
Principal Investigator

Alyssa JohnsonAlyssa Johnson, Ph.D.
I earned a B.S. degree in Chemistry from Hope College (Holland, MI) and a PhD in Cell and Developmental Biology from Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN). For my PhD studies, I used fission yeast to study cell division in the lab of Kathy Gould. I then completed postdoctoral work in the lab of Grae Davis at UCSF, where I used fruit flies to study neurodegenerative mechanisms. As a postdoc, I was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Jane Coffin Childs Memorial fund for medical research and a K99 Pathway to Independence award from NIH-NINDS.  In 2018, I joined the Department of Biological Sciences at LSU, where I study mechanisms of proteostasis and age-related degenerative diseases in invertebrate model systems (Drosophila and C. elegans). I also teach Principles of Genetics (BIOL2153).

email: | office: 218 LSB | twitter: @johnsona_lsu

Research Associates

Olga DubuissonOlga Dubuisson, Ph.D.

I graduated from medical school in Ekaterinburg, Russia and earned a PhD in Virology from the Russian Academy of Medical Science, Institute of Poliomyelitis and Viral Encephalitis in Moscow. From 1998-2003 I was head of the Department Laboratory Diagnostics of the Regional Center for Epidemic control of Poliomyelitis, which was established by the WHO and served 16 regions in Russian Federation. Before joining the Johnson lab at LSU, I worked for 14 years at Pennington Biomedical Research Center as a Research Associate. Outside of the lab, I like to travel and I really enjoy gardening.



Katie RoseKatie Rose DeLeo, M.S.

I graduated from LSU with a B.S. degree in Biochemistry in 2018. I continued my studies at LSU in the DiMario lab earning a M.S. degree in 2021. My research focused on the expression of the Cajal body protein coilin during nucleolar stress in the fruit fly brain. I was briefly an RA in the DiMario lab where I studied nucleolar stress responses, specifically the JNK pathway, activation of autophagy versus apoptosis, and ribosome source distribution in resilient neuroblast populations. I joined the Johnson and Bohnert lab in January of 2022. Outside of the lab, I enjoy spending time with family and friends, camping, and traveling.



Kerr WallP. Kerr Wall, PhD; Visiting Assistant Professor

I earned BS degrees in Chemical Engineering and Biology from LSU.  After LSU, I worked for a startup company in the music industry as a web and database developer.  I earned a PhD in Computational Biology at Penn State University in the lab of Claude dePamphilis developing computational tools for the study of plant comparative genomics and gene family evolution.  I have worked in industry for BASF since 2009 in various roles including bioinformatics, data science, knowledge management, and digitalization at both its Research Triangle Park, NC facility in Agricultural Solutions and its largest manufacturing site in Geismar, LA.  I joined the Johnson Lab in 2020 and I am currently building bioinformatics pipelines to help identify differentially expressed genes in Drosophila using RNA-seq.  I am now continuing my academic journey in developing computation pipelines to study genome regulation in model organisms.

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Graduate Students

Pritika PandeyPritika Pandey, M.S.

I graduated with BS (Agriculture) from Tribhuwan University, Nepal in 2013. After graduation, I moved to University of Florida, FL to pursue my MS (Entomology). My thesis projects involved insect behavior and biology. After earning my masters, I had a brief stint at University of Kentucky, studying neurobiology, circadian rhythm and electrophysiology of Drosophila spp. My passion in neuroscience and sleep has drawn me to join Dr. Johnson’s lab in 2020 as a PhD student. Currently, I am working with model organism Drosophila melanogaster to understand the mechanism of human neurodegenerative diseases.



Cristian RicaurteCristian Ricaurte

I earned a B.S. in Bacteriology and Clinical Laboratory (Medical lab science) from Universidad Colegio Mayor de Cundinamarca, in Bogotá-Colombia. I have worked in a non-profit research institute in my home country. I have been involved in different projects in the regenerative medicine field and in the development of molecular tools to detect viral pathogens. This experience has helped me to gain knowledge in molecular and cellular biology. I will apply this knowledge in my Ph.D. project, in which I want to study the progression of neurodegenerative diseases and longevity. Outside of the lab I like hiking, traveling, and reading. 



Jocelyn WoodJocelyn Wood

My introduction to biology in high school was the start of my journey. After finishing high school in my hometown, Cairo Georgia, I earned a BS in Biology from Valdosta State University. I have always had an interest in cell biology and neuroscience, especially while completing my bachelor’s. My undergraduate research in genetics was an eye-opening experience for me. Ever since beginning my research, I wanted to earn a Ph.D. in biology. Now I am a Ph.D. student in the Johnson lab at Louisiana State University. Outside of the lab, I enjoy creating and selling custom crafts and apparel as well as reading and spending time with loved ones. 



