Dr. Sharma was selected for the Louisiana Speaking of Science program. As part of this program, she delivered a STEM talk and demonstration at the Wildwood Elementary school in Baton Rouge, LA.
Dr. Sharma served as the mentor for the Student Research Mentorship Program at Kenilworth Middle School. An eigth grade student conducted experiments in Dr. Sharma's flow loop facility at PERTT Lab with assistance from Dr. Sharma's graduate student, Gerald Ekechukwu. She presented a poster at the school-wide Science Fair and won the third prize.
Dr. Sharma and her student Thelma hosted middle schoolers in their lab as part of the college’s ENGage program, a one-day workshop coordinated by the LSU College of Engineering to expose young students to the STEM field. Dr. Sharma also serves as mentor for the LSU President’s Future Leaders in Research program and the Mentoring Circles program through the Society of Women Engineers LSU Chapter.

Working in Schlumberger in northern Canada (-40 degC !)
Exxon and Chevron visit PERTT Lab at LSU