Journal Articles

*corresponding author

  • Kim, HK*., Mirjalili, A. (2024). Differences in Lower limb Biomechanics and Tibiotalar Cartilage T2 Relaxation Time between Runners with and without Asymptomatic Bone Marrow Edema on Tibial Sesamoid- Clinical Case Series. Sports Biomechanics. (IF2.0, Q2) 
  •  Kim, HK., Mirjalili, A., Zhang, Y., Liangliang, X., Gu, Y., Fernandez, J. (2024). Effect of runners’ running experience and gender on lower limb biomechanics following 5km barefoot running. Sports biomechanics. 23.1, 95-108. (IF2.0, Q2)
  • Kim, HK., Hang, Q; Chou, LS. (2024). Plantar pressure distribution response to various gait speeds and its relationship with gait balance in overweight adults. Gait & Posture. 108, 307-312 (IF2.2, Q2)
  • Kim, HK., Lu, SH., Lu, TW., Chou, LS. (2023). Contribution of Lower Extremity Muscles to Center of Mass Acceleration During Walking: Effect of Body Weight. Journal of Biomechanics. 146, 111398 (IF2.4, Q3)
  • Mei, Q., Kim, HK., Xiang, L., Yu, P., Shim, V., Wang, A., Baker, J., Fernandez, J., Gu, Y. (2022). A Narrative Review Towards Improved Understanding of Foot Shape, Foot Posture and Foot Biomechanics: Current Approaches and Future Perspectives. Frontiers in Physiology. 13, 2581 (IF3.2, Q2)
  •  Yeung, S., Kim, HK., Carleton, A., Munro, J., Ferguson, D., Monk AP., Zhang, J., Besier, T., Fernandez, J. (2022). Integrating Wearables and Modelling for Monitoring Rehabilitation following Total Knee Joint Replacement. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 107063 (IF4.9, Q1)
  •  Kim, HK., Dai, X., Lu, SH., Lu, TW., Chou, LS. (2022). Discriminating features of ground reaction forces in overweight old and young adults during walking using functional principal component analysis. Gait & Posture. 94, 166-172. (IF2.2, Q2)
  •  Kim, HK. & Chou, LS. (2022). Lower limb muscle activation for gait balance control during balance-related tasks in healthy elderly: a systematic review. Gait & Posture. 93, 166-176. (IF2.2, Q2)
  •  Bell, M., Fernandez J., Florez R., Mirjalili, A., Kim, HK*. (2022). Three-dimensional Ultrasonographic Quantification of Hand and Calf Muscle Volume: Statistical Shape Modelling Approach. Ultrasound in medicine and biology. 48(3), 565-574. (IF2.4, Q2) 
  •  William S., Bell, M., Kim, HK., Ghaliya Al Masruri., Mirjalili, A., Stott S. N. (2022). The reliability and validity of triceps surae muscle volume assessment using freehand three-dimensional ultrasound in typically developing infants. Journal of Anatomy. 240 (3), 567-578. doi: 10.1111/joa.13565 (IF1.8, Q2)
  • Kim, HK*., Mei, Q., Gu, Y., Mirjalili, A., Fernandez, J (2021). Reduced Joint Reaction and Muscle Forces with Barefoot Running. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. 24(11), 1263-1273. doi: 10.1080/10255842.2021.1880572 (IF1.7, Q3)
  • Kim, HK., Fernandez, J., Logan, C., Tarr, PG., Doyle, A., Mirjalili, SA. (2019). T2 Relaxation Time Measurements in Tibiotalar Cartilage after Barefoot Running and its Relationship to Ankle Biomechanics. Journal of Biomechanics, 90, 103-112. (IF2.4, Q3)
  • Kim, HK., Mirjalili, A., Doyle, A., & Fernandez, J. (2019). Tibiotalar Cartilage Stress Corresponds to T2 Mapping: Application to Barefoot Running in Novice and Marathon-Experienced Runners. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering. (IF1.7, Q3) 
  •  Kim, HK., Fernandez, J., Mirjalili, SA. (2019). Non-Symptomatic Diagnosed Inflammation on the Cuneiforms on T2* maps and its Relationship to Plantar Pressure: A Case Report. Biology, Engineering and Medicine. 4, 1-3. doi: 10.15761/BEM.1000171
  •  Kim, HK., Mirjalili, SA., Fernandez, J. (2018).  Gait Kinetics, Kinematics, Spatiotemporal and Foot Plantar Pressure Alteration in Response to Long-Distance Running: Systematic Review. Human Movement Science. 10.1016/j.humov.2017.09.012 (IF1.6, Q3)
  •  Kim, HK., & Zhang, Y. (2017). Estimation of Lumbar Spinal Loading and Trunk Muscle Forces during Asymmetric Lifting Tasks: Application of Whole-body Musculoskeletal Modelling in OpenSim. Ergonomics, 60(4), 563-576. (IF2.0, Q3)
  •  Kim, HK., Fernandez, J., Mirjalili, SA. (2017). Evaluation of MR Images of the Ankle and Foot in Response to Long-Distance Running: A Systematic Review. Advanced Techniques in A Biology & Medicine. 5(222). doi: 10.4172/2379-1764.1000222
  •  Zhu, XY., Kim, HK., & Zhang, Y. (2017). Development of an Enhanced Musculoskeletal Model for Simulating Lumbar Spine Loading During Manual Lifting Tasks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 229-237). Springer, Cham


