PUBLICATIONS ( Google Scholar, Researchgate )
- Bakhtiar M& Johari K. The Application of Neuromodulation in Stuttering: Current Status and Future Directions. Journal of Fluency Disorders (2025).
- Johari K & Tabari F. HD-tACS over the Left Frontal Aslant Tract Entrains Theta Activity Associated with Speech Motor Control. Brain Research. Brain Research (2025).
- Tabari F, Berger J, Flouty O, Copeland B, Greenlee J, & Johari K. Speech, Voice, and Language Outcomes Following Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease and Essential Tremors: A Systematic Review of Literature. Plos One (2024).
- Tabari F, Parton C, Cryer H & Johari K. HD-tDCS Over Left Supplementary Motor Area Differentially Modulated Neural Correlates of Motor Planning for Speech vs. Limb Movement. International Journal of Psychophysiology (2024).
- Johari K, Berger J. Theta Oscillations within Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Contribute Differently to Speech vs. Limb Inhibition. Journal of Neuroscience Research (2024)
- Johari K, Tabari F& Desai, R. Right Frontal HD-tDCS Reveals Causal Involvement of Time perception Networks in Temporal Processing of Concepts. Scientific Reports (2023).
- Desai R.H, Hackett T, Lai V, Johari K&Riccardi N. Spatiotemporal Characteristics of the Neural Representation of Event Concepts. Brain&Language (2023).
- Johari K, Berger J. High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Over Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Differentially Modulates Inhibitory Mechanisms for Speech vs. Limb Movement. Psychophysiology (2023).
- Johari K, Kelley R, Tjaden K, Patterson C, Rohl A, Berger J, Corcos D& Greenlee J. Subthalamic Nucleus Neurons Differentially Encode Speech and Limb Movement in Parkinson's Disease. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (2023).
- Johari K, Lai V, Riccardi N&Desai R. Temporal Features of Concepts Are Grounded in the Time Perception Neural Networks:An EEG study. Brain&Language (2023).
- Shaheen N, Shaheen A, Sarica C, Singh A, Zanaty M, Johari K, Yang A, Zesiewicz T, Dalm B, Bezchlibnyk Y, Lozano A & Flouty O. Deep brain stimulation for substance use disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Frontiers in Psychiatry (2023)
- Berger J, Johari K, Kovach C & Greenlee J. Speech Artifact is also Present in Spike Data. Neuroimage (2022).
- Johari K, Riccardi N, Malyutina S, Modi M & Desai R. HD-tDCS of Primary and Higher-order Motor Cortex Affects Action Word Processing. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (2022).
- Rohl A, Gutierrez S, Johari K, Greenlee J, Tjaden K, Roberts A. Speech dysfunction, cognition, and Parkinson's disease. Progress in Brain Research (2022).
- Kopf L, Rohl A, Nagao T, Bryant K, Johari K, Tjaden K, Greenlee J. Voice Handicap Index in Parkinson’s patients: Subthalamic versus Globus Pallidus Deep Brain Stimulation. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience (2022).
- Johari K, Behroozmand R. Neural Correlates of Speech and Upper Limb Motor Timing Deficits Revealed by Aberrant Beta Band Desynchronizations in Parkinson’s Disease. Clinical Neurophysiology (2021).
- Johari K, Riccardi N, Malyutina S, Modi M, Desai R. HD-tDCS over Motor Cortex Facilitates Action Sentence Processing. Neuropsychologia (2021).
- Gill A, Johari K, Fitzpatrick M, Thompson E, den Ouden D, Behroozmand R. Improving Speech and Upper Limb Motor Reaction Times through High-definition transcranial Direct Current Stimulation of the Left Ventral Motor Cortex. Brain Stimulation (2021).
- Johari K, Behroozmand R. Event-related Desynchronization of Alpha and Beta Band Neural Oscillations Predict Speech and Limb Motor Timing Deficits in Normal Aging. Behavioural Brain Research (2020).
