Aliye Joins lab
Welcome to high school student Aliye Kizilkaya who is joinin gour lab for the summer!
Nathan's Paper Published

Congratulations to Nathan! His paper on RFB electrolytes is published! We were surprized to see deliterious reactivity between NBu4PF6 and Fe-TPP in DMF.
The paper is part of “Early-Career and Emerging Researchers in Physical Chemistry Volume 2”
Carlie Joins the Lab

Carlie Dutile, who is majoring in Biological and Agricultural Engineering, is joining the lab for a Summer Gulf Impact Project. through the National Academy of Sciences Gulf Scholars Program (GSP). Welcome to the group!
Ryan Graduates

It's commencement day! Congratulations to Ryan on his hard work. He defended his PhD in December and graduated at Spring commencement.
Ryan is interested in patent law and we wish him all the best in his new adventures!
Amanda Graduates

Congratulations to all chemistry graduates, but in particular to Amanda! She contributed to synthetic efforts to make new water denitrification catalysts.
New Group Picture

There was a glorious 15 minutes at the department crawfish boil during which every lab member was present in between final exams! Here is the Spring 2023 Elgrishi Group!
Left to right: Malithi, Katy, Dinushini, JP, Monojit, Noémie, Nathan, Sophie, Vanessa, Fabiana, Amanda
Malithi Joins the Group

Welcome to Malithi! She joins the group as a first-year analytical graduate student. She will join our water purification projects.
Noémie Wins Graduate Teaching Award

The College of Science awards one Graduate Teaching Award every year during the Choppin Honors Convocation. Read more about it here.
Katy Wins Inorganic Award

Congratulations to Katy! She was awarded the Inorganic Chemistry Undergraduate award from the Inorganic Faculty and sponsored by the Inorganic division of the ACS. The award recognizes her contribution to research in the group and was announced during the Choppin Honors Convocation.
LSU Graduate Research Conference
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Vanessa | Nathan | JP |
The group was well represented at the inaugural LSU graduate research conference. Nathan, Vanessa, and JP presented posters on their research.
Fabiana Wins Presentation Award

Congratulations to Fabiana! She won an individual presentation award for her excellent poster presentation during LSU Discover day.
LSU Discover Day 2023
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Katy | Sophie | Fabiana | Amanda |
All 4 undergraduate students presented their research at LSU Discover Day! Katy gave a talk and Amanda, Sophie and Fabiana presented posters.
Outreach at FLAIM

We traveled to the Foreign Language Immersion School (FLAIM), a Baton Rouge public magnet school, to do demos on energy storage and electricity alongside demos on hydrophobicity with the lab of Revati Kumar.
Outreach at East Ascension High School

We traveled to East Ascension High School for lectures and demos covering sustainability, CO2, and electrochemistry for students from Heidi Texada.
The students learned about sustainability, electrochemistry and what we do at LSU. All students were invited to participate in the LSU sustainability workshop organized on March 25 and supported by the NSF.
Nonscientific highlights included: first time Noémie sets foot in a US high school, it was Saint Patrick’s Day, it was the day before the high school prom, and the lecture was interrupted by a surprise active shooter lockdown drill.
Katy attends NCUR 2023

Undergraduate student Katy traveled to Wisconsin to present her research at the 2023 National Conference on Undergraduate Research!
Noémie Selected as IUPAC Young Observer

The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) selected 10 Young Observers for the 2023 IUPAC Congress. You can read more about it here.
Amanda Joins the Lab

Welcome to Amanda! She is an undergraduate chemistry major who will work alongside Vanessa on water denitrification.
Noémie joins J Coord Chem Editorial Board

Excited to start my term on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Coordination Chemistry!
Emerging Research Grant

Our lab was awarded an Emerging Research Grant from the LSU Provost's Fund: Faculty Research Grants Program! Great news to finish the year!
Dinushini Joins the Lab

We have our first Postdoctoral Scholar in the group: welcome to the lab Dinushini! Her synthesis expertise will help advance our project on the impact of confinement on electron transfer properties.
JP and Monojit Present at NASC 2022

