Lab News


June 2024

  • Maggie joined the lab! Welcome!
  • SeYeon presented at the "Crete meeting" (EMBO Workshop: Molecular and Developmental Biology of Drosophila) in Crete, Greece.
  • Jeffrey attended the Cold Spring Harbor Lab "Single Cell Analysis" course.

May 2024

  • Jared graduated with college honors. He also received the Distinguished Undergraduate Research Medal.  Jared will begin a PhD program in Neuroscience at Brown University. Congratulations, Jared! We'll miss you!
  • Cailyn joined the lab! Welcome!

April 2024

  • Jared successfully defended his Honors Thesis. Congratulations, Jared! Great job!! 
  • Jared has been selected as a recipient of the Harvey Landry Jr. Greater BR State Fair Scholarship Fund, a Biological Sciences Undergraduate Award. Congratulations, Jared!!! Well deserved! 
  • Jeffrey received the Bruch Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship!  Congratulations!
  • Jeffrey has been selected for the Cold Spring Harbor Lab's summer course in single cell analysis.  So excited for the opportunity for him!
  • Jeffrey and Luke presented at the LSU Graduate Research Conference. Great job, both of you!

March 2024

  • SeYeon and Jeffrey presented at The Allied Genetics Conference in Washington DC.  Jeffrey's poster was selected for "Honorable Mentions". Congratulations!

January 2024

  • Luke started his Master's program. Excited to have you, Luke!
  • Ritik joined the lab and started his Ph.D. program. Welcome!
  • Daniella joined the lab as an undergraduate research assistant. Welcome!
  • Our paper "Coordination of cell cycle and morphogenesis during organ formation" has been published in eLife! Jeffrey did an excellent job as the first author. Huge congratulations to him and all the authors!



December 2023

  • Jeffrey presented at the American Society for Cell Biology meeting in Boston. Great job, Jeffrey!
  • Vishakha and Charlotte graduated as the lab's first Ph.D. and Master! Congratulations, both of you!
  • Luke graduated Summa Cum Laude. Congratulations, Luke!

November 2023

  • Noah joined the lab. Welcome!
  • Zahra got accepted for admission into the LSU School of Medicine in New Orleans. Congratulations!
  • SeYeon presented at the Developmental Mechanics Seminar Series.
  • Jeffrey was awarded a Dr. Richard Bruch Distinguished Graduate Student Scholarship (travel award). Congratulations!
  • Luke successfully defended his Honors Thesis! Congratulations!

October 2023

  • Charlotte successfully defended her Master's degree! Congratulations!
  • Vishakha successfully defended her Ph.D. degree! Cogratulations!
  • SeYeon was selected for the LSU College of Science Faculty Development Grant.
  • Jeffrey has been awarded a Mary Lou Applewhite and Ron and Mary Neal Distinguished Graduate Student Fellowship. The award consists of a one-semester GAship with tuition and fees paid. Congratulations, Jeffrey!

September 2023

  • SeYeon and Luke presented at the Southeast Society for Developmental Biology (SESDB) meeting in Mobile, AL. 
  • Luke won second place for the undergraduate poster presentation at the SESDB meeting! Congratulations!
  • Jeffrey was awarded an ASCB travel fellowship! Congratulations!

August 2023

  • Vishakha, Jeffrey, Charlotte, Zahra, Luke, and Jared presented their work at the Fly Bayou Symposium. 
  • Debbie joined the lab.  Welcome!

July 2023

May 2023

  • Zahra was awarded the Biological Sciences Undergraduate Research Award and an Outstanding Leadership Award! Congratulations!
  • Hannah, Reem, and Sarah joined the lab. Welcome!
  • Zahra graduated with College Honors! She also won the LSU Distinguished Undergraduate Research Medal. Congratulations, Zahra!
  • SeYeon has been promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure. How exciting! Thank you, everyone, for your hard work and dedication! 

April 2023

  • SeYeon gave a seminar at the University of Washington.
  • Luke presented his work at the LSU Discover Day. Great job!
  • Vishakha, Jeffrey, Charlotte presented their work at the LSU Graduate Research Conference. Nice job, everyone!
  • Vishakha was awarded a Mary Applewhite Superior Graduate Student Scholarship! Congratulations!
  • Jeffrey was awarded a McDaniel Travel Award! Congratulations!
  • SeYeon received an LSU Alumni Association Rising Faculty Research Award! It's truly an honor, and she's grateful for the hard work and dedication of all the amazing people in the lab.

March 2023

  • Thao, Vishakha, and Jeffrey presented their work at the 64th Annual Drosophila Research Conference in Chicago.
  • Vishakha has been awarded a Dissertaion Year Fellowship, a highly selective honor awarded to high-achieving PhD/Doctoral candidates who are in their final academic year of study.  Congratulations, Vishakha!
  • Zahra successfully defended her Honors Thesis! Congratulations, Zahra!

February 2023

  • Zahra has been accepted into the CPRIT CURE Program at the MD Anderson Cancer Center for Summer 2023!  It is a highly competitive 12-week undergraduate research program designed for exceptional undergraduate students. Congratulations, Zahra!

