
Courses Taught:

Courses are live-streamed and lectures are archived at my youtube channel: youtube.com/@SnowsLab. 

In this course, students develop fundamental skills required to solve environmental problems, including materials balance and transfer equations.

In this course, I cover the chemical, physical, and biological principles required to design and operate common water and wastewater treatment processes. We rely heavily on Introduction to Environmental Engineering and Science by Gilbert M. Masters and Wendell P. Ela (Prentice Hall, 3rd edition). We typically cover sedimentation, filtration (membrane and sand/gravity), disinfection, wastewater microbiology, and biological treatment, among other topics.

I teach this course every other year, on even years. In this course, I engage students in a combination of lectures, discussions, projects, and communication assignments (written and oral) to explore what takes to apply environmental engineering principles in resource-poor settings. My goal is to provide real and practical problems for students to solve that will provide useful information for aid organizations in developing countries. I have a strong connection with a group in Nicaragua that I hope to leverage as a destination for field trip for this course.

In this course, I cover the theory and principles of physical and chemical processes in water and wastewater treatment processes. Topics of focus will include the radical chemistry in advanced oxidation processes, the physical dynamics of adsorption processes, and the physical limitations of non-ideal reactors, among other topics.