JP and Monojit represented the lab at the 2022 North American Supramolecular Chemistry meeting. This inaugural meeting was held at Tulane and Loyola University in New Orleans and we hope it will continue in future years!
Devin Graduates

Congratulations to Devin who graduated with a BSc degree in Chemistry and a minor in French. She graduates with College Honors after completing an honor thesis in the lab, and she also received a medal as the Distinguished Undergraduate Researcher Award.
Ryan Defends Thesis
Ryan successfully defended his dissertation today! He is set graduate in Spring 2023. Congratulations Ryan!
JP Passes General Exam

Congratulations to JP who passed his General Exam! He is now a PhD candidate!
Devin wins the departmental ACS Analytical Chemistry Award

Devin received the 2022 Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry from LSU! Every year the department recognized an outstanding undergraduate analytical chemist in the department. The Award is sponsored by the American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry and the journal Analytical Chemistry.
Congratulations Devin!
Devin Defends Honors Thesis

Congratulations to Devin! She successfully defended her honors thesis and is set to graduate this Fall! She was working on water purification, specifically looking at the effects of the choice of buffer on the electrochemical reduction of Cr(VI).
Devin and Callie's Paper Published

Callie and Devin's paper on the Impact of the choice of buffer on the electrochemical reduction of Cr(VI) in water on carbon electrodes is now published in RSC Advances!
SWRM 2022
Strong showing of the group at SWRM 2022 in Baton Rouge! Ryan, Monojit, Nathan, Vanessa, JP, Devin, Katy, and Sophie all presented posters!
Katy | Sophie | Devin | Monojit | JP | Vanessa | Nathan | Ryan |
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Emerging Leaders of Coordination Chemistry

Ryan's recent paper is now in print! It is part of the special issue "Emerging Leaders of Coordination Chemistry" of the Journal of Coordination Chemistry.
Sophie accepted in ACS Bootcamp

Congratulations to Sophie who is one of 25 students selected nationwide to attend the Graduate School Readiness & Professional Development Boot Camp sponsored by the ACS Bridge Project (ACS-BP), the Genentech Foundation, and the ACS Leadership Institute (ACS-LI).
Fall 2022 Group Picture
We were finally able to take a new group picture!
Back row: Monojit, Nathan, Ryan, JP.
Front row: Katy, Devin, Sophie, Noémie, Fabiana, Vanessa.
Sophie wins Department ACS Award in Inorganic Chemistry

The Inorganic Faculty voted to award Sophie the 2022 Undergraduate Award in Inorganic Chemistry! Every year the department recognized an outstanding undergraduate inorganic chemist in the department.
The Award is sponsored by the American Chemical Society Division of Inorganic Chemistry.
Congratulations Sophie!
NSF MRI Funding

Amazing news! Our MRI proposal MRI: Acquisition of A Single-Crystal X-Ray Diffractometer—Synthesize, Crystallize, Virtualize was funded!
Callie Graduates

Congratulations to Dr. Callie M. Stern, the first PhD graduate of the group! Callie's work was on Cr(VI) reduction for water purification. She now works in the Environmental Laboratory at the US Army Research and Development Center.
Ryan's paper is accepted

Ryan's paper "On the synthesis and characterization of two different titanium-based supramolecular structures of identical stoichiometry" is published online in the Journal of Coordination Chemistry. Congratulations!
Discover Day 2022
Devin, Katy, and Sophie all did a great job with their first poster presentations at LSU Discover Day 2022! Kudos to them and their graduate student mentors!
Katy and Vanessa

Katy Selected for MARC Program

Congratulations to Katy on being selected for the LSU Maximizing Access to Research Careers (MARC) Program! Katy will have the opportunity to continue her research in our lab starting this summer.
Fabiana Joins the Lab

Fabiana is a sophomore chemical engineer. She will join our efforts on CO2 electrolyzers. Welcome to the group Fabiana!
Callie Presents at Dr. Warner's Retirement Symposium

A symposium was organized in honor of Dr. Warner to celebrate his career and mark his retirement. Callie volunteered to present a poster to represent our group. First in-person presentation in a while!
Nathan Passes his General Exam

Congratulations to Nathan who also successfully passed his General exam, one day after Vanessa! He is the 5th PhD candidate form our lab.
Vanessa Passes her General Exam

Congratulations to Vanessa who successfully passed her General exam. She is now a PhD candidate!
JP and Monojit do Demos at the Dean's Circle Event

2021 SWRM Conference

Ryan and Monojit traveled to Austin, TX to present their work at the Fall 2021 SWRM conference. Next year the conference is in Baton Rouge!

