COastal METeorology (COMET) Lab

About the Lab

The LSU COMET Lab studies a variety coastal meteorological events described on our research page. The Lab consists of a large communal workspace with a local research cluster as well as the resources of LSU's High-Performance Computing unit.


Meet Our Students

Philip Johnson (PhD)

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Dynamical downscaling


Edwin Torres-Moya (PhD)

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  Saharan dust transport


Kayla Thomas (MS)

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Bonnet Carré Spillway projections


Hank Dolce (MS)

blank pictureSaharan air layer (SAL) climatology


Abby Rehagen (MS)

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GIS & Future hurricane projections


Our Space

The COMET Lab occupies 600 square feet on the second floor of LSU's Energy, Coast, and Environment Building. 



The COMET Lab has unrestricted access to it's own computing cluster as well as shared access to the LSU HPC resources.

COMET Lab compoting cluster


Interest in working with us?

The LSU COMET Lab is always looking for qualified undergaduates and graduate students. Email if you are interested in graduate study or undergraduate research opportunities.