Journal & Conference Publications
List of Publications
*indicates corresponding author
- Shetty, R., Tyagi, M.*, Sharma, J.. 2024. Study of Sand Transport in a Horizontal Pipeline Using Validated Computational Fluid
Dynamics Simulations with Experimental Fiber Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing Data. SPE Journal 1-16. SPE-223953-PA.
- Sharma, J. 2024. Advancing the current state-of-the-art of Distributed Fiber-Optic Sensing. Panel presentation at the SPE Annual Technical Conf. and Exhibition Special Panel
on Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing – Flow Measurement Perspective, 23-25 September
2024, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Fan Z, Zhong S, Zhao K, Wang Q, Li Y, Zhang G, Ma G, Zhao J, Yan H, Huang Z, Sharma, J., Chen, K.. A Hermetic Package Technique for Multi-Functional Fiber Sensors through Pressure Boundary
of Energy Systems Based on Glass Sealants. Photonics. 2024; 11(9):792.
- Gemeinhardt, H. and Sharma, J*. 2024. Machine Learning-Assisted Leak Detection using Fiber Optic Sensor Data. Paper at SPE Fiber-Optic Sensing Applications for Well, Reservoir and Asset Management,
29-31 July, Galveston, TX.
- Sharma, J. [INVITED PRESENTATION] 2024. Fiber Optics Sensing to Detect Pipeline Leaks.
Presented at the 2024 Pipeline Safety Conference, August 12-15, 2024, New Orleans,
- Khan, T., Sviatoslav , B., Gartia, M.R., Wang, J*. and Sharma, J. 2024. Mapping and Characterization of Local Structures of CsPbBr3. ACS Omega journal, 9 (33):35789–35797, DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.4c04354.
- Gietz, H., Sharma, J.*, Tyagi, M. 2024. Machine Learning for Automated Sand Transport Monitoring in a Pipeline Using Distributed
Acoustic Sensor Data. IEEE Sensors journal, 24(14):22444-22457.
- Shetty, R., Tyagi, M., Sharma, J*. 2024. Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Solids Transport in a Wellbore using Gauge
Measurements Complemented with Fiber-Optic DTS. 2024 SPE ATCE, 23-25 September 2024, New Orleans, Louisiana, SPE-221382-MS.
- Jyoti, Mishra, S., Gartia, M., Sharma, J*. 2024. Analytical and numerical modeling framework for nanomaterial-enhanced fiber-optic
CO2 sensors. Paper at the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Optical Engineering
and Applications conference, 18-22 August, San Diego, United States.
- Adeyemi, T., Sharma, J.*, Williams, M. J. 2024. Minnaert resonance analysis and Poincaré maps to detect gas in wellbore using fiber-optic
sensor data. Paper at the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Optical Engineering
and Applications conference, 18-22 August, San Diego, United States.
- Adeyemi, T., Wei, C., Sharma, J.*, Chen, Y. 2024. Comparison of Gas Signature and Void Fraction in Water and Oil-based Muds using Fiber-Optic
DAS, DTS, and DSS. SPE Journal 1-22, SPE-219753-PA.
- Sharma, J.*, Mills, H. 2024. Deep-learning-assisted automated detection of gas influx signature in wellbore using
distributed acoustic sensor data. Paper at Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers Optical Engineering
and Applications conference, 21-25 April, National Harbor, Maryland, United States
(presented by Rishikesh Shetty).
- Sharma, J.* 2024. Tutorial on Distributed Fiber-Optic Sensing, at the 18th IEEE Systems Conference (SysCon), 15-18 April, Montreal, Canada.
- Wei, C., Adeyemi, T., Sharma, J., Chen, Y*. 2024. Improved Gas Influx Distribution Estimation using Interfacial Area Transport Equation
(IATE) Enabled Two-Fluid Model: An Advanced Modeling and Full-Scale Experimental Study. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2023: 104706.
- Gemeinhardt, H. and Sharma, J.* 2024. Machine Learning-Assisted Leak Detection using Distributed Temperature and Acoustic
Sensors. IEEE Sensors Journal, 24(2): 1520-1531, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2023.3337284.
