Former WABL Graduate Students
37) Jacob Cheng, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated Summer 2024
Thesis Title: The Impact of Nature-Based Sediment Restoration Practices on Coastal
Wetland Soil Biogeochemistry
Current Position: Jacob is employed at Chenier Environmental Consulting located here in Baton Rouge, LA.
36) Robert Feder, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated Summer 2023
Thesis Title: Effects of Coastal Freshening on Porewater Chemistry and Nutrient Availability
in Brackish Marsh Soils: Implications for Biogeochemical Resilience in Barataria Basin,
Current Position: Recipient of Knauss Fellowship for one year placement in Louisiana Senator Cassidy's office in the Senate, Washington DC. Feb 2024-Jan 2025
35) Mercedes Pinzon, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated Summer 2023
Thesis Title: Impact of Sediment Diversion For Coastal Restoration on Nitrogen and
Phosphorus Biogeochemical Cycling in Coastal Louisiana, USA.
Current Position: Pursuing Ph.D. at University of Central Florida with Dr. Lisa Chambers
34) Yadav Sapkota, Ph.D., Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated Fall 2021
Dissertation Title: Soil Organic Matter Accretion, Complexity, and Degradation in
Eroding Coastal Wetlands.
College of the Coast & Environment – Outstanding Dissertation Award
Current Position: Bennett Aerospace, Inc., contractor for US Army Corp Engineer Research and Development Center, Vicksburg, MS
33) Callie Snow, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Co-Chair with Dr. Sibel Bargu; Graduated Fall 2021
Thesis Title: Effects of Freshwater Input on Nutrient Loading, Toxic Cyanobacteria
Bloom Development and Cyanotoxin Production in Lake Pontchartrain Estuary, Louisiana.
32) Erol Knaus, Master's, Coastal & Ecological Engineering, LSU
Graduated: Spring 2021
Thesis Title: Changes in wetland soil processes and ecosystem function six years after
marsh creation in Barataria Bay, Louisiana
Current Position: Working for LA Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority in Baton
Rouge as an Engineer 2.
31) Peter Mates, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Summer 2020
Thesis Title: Determining pre-project wetland soil and estuarine sediment properties
and Phosphorus cycling in the Area of Influence of the Mid-Barataria Sediment Diversion
Current Position: Working in the Chicago Area as a gastronomic engineer
30) Laura J. Thompson, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Spring 2020
Thesis Title: Sediment Biogeochemistry of Dredge Pits in the Northern Gulf of Mexico
College of the Coast & Environment – Outstanding Thesis Award
Current Position: Working with Applied Ecology Inc, in Melbourne, FL.
29) Alina Spera, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Summer 2019
Thesis Title: Decadal Changes of Soil Physiochemical Properties in a Freshwater Wetland
After Hydrologic Reconnection.
Current Position: Currently pursuing a Ph.D at University of Texas – El Paso
28) Jessica Vaccare, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Spring 2019
Thesis Title: Impacts of Anthropogenic Activities on Coastal Wetland Microbes and
Microbially-Mediated Processes in Coastal Louisiana.
Current Position: Working at DB Laboratories, Environmental consulting in Rockledge,
27) Katie Bowes, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Fall 2018
Thesis Title: From the River to the Gulf: An investigation of Biogeochemical Cycling
in Wetland Soils and Coastal Shelf Sediments.
Current Position: Senior Staff Environmental Scientist with Drummond Carpenter managing
water quality and wetland reserach projects for clients throughout Florida.
26) Sarah (Wood) Lewis, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Summer 2017
Thesis Title: Biogeochemical Processes Linked to Important Ecosystem Services in Restored
and Natural Louisiana Wetlands.
College of the Coast & Environment-Outstanding Thesis Award
Current Position: Employed at Lord & Winter, a large environmental consulting company
who opened an office in Baton Rouge in 2017, and she was the first employee hired.
25) Brian Levine, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated:Fall 2016
Thesis Title: Implications of the Long- term Presence of Crude Oil from the Deepwater
Horizon Spill on Salt Marsh Biogeochemistry
College of the Coast & Environment – Outstanding Thesis Award
Received a Ph.D. from Massey University in New Zealand on phosphorus dynamics at the aquatic/agroecosystem interface. Currently, Land and Soil Scientist with the Taranaki Regional Council, New Zealand.