January 2023

  • Zahra presented at the Fly Bayou meeting.
  • Steven joined the lab. Welcome!



December 2022

  • SeYeon gave a seminar at the National Cancer Center in Goyang, Korea.

November 2022

  • SeYeon presented at the 2022 Southwest Society for Developmental Biology meeting in Austin, TX.
  • Jeffrey passed his General Exam! Congratulations!

October 2022

  • SeYeon gave a seminar at the University of Nevada in Las Vegas.

September 2022

  • SeYeon gave a promotion/tenure seminar. It was great to present our work and achievements from the past five years to the Department.

August 2022

  • Sarmin and Jared joined the lab! Welcome!

July 2022

June 2022

  • SeYeon presented at the Gordon Research Conference Cell Polarity in New London, NH. 

May 2022

  • Vishakha has been awarded a Mary Lou Applewhite Distinguished Graduate Student Fellowship. The award consists of a one-semester GAship with no teaching responsibilities and tuition and fees paid. Huge congratulations, Vishakha!
  • Vishakha has also been awarded a Dr. Richard Bruch Distinguished Graduate Student Fellowship (travel award). Congrats!
  • SeYeon's NSF grant on Mechanisms underlying Epithelial Tube Formation has been awarded!
  • James has been awarded an LSU Discover Undergraduate Research Grant for Summer 2022. Congratulations!

April 2022

  • Vishakha presented her work at the 63rd Annual Drosophila Research Conference.
  • Zahra presented her work at the LSU Discovery Day.
  • Jeffrey gave his Entry Seminar to the department.
  • Jeffrey presented his work at the LSU Biograds Symposium 2022.

March 2022

January 2022



December 2021

  • Jacob has graduated.  Congratulations!  We'll miss you!

August 2021

  • Charlotte started as a graduate student. Welcome!
  • Zahra received an LSU Discover Undergraduate Research Grant for Fall 2021 and Spring 2022. Congratulations! 
  • Vishakha passed her General Exam and has become a Ph.D. candidate. Congratulations!

June 2021

May 2021

  • Charlotte and Bella have graduated. Congratulations! We'll miss you!
  • James joined the lab. Welcome!
  • SeYeon and Thao presented work from the lab at the Southeast SDB Regional Meeting.

April 2021

  • Vishakha won the best poster award at LSU Biograds Symposium 2021! Congratulations!
  • Zahra won the 3rd place poster award at LSU Discover Day 2021! Congratulations!

March 2021​

January 2021

  • Jacob joined the lab. Welcome!
  • Jeffrey passed his Qualifying Exam. Congraltulations!



October 2020​

August 2020​

  • Zahra joined the lab.  Welcome!
  • Bella received an LSU Discover Undergraduate Research Grant for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021. Congratulations! 

June 2020​

  • SeYeon presented at the Crete Virtual Workshops: Molecular and Developmental Biology of Drosophila. (Online due to COVID-19)

May 2020​

  • Aly, Nicole, Ryan and Sami graduated. Congratulations!​ We all miss you!  
  • Aly and Ryan will start their medical school at LSU Shreveport in the Fall. Good luck with their new career path!
  • Ryan placed the 3rd in Science in LSU Discover Day 2020! Well deserved! Congratulations!​

April 2020​

  • Sami and Ryan successfully defended their Honors Thesis! Congratulations!​​
  • Thao and Vishakha presented their work at TAGC 2020.​ Ryan also presented his Honors Thesis work at LSU Discover Day 2020. Nice job, everyone!

January 2020

  • Jeffrey joined the lab. Welcome!



December 2019

  • SeYeon gave a seminar at the Korea Basic Science Institute. 

November 2019

June 2019

  • SeYeon's Board of Regents RCS grant got funded!
  • SeYeon gave a seminar at the Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology.
  • SeYeon gave a seminar at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
  • SeYeon gave a seminar at Korea Basic Science Institute.

May 2019

  • Vishakha passed her Quantifying Exam. Congratulations!

April 2019

  • Aly presented a poster at LSU Discover Day. Nice job, Aly!
  • SeYeon gave a seminar at Tulane University.

March 2019

  • Thao presented her work at the 60th Annual Drosophila Research Conference in Dallas. Nice job, Thao!
  • Charlotte joined the lab. Welcome!

January 2019

  • Ryan joined the lab. Welcome!



November 2018

  • SeYeon gave a talk at Tri Beta, the Biology Honor Society at LSU .

October 2018

  • SeYeon gave a seminar at UL Lafayette.

September 2018

  • Sami and Majd joined the lab. Welcome!

August 2018

  • Vishakha and Bella joined the lab. Welcome!
  • Aly received an LSU Discover Undergraduate Research Grant for Fall 2018. Congratulations!

May 2018

  • Aly and Nicole joined the lab. Welcome!

April 2018

  • SeYeon gave a talk at the 59th Annual Drosophila Research Conference.

March 2018

  • Alexis Joined the lab. Welcome!

January 2018

  • Thao and Heather joined the lab. Welcome!



December 2017

  • SeYeon gave a talk at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
  • SeYeon gave a talk at Seoul National University.

September 2017

  • Lauren and Youngone joined the lab. Welcome!

August 2017  

  • Chung lab has officially started!