- Sharma, J. 2024. Applications of Fiber-Optic Sensing for Energy Applications. National Energy Technology Laboratory Sensor Technology Technical Forum, 9 Aug. 2024, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- Shetty, R., Sharma, J.*, Tyagi, M. 2023. Experimental Study on Sand Detection and Monitoring Using Distributed Acoustic Sensing
for Multiphase Flow in Horizontal Pipes. SPE Journal. SPE-218005-PA 29 (02): 1045–1060.
Ekechukwu, G.K., Sharma, J.*, William, M.J. A novel velocity band energy workflow for fiber-optic DAS interpretation and multiphase flow characterization. Nature - Scientific Reports, 13, 15142 (2023).
Zhong, S., Sharma, J.*, Chen, K. 2023. Optical Fiber-based Novel Quasi-Distributed Pressure Sensing. Paper presented at Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Optical Engineering and Applications conference. 20-24 August, San Diego, California United States.
Adeyemi, T. , Sharma, J.*, Tabjula, J. 2023. Monitoring and Characterization of Gas Migration in Oil-Based Mud using Fiber-Optic DAS and DTS. SPE Journal, 1-15. SPE-217433-PA.
Wei, C., Adeyemi, T., Sharma, J., Mahmud, S., Chen, Y*. 2023. Full-scale Experimental And Modeling Studies Of Gas Migration And Suspension Behaviors During Wellbore Influx Management Using MPD. Presentation at SPE ATCE, 16-18 Oct. San Antonio, USA.
Kunju, M.R., Adeyemi, T. , Sharma, J., Almeida, M. A. 2023. Fixed Choke Constant Outflow Circulation Method for Riser Gas Handling: Full-Scale Tests in Water and Synthetic-Based Mud With Gauges and Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors. SPE Journal. SPE-217444-PA.
- Wei, C., Tabjula, J., Sharma, J. & Chen, Y*. 2023. The Modeling of Two-way Coupled Transient Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer during
Gas Influx Management using Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing Measurements. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 214(01):124447.
- Tabjula, J., Shetty, R., Adeyemi, T. , Sharma, J.*. 2023. Empirical Correlations for Predicting Flow Rates Using Distributed Acoustic Sensor
Measurements, Validated with Wellbore and Flow Loop Data Sets. SPE Prod & Oper. 1–16, SPE-215834-PA.
- Tabjula, J., Sharma, J.*. 2023. Comparison of the sensitivity of DAS and FBG for detecting and quantifying small pipeline
leaks. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Defense and Commercial
Sensing Conference, Orlando, Florida, 30 June - 4 May. (Invited Paper)
- Tabjula, J., Sharma, J.*. 2023. Feature Extraction Techniques for Noisy Distributed Acoustic Sensor Data Acquired
in a Wellbore. Applied Optics, 62(16), E51-E61.
- Wei, C., Tabjula, J., Sharma, J. & Chen, Y*. 2023. A Novel Data Assimilation-Based Real-Time State Estimation Method for Gas Influx Profiling
During Riser Gas Events. Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 145(06).
- Tabjula, J., Wei, C., Sharma, J.*, Santos, O., Chen, Y., Kunju, M., Almeida, M., Upchurch, E. R., Samdani, G., Moganaradjou,
Y., Rao, S., Gupta, P. 2023. Well-Scale Experimental and Numerical Modeling Studies of Gas Bullheading Using Fiber-Optic
DAS and DTS. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol. 225, June 2023, 211662.
- Ekechukwu, G.K., Sharma, J.* 2023. Degradation Analysis of Single-mode and Multimode Fibers in a Full-scale Wellbore and its Impact on DAS and DTS Measurements. IEEE Sensors. doi:10.1109/JSEN.2023.3257264.
- Sharma, J.*. 2022. [KEYNOTE SPEAKER] Future of Fiber Optic Sensing for Energy Applications and the Need for Industry-Academic
Collaboration. 2nd European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers (EAGE) Workshop on Fiber
Optic Sensing for Energy Applications, 5-7 Dec 2022, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Sharma, J.*. 2022. Machine-Learning Assisted Leak and Structural Integrity Monitoring using Fiber
Optic Sensors. Center for Innovation in Structural Integrity Assurance, 1-2 Dec 2022,
Ruston, LA, USA. (presented by Gerald Ekechukwu on behalf of Dr. Sharma).
