
New Students! 

The Snow lab welcomed Madelynne Hathcock (M.S. program, June 2024) and Elorm Amevor (Ph.D. program, August 2024) to the group.


Congratulations to recent graduates: Andrea Martinez, Annie Lobitz, and Weiliang Sun!

New Students! 

The Snow lab welcomed Caleb Osei-Appau (Ph.D. program, August 2022) and Ebenezer Etsiwah (M.S. program, January 2023) to the group.

New Student! 

The Snow lab welcomed Andrea Martinez (former LSU EVEG student) to the group in Fall 2021. She aims to better understand how to prevent bacteria from repairing after UV disinfection.  

First IRES Cohort!

In 2022, the first group of summer research students had a fantastic summer in Montpellier, France working on a variety of water treatment topics. Thanks to all who participated!

New Funding!

In Spring 2021, the Snow lab received the NSF CAREER award for a project titled, 'Accelerating sustainable water treatment using smart ultraviolet light emitting diodes.' We are excited and grateful for this opportunity to advance water treatment technology through LED-based innovations.

New Project! 

In collaboration with Dr. Vlad Tarabara from Michigan State University, we have been awarded a National Science Foundation grant to provide International Research Experiences for Students (IRES). Learn more about the Water Sustainability Project. Apply here, if interested! 

Fellowship Awarded!

Madhu was awarded the prestigious Chateaubriand fellowship to visit France for a four-month research visit. Congratulations!

Senior Design Wins!

Ian and Jasmine both (separately) won awards as a part of their senior design teams! Congratulations to you both!

Manuscript Published!

Congratulations to Caroline! She collected the data for this paper during her NSF REU program in 2016 while I was a postdoc at MSU with Vlad's mentorship. The study examines the effects of wastewater effluent samples from two treatment plants in Michigan on photocatalysis.

The paper is titled, "Photocatalysis in membrane bioreactor effluent: assessment of inhibition by dissolved organics"

Manuscript Published

Congratulations to Mostafa and the rest of our team! This is the first of our group's papers with data from our lab! It takes an in-depth look at how dissolved organics matter in wastewater inhibits a common photocatalyst.

The paper is titled, "Emerging investigator series: photocatalysis for MBR effluent post-treatment: assessing the effects of effluent organic matter characteristics"