
Additive Manufacturing for Composites Structures


Publications/Conference/News: (G:Graduate Student, UG: Undergraduate Student)

9. [News] NSF Award : How We Monitor Infrastructure Could Change Thanks to LSU Civil, Environmental Engineering Professor, 2025

8. [Conf.]  Y.-F. Su, K. TajG, "Characterization of Underwater Printable Cementitious Materials for Autonomous Underwater Construction", ACI Convention, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2024

7. [Conf.] K. TajG, Y.-F. Su,  " Characterization of 3D Printed Underwater Concrete with Different Environmental Conditions", ASTM ICAM 2024, Atlantic, GA, USA, 2024

6. [Conf.] Y.-F. Su, K. TajG,  "Development of 3D Printable Self-Sensing Concrete for Smart Precast Structural Component", ASCE EMI 2024, Chicago, IL, USA, 2024

5. [Conf.] K. TajG, Y.-F. Su, "Additive Manufacturing of Intelligent Concrete Columns with Embedded Self-Sensing", ACI Convention, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2024

4. [News] NSF AwardLSU Engineering Researchers Seek Advancements in Underwater Construction, 2023

3. [News] Dr. Su's previous work at Cambridge on Smart, 3D printed concrete wall for National Highways, 2023

2. [Conf.] Y.-F. Su, M. RamanchaG, “Parametric Study of Early Age Interfacial Fracture Behavior for 3D Printed Cementitious Composites on the Existing Structures”, Fourth International Conference on Damage Mechanics, Baton Rouge, LA, USA, 2023

1. [Journal] G. Han, Y.-F. Su, S. Ma, T. Nantung, N. Lu. “Exploration of in-situ rheological properties monitoring of 3D printing cementitious materials through piezoelectric-based electromechanical impedance (EMI) technology”, Engineered Science, 2021 


Multifunctional Sustainable Construction Materials

collage of publication graphs


12. [Conf.] A. CallenderUG, K. TajG, Y.-F. Su, "Advancing Sustainable Construction: Harnessing Louisiana's Local Resources for Low-Carbon Concrete", ACI Convention, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2024

11. [Journal] C. Vlachakis, Y.-F. Su, X. Wang, A. Al-Tabbaa, “Mechanics-Perspective Evaluation of Self-Sensing Geopolymer Coatings in Structural Health Monitoring”, Developments in the Built Environment, 2024 

10. [Conf.] C. Vlachakis, Y.-F. Su, A. Al-Tabbaa, “Investigation of interfacial bonding effect on self-sensing cementitious coatings for infrastructure monitoring”, SMARTINCS’23 Conference paper, 2023

9. [Conf.] S. Rengaraju, C. Vlachakis, V. Afroughsabet, L. R. De Souza, Y.-F. Su, A. Al-Tabbaa, “Large-Scale Laboratory Trials of Self-Healing Technologies”, SMARTINCS’23 on Self-Healing, Multifunctional and Advanced Repair Technologies in Cementitious Systems, Ghent Belgium, 2023

8. [Journal] C. Huang, Y.-F. Su, R. Tokpatayeva, T. Nantung, N. Lu., “Investigation of Internal Curing Efficacy of Portland Cement Concrete incorporated with Colloidal Nano Silica” ES Materials & Manufacturing, 2022

7. [Journal] C. Huang1, Y.-F. Su1, P. Baah, T. Nantung, N. Lu., “Investigation of medium-term self-healing performance of strain-hardening cementitious composites incorporated with colloidal nano silica”, Construction and Building Materials 348, 2022 (1co-first author)

6.[Journal] C. Huang, Y.-F. Su, N. Lu., “Self-healing Cementitious Composites (SHCC) with Ultra-High Ductility for Concrete Pavement and Structure Rehabilitation”, (Joint Transportation Research Program Publication No. FHWA/IN/JTRP-2021/36). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University., 2021

5. [Journal] Y.-F. Su, C. Huang, H.G. Jeong, T. Nantung, P. Baah, J. Olek, N. Lu., “Autogenous healing performance of internal curing agent based self-healing cementitious composite", Cement and Concrete Composites, 2020, 103825

4. [Journal] Y. Feng, Y.-F. Su, N. Lu., S. Shah. “Meta Concrete: Exploring Novel Functionality of Concrete Using Nanotechnology”, Engineered Science, 8, 2019 (Featured as cover page)

3. [Journal] C.-C. Hung, Y.-F. Su, Y. M. Su. “Mechanical properties and self-healing evaluation of strain-hardening cementitious composites with high volumes of hybrid pozzolan materials.” Composites Part B: Engineering, 133, 2018.