- Sharma, J.*, Santos, O.L., Ogunsanwo, O., Ekechukwu, G.K., Almeida, M., Chen, Y. 2022. Fiber-Optic DAS and DTS for monitoring riser gas migration. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2022:111157.
- Tabjula, J., Sharma, J.*. 2022. Extraction of Gas Rise Features from a Noisy DAS Data in an Experimental Wellbore.
27th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, 28 Aug-2 Sep 2022, Virginia,
- Alaofin, O., Zhang, Y., Sharma,J.*, Li, X. 2022. Cross-Modality Super-Resolution of Gravity Data for Geophysical Exploration. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 17-22 July (Paper TU6.V18.4).
- Sharma, J.* 2022. Well-Scale DAS and DTS Fiber Degradation Study. 2022 SEAFOM Fiber Optic Conference.
- Santos, O.*, Almeida, M., Sharma, J., , Kunju, M., Chen, Y., Waltrich, P. 2022. New Experimental Results Show the Application of Fiber Optic to Detect and to Track Gas Position in Marine Risers and Shed Lights on the Gas Migration Phenomenon Inside a Closed Well. 2022 SPE/IADC International Drilling Conference and Exhibition, March 2022 (paper SPE-208682).
- Ekechukwu, G.K., Sharma, J.* 2021. Well‑scale demonstration of distributed pressure sensing using fiber‑optic DAS and
DTS. Scientific Reports (Nature) 11:12505 (2021).
Sharma, J.*, Dean, J., Aljaberi, F., Altememee, N. 2021. In-situ combustion in Bellevue field in Louisiana – History, current state and future strategies. Fuel 284: 118992.
- Wang, B., Sharma, J.*, Chen, J., Persaud, P. 2021. Ensemble Machine Learning Assisted Reservoir Characterization using Field Production
Data - an Offshore Field Case Study. Energies 2021, 14(4), 1052.
Sharma, J.*, Gede, A., Mims, D, Barnes, D. 2021. Temperature Logging Guidelines and Factors that Affect Measurement Accuracy in Steamfloods. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 196: 107727.
- Sharma, J.*, Cuny, T., Ogunsanwo, T., Santos, O. 2020. Low-Frequency Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Early Gas Detection in a Wellbore. IEEE Sensors Journal 21(5): 6158-6169, 1 March1, 2021.
Santos, O.*, Williams, W., Sharma, J., Almeida, M., Kunju, M., Taylor, C. 2021. Use of Fiber Optic Information to Detect and Investigate the Gas-in-riser Phenomenon. 2021 SPE/IADC International Drilling Conference and Exhibition, March 2021 (paper SPE-204115).
- Santos, O.*, Williams, W., Sharma, J., Almeida, M., Kunju, M., Taylor, C. 2021. Use of Fiber-Optic Information To Detect and Investigate the Gas-in-Riser Phenomenon. SPE Drilling and Completions 1-18: SPE-204115-PA.
- Ekechukwu, G.K., Sharma, J.* 2021. Automated Detection & Quantification of Gas Influx Velocity in Wellbore from Fiber-Optic
Sensor Data. Optical Society of America - Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress, July 2021, paper
# JTh6A.11.
- Sharma, J.* 2021. Well-based DAS for Reservoir Flow Monitoring. NHERI@UTexas Workshop on Fiber Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) for Infrastructure Engineering and Subsurface Imaging, 21-22 Oct 2021.
Rezk, M.Y., Sharma, J.*, Gartia, M.R. 2020. Nanomaterial-Based CO2 Sensors. Nanomaterials 2020, 10(11), 2251.
Sharma, J.*, Santos, O., Feo, G., Ogunsanwo, O., Williams, W. 2020. Well-Scale Multiphase Flow Characterization & Validation Using Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors for Gas Kick Monitoring. Optics Express 28(26):38773-38787.