NSF RII Track-2 Funding

Our lab received funding to work on CO2 electrolyzers as part of a large collaborative grant with the department of Chemical Engineering at LSU and with the University of Delaware. Read more about the team and the project in this feature from the department of Chemical Engineering.
Callie wins Inorganic NOBCChE Conference Award

Congratulations are in order for Callie who just heard she won the Inorganic award for her presentation at the Fall 2021 NOBCChE Conference!
2021 Fall NOBCChE Conference

Strong showing from the Elgrishi group at the Fall 2021 NOBCChE conference. Vanessa, Callie and Ryan all gave talks!
Sophie, Devin, and Katy Join the Lab

After a Covid-induced hiatus, we are thrilled to welcome new undergraduate students in the lab. Sophie (left) is working on removing PFAS from water with Monojit, Devin (center) is working on Cr(VI) reduction with Callie, and Katy (right) is working on nitrite reduction with Vanessa.
2021 Fall ACS

Conferences are starting back up!. Ryan gave his first talk on his PhD work at the 2021 Fall ACS conference.
Temitope Graduates

Temitope Graduated in Summer 2021 with a Thesis Master's in Chemistry for his work on Cr(VI) reduction in non-aqueous solvents.
TA Awards: Nathan & Vanessa

Nathan's outstanding work as a GenChem lab TA was recognized with a 2021 departmental
TA award! Vanessa, who won the award last year, received an honorable mention this
Lebo Graduates and receives award

He is off to graduate school at the University of Delaware!

NSF career award
The Notice of Award was received today so it's official! We are thankful for the $685,000 Career Award from the NSF for our project "Confined Nano-Environments for the Stabilization of Molecular Electrocatalysts".
Spring ACS Panel discussion

Thank you to the students from Wayne State University for putting together a great Symposium and panel discussion at the spring 2021 ACS.
Callie wins ACS DIC Travel Award

Congratulations to Callie who won a national travel award from the Division of Inorganic Chemistry of the American Chemical Society for Spring 2021! She will be presenting her work at the upcoming National Spring ACS in April.
Our work is highlighted online

ChemSocRev from the Royal Society of Chemistry is featuring our review on Cr(VI) electroreduction as part of the Emerging Investigators issue 2020.
JP joins the lab

JP is joining us from Auburn where he did undergraduate research with Dr. Anne E. V. Gorden. Welcome JP!
2020 is finally over

We made it to end of 2020. The lab was shut down for a while and is now operating at reduced capacity. But We miss a lot of things like working in groups and conferences, but everyone pushed through and made the best of a bad situation. Let's hope for a better 2021.
Salim defends Honors Thesis and Graduates

Congratulations to Salim on defending his undergraduate Honors Thesis and graduating!
Thesis Committee: Dr. Elgrishi, Dr. Kartika, Dr. Vinyard
Our review on electrochemical chromium(VI) reduction is published

Callie, Temitope and Vanessa's review paper "Electrochemical reduction of Cr(VI) in water: lessons learned from fundamental studies and applications" is published online in ChemSocRev. Congratulations!
Monojit passes General Exam

Our lab has a new PhD candidate! Congratulations Monojit.
Our work is featured online

Environmental Science Journals from the Royal Society of Chemistry is featuring our work on Cr(VI) reduction recently published in Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. You can find out more about it on their blog.
Vanessa wins TA award

Vanessa's efforts as a TA for GenChem labs this year were recognized by a departmental TA award. We look forward to celebrating in due time in the Fall, congratulations!
Jonathan presents at the virtual AIChE Southern Regional Conference

Congratulations Jonathan on your Second Place at the 2020 AIChE Southern Regional Conference Student Technical Presentation Contest.
Salim presents at Discover Day 2020

