Ocean Commotion," a LA SeaGrant sponsored event which engages students on environmental issues relevant to their lives along one of the most dynamic coastlines in the world. The panel at the left show various student groups learning about soil carbon and creating artwork entitled “Carbon Handprints and Fingerprints."
September 15, 2019—Yadav posted his recently accepted paper on the WABL Wall of Achievement, "Carbon offset market methodologies applicable for coastal wetland restoration and conservation in the United States: A review," in Science of the Total Environment. Congrats!
August 2, 2019—Congratulations to Alina Spera on her graduation with her master's degree. Alina’s research was the first temporal and spatial analysis of a large river diversion in Louisiana on coastal wetland soil properties. This project provides valuable information to the state on future operation of the surface water diversions and new restoration efforts. She sets off to work on her PhD looking at climate change in the Arctic with Dr. Lougheed at UTEP.
May 31. 2019—Congrats to Jessica! Her first master's manuscript was published in Science of the Total Environment. This paper was written in collaboration with Dr. Ehab Meselhe from Tulane University.
May 10, 2019—Congratulations to Jessica Vaccare on her master's degree for her research on quantifying water quality ecosystem services in coastal wetlands affected by erosion. Jessica has accepted a job and is in Florida working for an environmental consulting company.
December 14, 2018—Congratulations to Katie Bowes on graduating with her master's for research on impact of surface water temperature on resulting water quality function of wetland soil and submerged sediments. Katie is working in East Central Florida for Martin County, in the Ecosystem Restoration and Coastal Engineering Division.