Harper Juge

Harper Juge

I am a local from Prairieville, LA who graduated from LSU in spring 2024. I have been interested in biology, among other fields of science, since I was young. I find life on Earth, both extant and extinct, to be fascinating and awe inspiring. What started as a curiosity about the organismal diversity that I saw as a child in nature documentaries has expanded into a fervent desire to make meaningful contributions to science. As a graduate student, I hope to assist in creating a better understanding of integral biological and genetic mechanisms and determine how this information may be extrapolated to help people. In my free time, I like to spend time with my family, play video games, and watch anime.


Joshua Gill


Joshua Gill

My first introduction to research came in high school where I helped perform research about epilepsy in mice at LSUHSC in Shreveport, which made me realize how important research is. During my undergraduate studies at LSU, I became very interested in pursuing research about aging and aging-related diseases, which led me to join the Johnson lab during the last semester of my undergraduate studies. I earned a B.S. in Biochemistry in December 2023, and worked as an RA until I joined the lab as a PhD stduent in Fall 2024. Outside of the lab, I love attending LSU football games, playing golf, and hanging out with my friends.




Undergraduate Students


Avery Bourdonnay


Avery Bourdonnay

I am from New Orleans, Louisiana, and am a junior at LSU. My interest in research began after taking Dr. Johnson’s Principles of Genetics class. After hearing Dr. Johnson mention her lab during class, I looked into her focus of research, and my attention was grabbed! I have seen the traumatic effects that Alzheimer's and other age-degenerative diseases have had on family members of mine and was interested in gaining the opportunity to be able to participate in something that is bigger than myself. Upon graduation, I plan to attend medical school and will continue to use the skills and knowledge that I have learned from Dr. Johnson's lab to impact the medical field. In my free time, I love to spend time with my family and being outdoors. 



Samantha Ferrer


Samantha Ferrer

I am a junior in Psychology at LSU concentrating in Cognitive Neuroscience, currently on the pre-med track. I am excited to be a member of the Johnson lab and be a contributor to the advances in the genetics field. I look forward to present our research as a MARC scholar at various conferences and to participate in community outreach events. I am passionate about volunteering with the Red Cross and my church, as well as about my job as a Supplemental Instructor at LSU. I love music and singing. In my free time, I like to escape to the world of books.



Addison Migues


Addison Migues

I am a Junior at LSU majoring in Biochemistry with hopes to attend medical school after I graduate! Admittedly, before taking Dr. Johnson's Genetics class my sophomore year, I had not given much thought to taking part in research. However, her class kickstarted my desire to find possible answers to the intriguing unknowns of Genetics. This desire led me on a path to Dr. Johnson's lab! After learning that the lab focused on neurodegenerative disease studies, I wanted in. Since the beginning of my premedical path in college, I have been interested in neurodegenerative diseases and what they entailed, so this lab was a perfect fit! While being a part of this lab, I hope to gain further knowledge in this area to help other individuals in the future who suffer from harmful neurodegenerative diseases. Also, I want to continue to learn more about how we can make scientific improvements to help slow the effects these diseases have on individuals. In my free time, I love to sing, write and record music as well as spend time with my family back at home in New Iberia, Louisiana!



Lab Alumni

Tareah Moore, Undergraduate (2019) | current position: Medical school student at LSU, Shreveport

Rebecca Krueger, Undergraduate (2019) | current position: Lead Research Specialist, Emory Institute for Drug Development, Atlanta, GA

Hannah LeBlanc, Undergraduate (2019) | current position: Medical School Student at LSU, New Orleans

Nathan Pearl, Undergraduate (2020) | current position: Medical School Student at LSU, New Orleans

Hayden Guidry, Undergraduate (2020) | current position: Medical School Student at LSU, New Orleans

Logan Primeaux, Undergraduate (2020) | current position: Medical School Student at AUC School of Medicine

Stephen Lopez, Undergraduate (2020) | current position: Medical school student at LSU, New Orleans

Brennan Mercola, Undergraduate (2019) | current position: Dental School Student at LSU, New Orleans

Tatiana Villalobos, Undergraduate (2019) | current position: Medical assistant

Jordan Wall, Undergraduate (2020) | current position: Graduate student, UT-Southwestern

Josh Broussard, Undergraduate (2020) | current position: Medical School Student at LSU, New Orleans

Eric Eymard, Research associate (2020-21) | current position: Medical school student at LSU, New Orleans

Sanaa Alam, Undergraduate (2020-2022) | current position: Knight-Hennessy Scholar, Stanford School of Medicine

Cara Ramos, Undergraduate (2020-2022) | current position: Medical school student at LSU, New Orleans

Tiffany Dang, Undergraduate (2022-2023) | current position: Medical school student at LSU, New Orleans

Christy Nguyen, Undergraduate (2021-2023) | current position: Medical school student at LSU, New Orleans

Ankita Basu, Graduate student (2018-2023) | current position: Staff Scientist, Southern Microbiological Services, LLC, Baton Rouge, LA

Smarlensley Altenor, Undergraduate (2021-2023)| current position: pursuing medical school