24) Nia Hurst, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Summer 2016
Thesis Title: The Effect of Restoration on Nitrate Reduction and Biogeochemical Functioning
in Louisiana Wetlands: Bottomland Hardwood Forests and Deltaic Sediments
Current Position: Employed as a Research Biologist at The US Army Corps of Engineers-ERDC
at Vicksburg MS.
23) Havalend Steinmuller, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Summer 2015
Thesis Title: Anthropogenic Impacts on Soil Microbial Processes in Coastal Wetlands:
Nutrient Loading and Rising CO2 Levels
College of the Coast & Environment – Outstanding Thesis Award
Current Position: Faculty at Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium.
22) Lindsey Green, Master's (Professional), Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Summer 2015
Project Title: The effects of a novel dredge material disposal technique on nitrate
removal in the Lower Atchafalaya River, Louisiana
Current Position: Lindsey has returned from a stint in Germany and is pursuing a degree
in Physical Therapy.
21) Nhan (Nathan) Nguyen, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Fall 2014
Thesis Title: Legacy Phosphorus Implications In the Lake Pontchartrain Estuary Sediments
Due to the 2011 Bonnet Carre Spillway Opening.
Current Position: Nathan is working at Athlon Solutions, as a technical service rep.
Nathan consults on water chemistry and process treatment with refineries and chemical
production plants. He also assesses water system performance in order to improve the
efficiency of the plants.
20) Morgan McKee, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Summer 2014
Thesis Title: Effect of Storm Surge and Nutrient Loading on Coastal Wetland Soil Processes:
Implications for Ecosystem Function
Current Position: Morgan was immediately employed in environmental consulting upon
graduation and since early 2016 is working in the USDA-National Resource Conservation
Service as a Soil Conservationist in Warwick, RI
19) Jason Pietroski, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Summer 2014
Thesis Title: Effect of the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill on Critical Marsh Soil
Microbial Functions
College of the Coast & Environment – Outstanding Thesis Award
Current Position: Jason was employed with the US Army Corp of Engineers in Vicksburg,
MS as a research scientist working on hydric soils. After a tour of the world, he
is back employed with the US Army Corp of Engineers in the Pacific Northwest.
18) Eric Roy, PhD, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Fall 2013
Thesis Title: A Multi-scale Investigation of Nutrient Dynamics in the Lake Pontchartrain
Estuary and Basin
College of Coast & Environment – Outstanding Dissertation Award
Current Position: Eric is an Associate Professor at the University of Vermont at the
Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
17) Jacob Berkowitz; PhD, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Summer 2013
Thesis Title: Incorporating Science – based Approaches into the Rapid Assessment of
Wetlands and Streams: Validation, Restoration Trajectory, and Method Development
Current Position: Dr. Berkowitz is a Research Soil Scientist with the US Army Corps
of Engineers in Vicksburg, MS. and is also an adjunct faculty member in our department
at LSU.
16) Jared Theriot, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Summer 2012
Thesis Title: Effects of Carbon and Nitrogen Transformations in Restored Wetland and
Wastewater Soils
College of the Coast & Environment – Outstanding Thesis Award
Current Position: Jared is a medical doctor and is a surgical resident in New York
City, a long way from Houma, LA, in more ways than one.
15) Christine VanZomeren, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Summer 2011
Thesis Title: Fate of Diverted Mississippi River Nitrate on Vegetated and Nonvegetated
Coastal Marshes of Breton Sound Estuary College of the Coast & Environment – Outstanding Thesis Award
Current Position: Dr. Vanzomeren received a Ph. D. at the University of Florida in
the Department of Soil and Water Science working with Dr. Ramesh Reddy on Nitrogen
dynamics in wetlands. Dr. VanZomeren is the Prize Competition Program Administrator
for the Bureau of Reclamation.
14) Jeremy L. Conkle, PhD, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Spring 2010
Dissertation Title: Pharmaceutical Compounds in Treatment Wetlands: Potential Removal
and Effects on Microbial Processes
Current Position: Senior Chemist.Toxicologist at Delaware River Basin Commission
13) Brett Marks, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Spring 2010
Thesis Title: Effects of Salinity on Nitrogen Cycling in Wetland Soils and Sediments
of Breton Sound Estuary, LA
Current Position: After obtaining his M.S. degree in Oceanography and Coastal Sciences
at LSU, Brett obtained an M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering at University of Louisiana-Lafayette,
Brett now works for Franks International as a Mechanical Engineer in Lafayette, LA.