2. [Journal] C.-C. Hung, Y.-F. Su, H.-H. Hung. “Impact of natural weathering on medium-term self-healing performance of fiber reinforced cementitious composites with intrinsic crack-width control capability.” Cement and Concrete Composites, 80, 2017

1. [Journal] C.-C. Hung, Y.-F. Su. “Medium-term self-healing evaluation of Engineered Cementitious Composites with varying amounts of fly ash and exposure durations.” Construction and Building Materials, 118, 2016


Smart IoT Sensing and Digital Twins

illustration from a publication


9. [Thesis] Y.-F. Su,  "Artificial Intelligence Guided In-Situ Piezoelectric Sensing for Concrete Strength Monitoring." Purdue University Graduate School. Thesis.

8. [Journal] Y.-F. Su, G. Han, C. Huang, T. Nantung, N. Lu. “Field implementation of piezoelectric sensor-based sensing technique for in-situ concrete compressive strength evaluation”, ACI Materials Journal, 118(1), 2021

7. [Journal] G. Han, Y.-F. Su, T. Nantung, N. Lu., “Mechanism for Using Piezoelectric Sensor to Monitor Strength Gain Process of Cementitious Materials with the Temperature Effect”, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 32 (10), 2021

6. [Journal] G. Han, Y.-F. Su, S. Ma, T. Nantung, N. Lu. “Exploration of in-situ rheological properties monitoring of 3D printing cementitious materials through piezoelectric-based electromechanical impedance (EMI) technology”, Engineered Science, 2021 

5. [Journal] Y.-F. Su, G. Han, T. Nantung, N. Lu. “Novel methodology on direct extraction of the strength information from cementitious materials using piezo-sensor based electromechanical impedance (EMI) method”, Construction and Building Materials, 259, 2020

4. [Report] Y.-F. Su, G. Han, N. Lu., “Determining the Optimal Traffic Opening Timing Through an In-Situ NDT Method for Concrete Early Age Properties”, (Joint Transportation Research Program Publication No. FHWA/IN/JTRP-2020/02). West Lafayette, IN: Purdue University. 2020

3. [Journal] Y.-F. Su, G. Han, Z. Kong, T. Nantung, N. Lu. “Embeddable piezoelectric sensors for strength gain monitoring: the influence of coating materials”, Engineered Science, 11, 2020

2. [Journal] Y.-F. Su, G. Han, A. Amran, T. Nantung, N. Lu. “Instantaneous monitoring the early age properties of cementitious materials using PZT-based electromechanical impedance (EMI) technique”, Construction and Building Materials, 225, 2019

1. [Journal] Y.-F. Su, R. R. Kotian, N. Lu. “Energy harvesting potential of bendable concrete using polymer based piezoelectric generator.”, Composites Part B: Engineering, 153, 2018.

Artifical Intelligence for Civil Infrastructures Application

illustration from a publication


5. [Conf.]  Y.-F. Su, C. Vlachakis, S. Rengaraju, X. Wang, G. Milone, J. MorseUG, K. TajG, A. Al-Tabbaa "Feasibility of Leveraging Data-driven Approach on Materials Design Exploration for Self-Sensing Cementitious Composites", ACI Convention, New Orleans, LA, USA, 2024

4. [Conf.] Y.-F. Su, Q. Chen, R. Bagonyi, A. Al-Tabbaa, “Chemically informed machine learning model for self-healing performance prediction of mineral additive based cementitious materials,” 8th International Conference on Self-Healing Materials, Milano, Italy, 2022

3. [Thesis] Y.-F. Su,  "Artificial Intelligence Guided In-Situ Piezoelectric Sensing for Concrete Strength Monitoring." Purdue University Graduate School. Thesis.

2. [Conf.] Y.-F. Su, “AI-enabled sensing technology for sustainable infrastructures", Cambridge Zero Research Symposia, Virtual Conference, University of Cambridge, 2021

1. [Conf.] Y.-F. Su, N. Lu., “Machine Learning Based Concrete Properties monitoring through Nano sensors”, The ACI Concrete Virtual Convention, 2021





