
26. Das Bairagya, M.; Ntipouna, P. S.; Stewart, N. K.; Elgrishi, N. A molecular metal-organic cage as a recyclable sponge for PFOS removal from water, Chem. Commun., 2024, 60, 11084–11087. Invited as part of the 2024 Emerging Investigators collection.

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25. Stern, C. M.; Abeythunga, M. M.; Elgrishi, N. Advancing Cr(VI) Electroreduction: a Redox Mediator to Catalyze the Electrochemical Reduction of Cr(VI) in Water While Preventing Fouling of Carbon Electrodes, ACS Organic and Inorganic Au, 2024, 4, 1, 113–119. Invited as part of the 2023 Rising Stars Collection.



24. Mitchell, N. H.; Elgrishi, N. Investigation of Iron(III) Tetraphenylporphyrin as a Redox Flow Battery Anolyte: Unexpected Side Reactivity with the Electrolyte, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2023, 127, 23, 10938–10946. Invited as part of the Early-Career and Emerging Researchers in Physical Chemistry Volume 2 special issue.



23. Stern, C. M.; Meche, D. D.; Elgrishi, N. Impact of the choice of buffer on the electrochemical reduction of Cr(VI) in water on carbon electrodes, RSC Advances, 2022, 12, 32592-32599. Selected for the 2022 Emerging Investigators Series.



22. Bujol, R. J.; Fronczek, F. R.; Elgrishi, N. On the synthesis and characterization of two different titanium-based supramolecular structures of identical stoichiometry, Journal of Coordination Chemistry, 2022, 75:11-14, 1768-1780. Invited as part of the Emerging Leaders of Coordination Chemistry.



21. Ndung’u, C.; LaMaster, D.J.; Dhingra, S.; Mitchell, N.H.; Bobadova-Parvanova, P.; Fronczek, F.R.; Elgrishi, N.; Vicente, M.d.G.H. A. Comparison of the Photophysical, Electrochemical and Cytotoxic Properties of meso-(2-, 3- and 4-Pyridyl)-BODIPYs and Their Derivatives, Sensors, 2022, 22, 5121.

20. Rushing, J. C.; Stern, C. M.; Elgrishi, N; Kuroda, D. G. Tale of a “Non-interacting” Additive in a Lithium-Ion Electrolyte: Effect on Ionic Speciation and Electrochemical Properties, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2022, 126, 4, 2141–2150.

19. Kurtz, D. A.; Dhar, D.; Elgrishi, N.; Kandemir, B.; McWilliams, S. F.; Howland, W. C.; Chen, C.-H.; Dempsey, J. L. Redox-Induced Structural Reorganization Dictates Kinetics of Cobalt(III) Hydride Formation via Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2021, 143, 9, 3393–3406.

18. Stern, C. M.; Jegede, T. O.; Hulse, V. A.; Elgrishi, N. Electrochemical reduction of Cr(VI) in water: lessons learned from fundamental studies and applications, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2021, 50, 1642-1667. Invited as part of the 2020 Emerging Investigators.

TOC for the Cr(VI) review


17. Stern, C. M; Hayes, D. W.; Kgoadi, L. O.; Elgrishi, N. Carbon Electrodes are Effective for the Detection and Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium in Water, Environ. Sci.: Water Res. Technol., 2020, 6, 1256-1261. Invited for the Emerging Investigator Series.

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16. Das Bairagya, M; Bujol, R. J.; Elgrishi, N. Fighting Deactivation: Classical and Emerging Strategies for Efficient Stabilization of Molecular Electrocatalysts, Chem. Eur. J. 2020, 26, 3991–4000. Invited for the special collection on Electrocatalysis.
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15. Jegede, T. O; McKee, K. B.; Porter, M.; Webb, A. E.; Lee, J. G.; Arachchige, N. M. K. K.; Ragains, J. R.; Elgrishi, N.; Garno, J. C. Approaches for Sample Characterization and Lithography with Nanoparticles using Modes of Scanning Probe Microscopy, Madridge J Anal Sci Instrum. 2019, 4, 96–108.

