Professor Warner is a mentor to students all over the world and has won many awards for his efforts. He takes sincere pleasure is helping people achieve successes that they don’t believe they can attain.
Dr. Isiah Warner working with his students Kelsey Mato, Dr. Suzana Hamdan and Dr.
Paul Magut in his lab. Credit: LSU Office of Research and Economic Development.
"I never thought of what I do as mentoring. It’s just a natural instinct of mine. Then I started winning these mentoring awards and realized, maybe I am doing something different. I never thought of myself as doing something special."
— Dr. Isiah Warner

“It’s that nurturing environment, giving them tools, and building their confidence — making them believe they could do anything they want to do.” — Dr. Isiah Warner
More about Professor Warner's mentor-focused awards and activities
The Makings of a Master Mentor, LSU Science Blog 2019
How four winning mentors help to build skills and dispel doubt, Nature 2019
Isiah Warner (1946- ), BlackPast 2019