Feo, G., Sharma, J.*, Cunningham, S. 2020. Integrating Fiber Optic Data in Numerical Reservoir Simulation Using Intelligent Optimization Workflow. Sensors 20(11): 3075.
Feo, G., Sharma, J.*, Kortukov, D., Ogunsanwo, T. Williams, W. 2020. Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing for Real-Time Monitoring of Gas in Riser during Offshore Drilling. Sensors 20(1): 267.
Williams, W. C.*, Taylor, C. E., Almeida, M. A., Sharma, J., Waltrich, P. J., Chen, Y., Feo, G., Kortukov, D. 2020. Distributed Sensing and Real Time Visualization of Gas Kick Dynamics in a Full-Scale Wellbore, SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 26-29 October, 2020.
Feo, G., Sharma, J.*, Santos, O., Toba, O., Williams, W. 2020. Multiphase Flow Characterization and Modeling Using Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors to Prevent Well Blowout. in Optical Sensors and Sensing Congress, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2020), paper EM3C.5.
- Sharma, J.* 2020. “Tutorial - Distributed Fiber Optic Sensors.” 2020 International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, Alexandria, Virginia, USA, June.
- Zhou, X.*, Tyagi, M., Sharma, J. 2020. Enhanced Automatic Segmentation of Salt Bodies from Seismic Images Using Wavelet Convolutional Neural Networks. EAGE 2020 Annual Conference & Exhibition Online, Dec 2020, Volume 2020, p.1 - 5.
- Feo, G., Sharma, J.*, Williams, W., Kortukov, D., Ogunsanwo, T. 2019, Application of Distributed Fiber Optics Sensing Technology for Real-time Gas Kick Detection. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Calgary, Canada, September. SPE-196113-MS.
- Sharma, J.*, Feo, G. 2019, Application of Distributed Fiber Optics Sensing in Offshore Environments. Deepwater Technical Symposium, New Orleans, USA, August.
- Sharma, J.*, Feo, G. 2019, Distributed Fiber Optics Sensing Application for Gas-in-riser Detection and Mitigation for Offshore Well Control. SPE Fiber Optics Workshop, Denver, USA, August.
- Gede, A., Sharma, J.*, Mims, D, Barnes, D. 2018. Temperature Logging Guidelines and Factors that Affect Measurement Accuracy. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Dallas, USA, September.
- Sharma, J.*, Nzegaing S. 2018. Application of Data Analytics for Selecting Chemical Stimulation Candidates in Venezuela.” Chevron Data Analytics Forum, San Ramon, USA, October.
- Sharma, J.*, Gede, A., Barnes, D. 2017. Advanced Topics on Temperature Log Interpretation. Chevron Reservoir Management Forum, Bakersfield, USA, April.
- Sharma, J.*, Popa, A., Cassidy, S. 2017. The Use of Voronoi Mapping for Production Growth in a Heavy Oil Field. SPE Western Regional Conference, Bakersfield, USA, April.
- Sharma, J.*, Munoz, J., Seiler, W., 2016. San Ardo Strategy for Optimized Injection and Drainage. Chevron San Joaquin Valley Reservoir Management Forum, Bakersfield, USA, October.
- Sharma, J.*, Popa, A., 2015. Application of Voronoi for Production Increase Opportunities. Chevron San Joaquin Valley Reservoir Management Forum, Bakersfield, USA, September.
- Bourda, N.*, Sharma, J., Seiler, W., Angelo, C., 2015. San Ardo Field Geology: Barriers vs Baffles. Chevron San Joaquin Valley Reservoir Management Forum, Bakersfield, USA, September.
- Bourda, N.*, Sharma, J., Seiler, W., Angelo, C., 2015. San Ardo Optimization Project. Chevron San Joaquin Valley Reservoir Management Forum, Bakersfield, USA, September.
- Sharma, J.*, Tardio, A., Nguyen, T. 2015. Injection Strategy During Steam Constraints. Chevron Lean Sigma Poster Session, Lost Hills, USA, March.