- Behroozmand R, Johari K, Bridwell K, Hayden C, Fahey D, den Ouden DB. Modulation of Vocal Pitch Control through High-Definition Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation of the Left Ventral Motor Cortex. Experimental Brain Research (2020).
- Phillip Johnson L, Sangtian S, Johari K, Behroozmand R, Fridriksson J. Slowed Compensation Responses to Altered Auditory Feedback in Post-Stroke Aphasia: Implications for Speech Sensorimotor Integration. Journal of Communication Disorders (2020).
- Reifegerste J, Estabrooke I.V, Russell L.E, Veríssimo J, Johari K, Wilmarth B, Pagan F.L, Moussa C and Ullman. Can Sex Influence the Neurocognition of Language? Evidence from Parkinson's Disease. Neuropsychologia(2020).
- Behroozmand R, Johari K, Kelley R, Kapnoula E, Narayanan N, Greenlee J. Effect of Deep Brain Stimulation on Vocal Motor Control Mechanisms in Parkinson’s Disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders (2019).
- Behroozmand R, Johari K. Pathological Attenuation of the Right Prefrontal Cortex Activity Predicts Speech and Limb Motor Timing Disorder in Parkinson’s Disease. Behavioural Brain Research (2019): Equally Contributed.
- Johari K, den Ouden DB, Behroozmand R. Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Normal Aging Effects on Motor Preparatory Mechanisms of Speech Production and Limb Movement. Experimental Brain Research (2019).
- Johari K , Walenski M, Reifegerste J, Ashrafi F & Ullman M.T.Sex, Dopamine, and Hypokinesia: A Study of Inflectional Morphology in Parkinson’s disease. Neuropsychology (2019).
- Johari K, Walenski M, Reifegerste J, Ashrafi F, Behroozmand R, Daemi M, Ullman MT. A Dissociation between Syntactic and Lexical Processing in Parkinson’s Disease. Journal of Neurolinguistics (2019).
- Behroozmand R, Phillip L, Johari K, Bonilha L, Rorden C, Hickok G, Fridriksson J. Sensorimotor Impairment of Speech Auditory Feedback Processing in Aphasia. Neuroimage (2018).
- Behroozmand R, Johari K. Sensorimotor Impairment of Speech and Hand Movement Timing Processing in Parkinson’s Disease. Journal of Motor Behavior (2018): Equally Contributed.
- Johari K, Behroozmand R. Functional Dissociation of Temporal Processing Mechanisms during Speech Production and Hand Movement: An ERP Study. Behavioural Brain Research (2018).
- Johari K, den Ouden DB, Behroozmand R. Effects of Aging on Temporal Predictive Mechanisms of Speech and Hand Motor Reaction Time. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research (2018).
- Johari K, Behroozmand R. Premotor Neural Correlates of Predictive Motor Timing for Speech Production and Hand Movement: Evidence for a Temporal Predictive Code in the Motor System. Experimental Brain Research (2017).
- Johari K, Behroozmand R. Temporal Predictive Mechanisms Modulate Motor Reaction Time during Initiation and Inhibition of Speech and Hand Movement. Human Movement Science (2017).
- Johari K, Ashrafi F, Zali A, Ashayeri H, Fabbro F, & Zanini S. Grammatical Deficits in Bilingual Azari – Farsi Patients with Parkinson's Disease. Journal of Neurolinguistics (2013).
- Ashrafi F, Mohammadhassanzadeh H , Shokraneh F, Valinejadi A, Johari K & Saemi N. Iranians’ Contribution to World Literature on Neuroscience. Health Information & Libraries Journal (2012).
- Ashrafi F, Zali A, Pakdaman H & Johari K.Cognitive Impairments in Parkinson’s Disease: Evidence from Iranian’s Population. Iranian Journal of Neurology (2012).
- Johari K & Ashayeri H. The Grammatical Deficit in Regular Past Tense Formation: Study of Persian Speaking Population with Parkinson Disease. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologi (2012)