Honors & Awards

Dr. Warner, with Mrs. Warner at his side, is recognized for his 2016 SEC Professor of the Year award during halftime of an LSU football game.
2021 ACS J. Calvin Giddings Award for Excellence in Education
2019 Nature Award, Mentoring in Science
2017 Fellow, Royal Society of Chemistry
2017 National Academy of Inventor
2017 Top 10 Mentors, Analytical Scientist’s Power List
2016 South Eastern Conference Professor of the Year
2016 American Academy of Arts & Sciences
2014 Lifetime Achievement, NOBCChE
2013 ACS Award in Analytical Chemistry
2010 Fellow, Society of Applied Spectroscopy
2009 Fellow, American Chemical Society (Inaugural Class)
2008 ACS Analytical Chemistry Division Award, Spectrochemical Analyses
2007 Anachem Award
2006 Southern Chemist Award, ACS Memphis Local Section
2005 Charles E. Coates Award, ACS Baton Rouge Local Section
2004 Distinguished Alumnus, University of Washington, College of Arts & Sciences
2003 ACS Award, Encouraging Disadvantaged Students into Careers in the
Chemical Sciences
2002 Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor
2001 Boyd Professorship, LSU System
2000 AAAS Lifetime Mentor Award
2000 CASE Louisiana Professor of the Year
2000 Eastern Analytical Symposium Award for Achievements in the Fields of
Analytical Sciences
1998 Fulbright Fellowship, Research/Teaching in Keny
1997 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics, and Engineering
1992 Charles Holmes Herty Medal, ACS Georgia Section
1991 Gold Medal, New York section of Society of Applied Spectroscopy
1988 Percy Julian Award, NOBCChE
1984 Presidential Young Investigator Award