Caring Tigers Assessment Service


Research done by the lab has made it clear that effective treatment of children and adolescents with behavior problems requires a comprehensive assessment of the child to determine what are the primary causes of his or her problem behaviors and what are the strengths of the child and his or her family that can be used to address these causes.  Further, the lab has developed a number of state-of-the-art tools to aid in this assessment.

To apply this work and support children and families in the metropolitan Baton Rouge area, members of the Developmental Psychopathology Lab staff the Caring Tigers Assessment Service (CTAS).  CTAS is a diagnostic and referral service of the Psychological Services Center operated by the Department of Psychology.  Children or adolescents (ages 6-17) and at least one parent or legal guardian spend one day at the Psychological Services Center for the evaluation.  From the results of this evaluation, a report is written summarizing the findings and making recommendations for  treatment and other supportive services that may help the child, some of which can also be provided by the Psychological Services Center.

All assessments are supervised by Dr. Paul Frick, who is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist in the State of Louisiana (#838) and is an ABPP Board Certified Specialist:  Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychologist (#8595). All assessments are low-cost and set on a sliding fee scale.   More information on CTAS can be obtained by downloading the CTAS Brochure.  To make an appointment, please call 225-578-1494.

Clients who are served by CTAS and their parents are asked to voluntarily allow information collected during the evaluation to be used in research.  They are informed that their consent to participation in research will in no way change the services they received.  As a result, information from CTAS provides a clinical data base for studies that can aid in advancing the assessment and diagnosis of children's emotional, behavioral, social, and learning problems.  


Goetz, C.M., Miller, T.A. & Frick, P.J. (2024). The Clinical Assessment of Prosocial Emotions (CAPE): Initial tests of reliability and validity in a clinic-referred sample of children and adolescents. Psychological Assessment.