Well done Salim! It is not easy to present a poster virtually!
Darius chooses Colorado School of Mines

Great choice Darius! All the best in graduate school and beyond!
Jonathan Defends Honors Thesis

Congratulations to Jonathan who defended his Honors Thesis today on Zoom in from of his committee and friends and family.
Thesis Committee: Dr. Elgrishi, Dr. Arges, Dr. Flake
Callie, Darius and Lebo's paper is accepted

Callie, Darius and Lebo's paper "Carbon Electrodes are Effective for the Detection and Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium in Water" is accepted for publication in Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology. Congratulations!
Callie passes General Exam

Congratulations to Callie for all her hard work. She is now a PhD candidate!
Salim accepted into prestigious summer program

Congratulations to Salim who was accepted into the extremely competitive St. Jude Pediatric Oncology Education Program funded by the National Institute of Health and National Cancer Institute.
Girls Day at the Museum

We led the Chemistry table at the Girls Day at the Museum event organized by the College of Science. It is our third time participating, and this year our demos were focused on energy storage.
Check out this College of Science post on the 2019 event, and this Advocate article on the 2020 event.
Thank you Callie and Vanessa for your help, as well as Fatemeh and Ruchika from the Maverick Lab! (2/29/2020)
Girls Do Chemistry Event

Our group set up a demo table on Energy Storage for the girls Do Chemistry event for local Girl Scout troops. The event was organized by the chlorine chapter of ΙΣΠ, the honor society for women in chemistry.
Thank you Vanessa and Callie for your help!
Nathan and Vanessa Join the Lab

Welcome to Nathan and Vanessa! We had a group party to celebrate and mark the start of the spring semester.
Darius Graduates

Congratulations to Darius who graduates with a major in chemistry and a minor in Spanish.
Callie wins the door decoration contest

Callie transformed our student office door into a wonderful gingerbread house and won the door decorating contest for the department's holiday party.
Ryan passes General Exam

Ryan successfully passed his general exam and is now a PhD candidate!
Monojit and Ryan's paper is accepted

Monojit and Ryan's paper "Fighting Deactivation: Classical and Emerging Strategies for Efficient Stabilization of Molecular Electrocatalysts" is accepted for publication in Chemistry a European Journal. Congratulations!
Super Science Saturday 2019

Our lab developed a new Energy Storage table of demos with the Kuroda lab for Super Science Saturday. The event is organized by the local ACS section and the Department of Chemistry and close to a thousand people visit every year.

Darius represents the lab at the Dean's Circle Event

Darius was selected to presented a poster at the Dean's Circle Event to represent the lab and research in the Chemistry department.
Callie wins travel award

Callie won a travel award to present her research at the South Eastern Regional ACS meeting in Savannah, GA.
Energy Demos for STEAM night at Crestworth Elementary

We went to Crestworth Elementary in the north of Baton Rouge to perform energy demos for STEAM night. The event had about a dozen booths for various Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math hands-on demonstrations.
Darius Hayes Wins the departmental ACS Analytical Chemistry Award

The Analytical Faculty voted and awarded Darius the 2019 Undergraduate Award in Analytical Chemistry! Every year the department recognized an outstanding undergraduate analytical chemist in the department. Darius in being recognized for his contributions to research in the Elgrishi group.
The Award is sponsored by the American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry and the journal Analytical Chemistry, and is in its 52nd year.
Congratulations Darius!
Summer Undergraduate Research

We are thrilled to have Lebo, Darius and Jonathan back in lab for the summer! Lebo (left) and Darius (center) will work with Callie on the water purification project. Jonathan (right) will synthesize and characterize new manganese catalysts.
First multi-year funding for the Elgrishi Group!

