Welcome to Kyle's Research Group's Home Page!

Kyle HarmsDepartment of Biological Sciences

Louisiana State University (LSU)

202 Life Sciences Building
Baton Rouge, LA 70803

Office telephone (voicemail): 225-578-7566

E-mail (best means of contact): kharms@lsu.edu 


Kyle's departmental website

Photo 2019 © Eddy Perez, LSU

Kyle's interview for LSU Experimental

Kyle's recent LSU courses

  • BIOL / RNR 4015 & 4017 – Conservation Biology & Lab – Spring 2024
    • I teach upper-division undergraduate Conservation Biology each spring semester.
  • BIOL 4253 – Principles of Ecology – Spring 2022
  • BIOL 7083 – Community Ecology – Spring 2024
    • I teach graduate-level Community Ecology each even-year spring semester.
  • BIOL 7901 – Introduction to R – "r_self_tutorial.doc" & "gigtree.txt" (data file for R Self-tutorial)


I often repeat E. O. Wilson's good advice: "Search until you find [your] passion and [then] go all out to excel in its expression" (quoted from The Harvard Gazette, 15 April 2014).  Because biological field stations have long provided me with venues to foster my passion to better understand how nature works – and might for you too – here I share links to websites of a few of the world's many wonderful field stations.

Fundación para la Conservación de los Andes Tropicales – FCAT (Ecuador)

  • FCAT operates the FCAT Reserve and Field Station in the Ecuadorian Chocó  
  • FCAT is a non-profit organization based in Ecuador, with Tulane University as a principal partner,
    but courses are available to students from LSU and elsewhere
  • Contact me for information about undergraduate FCAT field courses, as well as research opportunities

Organization for Tropical Studies – OTS (Costa Rica, South Africa)

  • OTS operates the La Selva (Costa Rica) and Skukuza (South Africa) Research Stations, among others
  • LSU is a Permanent Institutional Member of OTS; I serve LSU as an Institutional Representative to OTS
  • Contact me for information about undergraduate and graduate OTS field courses, as well as research opportunities

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute – STRI (Republic of Panama)

  • STRI operates the Barro Colorado Island (BCI) Research Station (Panama), among others
  • As a Ph.D. student and Post-doctoral Research Fellow, I lived for about 4 years in Panama, conducting research through STRI
  • Contact me for information about undergraduate and graduate research opportunities through STRI