Conference Abstracts

  • Azandariani. A., Mirjalili, SA, Kim, HK*. (2024) Plantar Fat Pad Thickness and its Impact on Ankle Biomechanics in Amateur Runners. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 56 (10s), 609-610 
  • Kim, HK., Qu, Hang, Chou, Li-Shan (2023). Plantar pressure distribution response to various gait speeds and its relationship with gait balance in overweight adults.  Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics (Japan).
  • Florez, R., Kim, HK., Bell, M., Stott, S., Mirjalili, A., Williams, S., Besier, T., Fernandez, J. (2022). Infant gastrocnemius growth in the first two years of life. 27th Congress of the European Society of Biomechanics.
  • Kim, HK., Dai, X., Lu, SH., Lu, TW., Chou, LS. (2022). Age- and Body Size-related Differences in Ground Reaction Forces during Walking: A Functional Principal Component Analysis. World Congress of Biomechanics. Taiwan.
  • Kim, HK., Lu, SH., Lu, TW., Chou, LS. (2022). Contribution of Lower Limb Muscle Activation to Center of Mass Acceleration During Walking: Effect of Body Weight. World Congress of Biomechanics. Taiwan.
  • Kim, HK., Lu, SH., Lu, TW., Chou, LS. (2022). Contribution of Lower Limb Muscle Activation to Center of Mass Acceleration During Walking: Effect of Body Weight. Great Plains Biomechanics. Nebraska. USA.
  • Kim, HK., & Chou, LS.  (2021). Use of Musculoskeletal Modeling to Examine Lower Limb Muscle Contribution to Gait Balance Control: Effects of Overweight. Oral presentation at the IEEE Digital Health. 
  • Kim, HK., & Chou, LS.  (2021). Muscle contributions to the whole-body COM acceleration during walking in overweight individuals: a preliminary study. Oral presentation at 16th International Symposium of 3D-Analysis of Human Movement. 
  • Kim, HK., Mirjalili, SA., Doyle, A., Fernandez, J. (31 July- 04 August 2019). Novice and experienced barefoot running response revealed using T2 maps, FE modelling and gait analysis. Poster presentation at ISB/ASB. 
  • Kim, HK., Fernandez, J., Doyle, A., Mirjalili, SA. (25-30 November 2018). Effect of Running Barefoot on T2 Relaxation Time in Tibiotalar Cartilage and Ankle Biomechanics. Oral presentation at the Radiological Society of North America.
  • Kim, HK., Fernandez, J., Doyle, A., Mirjalili, SA. (18-20 October 2018). Effect of Excessive Loading on Ankle Cartilage and Plantar Pressure: Application to Barefoot Running. Oral presentation at the 7th Asian Society of Sport Biomechanics.
  •  Kim, HK., Fernandez, J., Doyle, A., Mirjalili, SA. (10-14 September 2018). Effect of long-distance unshod running on the ankle cartilage and its relationship to the lower limb biomechanics. Poster at the U21 Health Sciences Group Doctoral Student Forum.
  • Kim, HK., Mirjalili, SA., Fernandez, J. (8-12 July 2018). Effect of Running Barefoot on T2 Relaxation Time in Tibiotalar Cartilage and its Relationship to Running Biomechanics. Oral presentation at the 8th World Congress of Biomechanics
  •  Kim, HK., Mirjalili, SA., Fernandez, J. (4-6 December 2017). Barefoot running modifies lower limbs kinetics and kinematics. Oral presentation at the Australian and New Zealand Association of Clinical Anatomists
  • Kim, HK., Pontre, B., Mirjalili, SA., Fernandez, J. (23-27 July 2017).  Barefoot Running Modified Foot Pressure and T2* Relaxation Time: Evaluation of a Dancers Foot using Pressure Maps and T2 MRI. Poster at the XXVI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics