Arthur G. Bedeian
Photo credit: Aaron Hogan
Arthur G. Bedeian
About Me
Arthur G. Bedeian, DBA, Mississippi State University, is a Boyd Professor Emeritus and former Ralph and Kacoo Olinde Distinguished Professor of Management at Louisiana State University and A&M College. He is a past president of the Academy of Management, the Foundation for Administrative Research, the Southern Management Association, and the Southeastern Institute for Decision Sciences. A former Dean of the Academy of Management’s Fellows Group, he is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association, the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, the Association for Psychological Science, the International Academy of Management, and the Southern Management Association. He has been honored with the Taylor Key for his "siginifcant and enduring contributions to the field of management," the Richard M. Hodgetts Distinguished Career Award, Ronald G. Greenwood Lifetime Achievement Award, Daniel A. Wren Research Award for contributions central to the intellectual development of management thought, Academy of Management Distinguished Educator Award, Academy of Management Distinguished Service Award, and, for his contributions to the field, membership in the Society for Organizational Behavior. At LSU he has received the Distinguished Faculty Award, Distinguished Research Master Award, Alumni Association Distinguished Faculty Award, and Foundation Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award. He was named a Boyd Professor, the highest professional recognition that can be awarded an LSU faculty member, in 1996. In addition to having been an editor of the Journal of Management, he has served on 18 editorial boards, including the Academy of Management Review, Journal of Applied Psychology, Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Vocational Behavior, Organizational Research Methods, Journal of Management History, Management & Organizational History, and Academy of Management Learning & Education. He has chaired the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholar Board and been an external reviewer for the National Science Foundation, the National Academy of Science, and the National Research Council of Canada.
Academic Interests
- Role theory
- Human motivation
- Individual differences
- Job-life satisfaction
- Person-environment interactions
- Workplace whining
- Employee voice
- Evolution of management thought
- Research methodology
- Theories and methodologies of scholarly research
Phone: +1-225-205-2920
Fax : +1-225-578-6140
eFax : +1-509-562-1742
Room 2732 Business Education Complex
4005 South Quad Drive
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70803-0001
Academy of Management - Presidential Gallery
Rucks Department of Management
E. J. Ourso College of Business
American Psychological Association