Former Courses
MGT 4620 - Human Behavior in Organizations. 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: MGT 3200. Behavioral sciences applied to understanding human dynamics in organizations; focus on individual, interpersonal, group, and intergroup behavior; impact of human behavior on organizational effectiveness.
MGT 7203 - Development of Management Thought. 3 hours credit.Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Origin and growth of managerial concepts; contributions of leaders associated with major schools of management thought, including: scientific management, management process, empirical, human behavior, social system, decision theory, and quantitative methods.
MGT 9201 - Research Seminar I: Theory and Design of Organizational Studies. 3 hours credit. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Foundations of organizational research, including reliability estimation, validity theory, method and context effects, statistical power, sampling strategies, missing-data imputation; multi- and cross-level issues.