12) Dhaval Shah, Master's, Civil Engineering, LSU
Graduated: Summer 2009
Thesis Title: Phosphorus dynamics in the marshland upwelling system
Current Position: Engineer I, at Providence Engineering and Environmental Group, LLC.
Providence is an environmental group which deals with all kinds of media groups such
as Waste, Wastewater, Hazardous Waste, Air, Natural Resources, Risk Assessment and
11) Dr. Lisa (Gardner) Chambers, Master's, Oceanography & Coastal Sciences, LSU
Graduated: Spring 2008
Thesis Title: Denitrification enzyme activity as an indicator of nitrate loading in
a wetland receiving diverted Mississippi River water
College of the Coast & Environment – Outstanding Thesis Award
Current Position: Dr. Chambers is an Associate Professor, Department of Biology, University
of Central Florida, Orlando, FL.
10) Maj. Hannon Didier, Master's, Environmental Studies, LSU
Graduated: Summer 2007
Thesis Title: Biogeomorphic evaluation of Caminada-moreau maritime beach ridges with
respect to future restoration initiatives
Current Position: Hannon is currently serving active duty in the US Army
9) Lynette Malecki-Brown, PhD, Soil & Water Science, UF
Graduated: Spring 2007
Dissertation Title: Effects of Alum on Phosphorus Sequestration, Macrophytes, Microbial
Community and Mineralogy in a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Wetlands
Current Position: Dr. Malecki-Brown is a Principal Scientist with the Environmental
Consulting Comany of Breedlove, Dennis & Associates, Inc. Winter Park, FL
8) Shannon (Curtis) White, Master's, Soil & Water Science, UF
Graduated: 2005
Thesis Title: A characterization of phosphorus removal in STA-1 West Cell 5B
Current Position: Project Manager, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville, FL
7) Chakesha S. (Martin) Harvey, Master's, Soil & Water Science, UF
Graduated: 2004
Thesis Title: Phosphorus flux from sediments in the Kissimmee River Upper Chain of
Current Position: District Conservationist for Natural Resources Conservation Service
(NRCS), USDA Service Center, Gainesville, FL
6) Sue (Simon) Lindstrom, Master's, Soil & Water Science, UF
Graduated: 2003
Thesis Title: Phosphorus Retention and Release of Soils in a Constructed Wetland for
Wastewater Treatment
Current Position: Senior Environmental Scientist with WSP, an international consulting
company, in Washington DC Metro Area.
5) Kevin Grace, Master's, Soil & Water Science, UF
Graduated: 2003
Thesis Title: Phosphorus removal and soil stability with emergent and submerged vegetation
communities in treatment wetlands
Current Position: Employed at D.B. Environmental Laboratories, Gainesville, FL. Areas
of research include STA optimization for phosphorus removal, factors limiting SAV
growth in Lake Okeechobee, and biological health criteria in canals in Florida.
4) Alex Aycrigg, Master's (professional), Soil & Water Science, UF
Graduated: 2003
Thesis Title: Nitrogen cycling indicators of ecological condition
Current Position: Project Manager, Environmental Consulting, Froehling & Robertson,
Inc. North Carolina
3) Erin (Bostic) Corstanje, Master's, Soil & Water Science, UF
Graduated: 2003
Thesis Title: Phosphorus cycling in a nutrient-impacted freshwater wetland: spatial,
temporal and hydrologic effects
Current Position: Strategic Programme Manager, Advanza Pharma.
2) Lynette Malecki-Brown, Master's, Soil & Water Science, UF
Graduated: 2002
Thesis Title: Temporal and spatial variability of nutrient fluxes from sediment in
the lower St. Johns River (IFAS Thesis of the Year Award)
Current Position: Received Ph.D. in Soil and Water Science (2007). Dr. Malecki- Brown
is a Principal Senior Scientist with Breedlove, Dennis & Associates, Inc. Winter Park,
1) Katie Barch, Master's, Soil & Water Science, UF
Graduated: 2002
Thesis Title: Spatial and temporal patterns of biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen
in a nutrient-impacted subtropical wetland
Current Position: Environmental Specialist, Environmental Consulting, Booz Allen Hamilton,
Inc., Arlington, VA