
Motion Capture Camera System:

  • Eight-camera Qualisys Oqus motion capture system (Qualisys, AB, Sweden)                 
  • Bertec instrumented treadmill (Bertec Corp, Columbus, OH, 6-DOF)


VR system:

  • 180-degree wraparound immersive virtual environment screen (Pixelwix Inc.)
MOCAP Motion Capture Cameras



A freehand 3D ultrasound (3DUS):

  • Four-camera OptiTrack motion capture system (Flex, OptiTrack, OR, USA)
  • Computer-based ultrasound system (Telemed EchoBlaster 128, Vilnius, Lithuania)   

3DUS Ultrasound Lab with hospital bed



Wearable sensors:

  • IMUs: Eight Xsens inertial measurement units (Xsens, Enschede, Netherlands)                                                                              

imu Eight Xsens inertial measure device in case 

  • Wireless Plantar pressure: Xsensor wireless insoles (Foot & Gait System, x4). Three pairs of wireless insoles

pp Xsensor sensor attached to shoe



Other devices:

  • Two AMTI force plates (6DOF, MINIAMTI, MSA-6) are embedded beneath the wooden surface at the ground level
  • Surface MA300-XVI EMG system with 32 channel recording synchronized with Qualisys
  • Virtual Reality. Oculus Rift Headset with LeapMotion controller
  • Biodex Balance System
  • 4-unit Codamotion CX1 active marker motion capture system