- Sharma, J.*, Benson, I., Lolley, C, 2014. Improved Analytical Modeling of Steam-Aided Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage Process. Chevron Heavy Oil Forum, Bakersfield, USA, August.
- Sharma, J.*, Izgec, O., Lolley, C, 2014. Inferring Reservoir Continuity, Reservoir Pressure and Drainage Volume Using an In-house Analytical Method. Chevron Heavy Oil Forum, Bakersfield, USA, August.
- Sharma, J.*, Nguyen, T., and Munoz, J.D., 2014. West Central California Drainage Review Process. Chevron San Joaquin Valley Reservoir Management Forum, Bakersfield, USA, September.
- Kumar, R.*, Sharma, J., Rubin, E., Lolley, C, 2014. Dynamic Modeling of N.Boscan Leads to New Insights into Reservoir Behavior. Chevron Heavy Oil Forum, Bakersfield, USA, August.
- Sharma, J.*, Inwood, S. B., and Kovscek, A. R. 2012. Experiments and Analysis of Multi-scale Viscous Fingering during Imbibition. Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal 17(4):1142-1159.
- Sharma, J.*, Moore, G. R., and Mehta, S.A.2012. Effect of Methane Co-injection in SAGD−Analytical and Simulation Study. Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal 17(3):687.
- Sharma, J., and Gates, I.D. 2011. Interfacial Stability and Displacement Efficiency in Steam Solvent Processes. Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal 16(1):55-64.
- Sharma, J., and Gates, I.D. 2011. Convection at the Edge of SAGD Steam Chamber.
Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal 16(3): 503-512. - Sharma, J.*, Moore, G. R., and Mehta, S.A.2011. Effect of Methane Co-injection in SAGD−Analytical and Simulation Study. Canadian Unconventional Resource Conference, Calgary, Canada, November.
- Sharma, J.*, Inwood, S.B., and Kovscek, A. R. 2011. Experiments and Analysis of Multiscale Viscous Fingering during Imbibition. SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Denver, USA October.
- Sharma, J., and Gates, I.D. 2010. Multiphase Flow at the Edge of Steam Chamber. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 88(3):312-332.
- Sharma, J., and Gates, I.D. 2010. Interfacial Stability and Displacement Efficiency in Steam Solvent Processes. Improved Oil Recovery Symposium, Tulsa, USA, April.
- Sharma, J., and Gates, I.D. 2010. Dynamics of Steam-Solvent Coupling at the Edge of an ES-SAGD Chamber. SPE Oil & Gas India Conference, Mumbai, India, January.
- Sharma, J., and Gates, I.D. 2009. Convection at the Edge of SAGD Steam Chamber. 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Canada, August.
- Sharma, J., and Gates, I.D. 2009. Multiphase Analytical Modelling of Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage. Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Canada, June.
- Sharma, J. 2020. Application of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing in Oil and Gas Industry. University of Wyoming, 15 October.
- Sharma, J. 2019. Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing Technology in Offshore Environments – Current State and Future Directions. Stanford University - SPE Golden Gate Section, Stanford (CA), 14 November.
- Sharma, J. 2019. Application of Distributed Fiber Optic Sensing for Gas Kick Detection. Shell Digitalization & Innovation Team, New Orleans (LA), 26 September.
- Sharma, J. 2014. Steamflood for Heavy Oil Recovery in San Joaquin Valley. California State University SPE Student Section, Bakersfield (CA), 27 November.
- Sharma, J. 2012. Improved Understanding of Thermal Recovery Techniques. BIT's 3rd Annual World Congress of Well Stimulation and EOR, Xi’an, China, 25-27 April.
- Sharma, J. 2011. Modelling of Steam-Solvent Hybrid Processes. Saskatchewan Research Council, Regina, Canada, 6 December.
- Sharma, J., and Gates, I.D. 2011. Interfacial Stability in Steam Solvent Recovery Processes. 16th European Symposium on Improved Oil Recovery, Cambridge, UK, 12-14 April.
- Sharma, J. 2011. Application of SAGD for Heavy Oil Recovery. 2nd Annual Global Heavy Oil Praxis Interactive Technology Workshop, Istanbul, Turkey, 19-22 September.