Principal Investigator


Principal Investigator

John C Flake (PhD)

Phone: +1 (225) 578-1426 


Google scholar

Office: 3314M Patrick F. Taylor Hall,

             Louisiana State University,

             Baton Rouge, LA 70803




  • PhD: Chemical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology – 1998

  • MS: Chemical Engineering, Louisiana Tech University – 1994

  • BS: Chemical Engineering, Louisiana Tech University – 1993


Experience and professional appointments

2023 - Present

  • Associate Vice President for Research - Natural and Built Environments, Jesse Coates Professor, Jay Affolter Professor, Gordon and Mary Cain Department of Chemical Engineering, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA


2015 - 2023

  • Jay Affolter Professor & Department Chair, Gordon and Mary Cain Department of Chemical Engineering, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA
  • Responsible for strategic leadership, management, fundraising, teaching, research and leading the department (25 faculty, 8 staff, 900+ students).                                                     


2010 - 2015

  • Associate Professor (with tenure),  Director of Chemical Engineering Graduate Studies,  Gordon and Mary Cain Department of Chemical Engineering, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA


2006 - 2010

  • Associate Professor, Cain Department of Chemical Engineering, LSU, Baton Rouge, LA


2000 - 2006

  • Principal Staff Scientist, Motorola / Freescale, Austin, TX &  Crolles FRANCE
  • Responsible for leading metallization, electrodeposition, and CMP process development for 3 technology nodes with alliance partners AMD, NXP and ST Micro.  Responsible for advanced 2.5D packaging. 


1999 - 2000

  • Research Staff Member, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY
  • Responsible for leading development of liquid crystal display products.



Awards and Synergistic Activities


Principal Investigator (PI) or Co-PI on over $24 million in total funding including: $4 million NSF Track 2 (PI), $6.2 million EDA BBB (Co-PI), $13.2 million DOE EFRC (Co-PI),  $1 million  in Industry sponsored research (Entegris, Intel, SRC as PI), and NSF SBIR Phase 1 & 2 funding (Co-PI).



  • 2022 LSU Distinguished Faculty Award

  • SEC Academic Leadership Fellow

  • Motorola Bravo Award

  • Motorola Outstanding Patent Award

  • AIChE Outstanding Paper Award


Professional Society Service:

  • Electrochemical Society, Honors and Awards, Ways and Means, Dielectric Science and Technology, Publications Subcommittee

  • EFRC Young Fellows Mentor

  • LSU Chancellor’s Fellow Advisor

  • Organizing Chair, ECS Interconnect Symposia 2008-2012

  • Dielectric Science and Technology, Session Chair ECS Interconnect Symposia, Electrocatalysis Symposia, 2011

  • Organizer Co-Chair for the 2016 ECS Prime meeting


Journal Referee

  • AIChE Journal

  • Journal of The Electrochemical Society

  • Electrochemical and Solid State Letters

  • Science

  • Langmuir

  • Journal of Power Sources

  • Applied Electrochemistry

  • Nature

  • Catalysts Today


Peer Reviewer:

  • National Science Foundation

  • Department of Energy

  • Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research


Academic committee member

  • for 16 previous and current graduate students.

  • Service as Chair Materials Science Education Committee,

  • Cleanroom Committee Chair,

  • Graduate Committee

  • Director of Graduate Studies

  • 2011-2014m ChE Materials Science and Engineering Education Committee

  • several COE and University-level search committees.


Community Volunteer:  


  • University United Methodist Church, 2008-present