The Elgrishi Group was awarded a Research Competitiveness Subprogram award from the Louisiana Board of Regents! This 3-year award will allow our group to study new methods to remove hexavalent chromium from water. We will develop electrochemical methods and develop catalysts for an energy efficient reduction of Cr(VI) for water purification.
Thank you to the Louisiana Board of Regents!
Autumn Web wins TA Award and Graduates

Congratulations to Autumn Webb who won one of the 2019 departmental TA awards! Autumn successfully defended her Coursework Master’s Degree and graduated from LSU at the Spring 2019 commencement ceremony. She will join The University of Southern Mississippi as GenChem lab coordinator. Best of luck for the future Autumn!
Lebo and Jonathan Present at LSU Discover Day

April 9th was the 6th annual LSU Discover Day! Undergraduate students from all across LSU participated in the event. Lebo and Jonathan did a fantastic job presenting posters on their work in the Elgrishi Group! A big thanks to their Mentors Callie and Ryan!

Congratulations to Callie!

Callie’s NSF GRFP application was recognized with an honorable mention! Way to go!
Temitope and Monojit join the group

New overdue group picture this spring in front of the blooming Azaleas bushes! Monojit and Temitope joined the lab this semester and are finishing their CUMES and classes as they start working in the lab.
In the picture:
Back row, left to right: Lebo, Ryan, Autumn, Temitope, Monojit
Front row, left to right: Callie, Noémie, Jonathan, Salim
Not pictured: Darius who was hard at work.
Darius presents at the 10th annual LSU Undergraduate Research Conference
Darius presented a poster on his research at the 10th annual LSU Undergraduate Research Conference. The theme this year was “Inspiring Curiosity: Celebrating 10 years of Excite, Explore, Experiment.”
This is the first research poster presentation out of the Elgrishi Group! Well done Darius! And many thanks to Callie for mentoring him through the process. (10/26/2018)
Congratulations to Autumn!

Autumn was selected as an ACS Science Coach. She will work closely with Elizabeth Kimball from Plaquemine High School, in Plaquemine, Louisiana to help develop their science program. Autumn first went to Plaquemine High School in Fall 2017 to perform ChemDemos. (9/20/2018)
Electrochemistry training and new Lab Coats

All our new LSU Chemistry Nomex lab coats have arrived! Callie, Autumn and Ryan are celebrating during their electrochemistry training. (6/28/2018)

Monkey Bar Chronicles

We can finally replace our flimsy plastic monkey bars with sturdier ones. Ready to hold the weight of the schlenk line! (6/12/2018)
2018 CGSC Crawfish Boil

The Elgrishi Group at the 2018 Crawfish boil organized by the Chemistry Graduate Student Council. Congratulations to Callie and Ryan, they have been elected to the CGSC board as secretary and committee chair!
Spring ACS 2018

Lots of great inspiring talks at the NOLA 2018 ACS! (3/23/2018)
Ryan finished all his CUMES!

Congratulations are in order for Ryan who passed all 6 of his Cumulative Examinations in record time! This completes the first part of his Degree Candidacy Exam and Ryan is now an Applicant for the Ph.D. degree! Congratulations Ryan!
The ECS student chapter invited Noémie to present her research

Noémie was invited to present the research of the Elgrishi Group by the LSU student chapter of the Electrochemical Society in the Chemical Engineering department.
Salim tests the spectrophotometer

Salim tested our new UV-vis spectrophotometer!
First electrochemistry experiment!

Our lab’s first cyclic voltammetry electrochemistry experiment, setup by Darius! Darius is using one of our Bio-Logic potentiostats and N2 lines to take CVs in the absence of O2.
J. Chem. Educ. paper now in print!

New paper is finally out, and in open access! Check out this Practical Beginner’s Guide to Cyclic Voltammetry: J. Chem. Educ., 2018, 95 (2), pp 197–206.
Ryan’s first reaction

Ryan’s first reaction involved a Dean-Stark setup to remove water formed during the reaction. And in the back a Soxhlet extractor setup to purify the product. Way to go!
Callie and Ryan join the lab

Welcome to the group Callie and Ryan!
Undergraduates Darius, Jonathan, Paige and Salim join the lab
Welcome to the lab! (10/2/2017)The Lab Gets Set Up

We are ever so close to running our first reaction! A lot of unboxing and organizing and we should be ready to roll!
Autumn Joins the Elgrishi Group

Autumn Webb joins us as a second year student and is ready to help the lab get started! Welcome Autumn!
Welcome to The Elgrishi Lab at LSU

Now that’s what I call a blank slate! Let’s get started! (4/14/2017)