14. Elgrishi, N.; Rountree, K. J.; McCarthy, B. D.; Rountree, E. S.; Eisenhart, T. T.; Dempsey, J. L. A practical beginner's guide to cyclic voltammetry, J. Chem. Educ. 2018, 95, 197-206 Selected for Open Access by ACS Editors' Choice. Viewed over 250 000 times.

Abstract cover art


Prior to LSU

13. Lee, K. J.; Elgrishi, N.; Kandemir, B.; Dempsey, J. L. Applications of electrochemical and spectroscopic methods for evaluating molecular electrocatalysts, Nature Reviews Chemistry. 2017, 1, 0039.

12. Elgrishi, N.; Kurtz, D. A.; Dempsey, J. L. Reaction Parameters Influencing Cobalt Hydride Formation Kinetics: Implications for Benchmarking H2-Evolution Catalysts, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 239–244.

11. Elgrishi, N.; Chambers, M. B.; Wang, X.; Fontecave, M. Molecular polypyridine-based metal complexes as catalysts for the reduction of CO2, Chem. Soc. Rev. 2017, 46, 761–796.

10. Elgrishi, N.; McCarthy, B. D.; Rountree, E. S.; Dempsey, J. L. Reaction pathways of hydrogen-evolving electrocatalysts: electrochemical and spectroscopic studies of Proton-Coupled Electron Transfer processes, ACS Catal. 2016, 6, 3644 – 3659.

9. Elgrishi, N.; Chambers, M. B.; Fontecave, M. Turning it off! Disfavouring hydrogen evolution to enhance selectivity for CO production during homogeneous CO2 reduction by cobalt–terpyridine complexes, Chem. Sci. 2015, 6, 2522 – 2531.

8. Elgrishi, N.; Griveau, S.; Chambers, M. B.; Bedioui, F.; Fontecave, M. Versatile functionalization of carbon electrodes with a polypyridine ligand: metallation and electrocatalytic H+ and CO2reduction, Chem. Commun. 2015, 51, 2995 – 2998.

7. Chambers, M. B.; Wang, X.; Elgrishi, N.; Hendon, C. H.; Walsh, A.; Bonnefoy, J.; Canivet, J.; Quadrelli, E. A.; Farrusseng, D.; Mellot-Draznieks, C.; Fontecave, M. Photocatalytic CO2 reduction utilizing Cp*Rh-based catalysts in solution and heterogenized within metal-organic frameworks, ChemSusChem.2015, 8, 603 – 608.

6. Elgrishi, N.; Chambers, M. B.; Artero, V.; Fontecave, M. Terpyridine complexes of first row transition metals and electrochemical reduction of CO2 to CO, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2014, 16, 13635 – 13644. Part of the themed collection: Electrocatalysis – Fundamental Insights for Sustainable Energy.

5. Powers, D. C.; Chambers, M. B.; Teets, T. S.; Elgrishi, N.; Anderson, B. L.; Nocera, D. G. Halogen photoelimination from dirhodium phosphazane complexes via chloride-bridged intermediates, Chem. Sci. 2013, 4, 2880 – 2885.

4. Elgrishi, N.; Artero, V.; Fontecave, M. Carbon dioxide activation: enzymes, bioinspired catalysts and artificial photosynthesis, L'Actualité Chimique. 2013, 371–372, 95 – 100.

3. Elgrishi, N.; Teets, T. S.; Chambers, M. B.; Nocera D. G. Stability-enhanced hydrogen-evolving dirhodium photocatalysts through ligand modification, Chem. Commun. 2012, 48, 9474 – 9476.

2. Bilbeisi, R. A.; Clegg, J. K.; Elgrishi, N.; de Hatten, X.; Devillard, M.; Breiner, B.; Mal, P.; Nitschke, J. R. Subcomponent self-assembly and guest-binding properties of face-capped Fe4L48+ capsules, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 5110 – 5119. Featured on the cover of J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, issue 11. Selected for the virtual issue: Inorganic Cages and Containers.

1. Dubarle-Offner, J.; Rose-Munch, F.; Rose, E.; Elgrishi, N.; Rousselière, H. Lithiation/electrophilic quench sequence of "benzylic" position of (η5-methylcyclohexadienyl)Mn(CO)3complexes, Organometallics. 2010, 29, 4643 – 4646.