

12/28/2024 - Our paper entitled "Anomalous Role of Carbon in Pd-Catalyzed Selective Hydrogenation" was published in Angew. Chem. This work describes a 6-year-long story about acetylene hydrogenation on palladium catalysts. We first spent two years to confirm that the formation palladium carbide does not influece acetylene hydrogenation product selectivity, while the formation of surface carbonaceous layer is crucial. We then spent three more years to understand the actual roles of surface carbon. After ruling out several possibilities, we believe that the confinement effect from surface carbon is the key. The final step is theoretical modeling. Prof. Ye Xu created several models to understand the confinement effect and provided the last piece of the puzzle. It is big shock to many people's mind how the carbon deposition on catalyst surfaces can influence catalytic reaction pathways. We expect that this discovery will urge people to rethink about the role of coking in other hydrocarbon catalysis. This work was dedicated to Prof. James J. Spivey for his lifelong inspirational research in catalysis. Thanks to Peng, Divakar, Mark, Ahamd, Michael, Dave, Ye for their contribution on this work! 

8/22/2024 - Dr. Ding gave an invited talk entitled "CO2-assisted propane dehydrogenation on supported bimetallic catalysts" in the 2024 ACS fall national meeting in Denver, CO.

8/20/2024 - Dr. Ding gave an invited talk entitled "The Role of Surface Chemistry in the Synthesis of Supported Bimetallic/Intermetallic Catalysts" in the 2024 ACS fall national meeting in Denver, CO.

8/20/2024 - Dr. Ding gave an invited talk entitled "Interfacial depolymerization of solid plastic waste" in the 2024 ACS fall national meeting in Denver, CO.

8/20/2024 - Dr. Ding co-organized and chaired a symposium entitled "Catalysis for C1 Chemistry: A Symposium Inspired by the Research Contributions of James Spivey" in the 2024 ACS fall national meeting in Denver, CO. It was a great honor to organize this event in honor (memory) of Prof. Spivey, who passed away a few weeks before the symposium. Jerry has been a role model of the catalysis field. We miss Jerry so much! Thanks to all other co-organizers (Miguel Bañares, Dushyant Shekhawat, and Daniel Haynes), and all speakers who participated this symposium.

8/13/2024 - Dr. Ding gave an invited talk entitled "CO2-assisted propane dehydrogenation on supported Pt-based bimetallic catalysts" in the 2024 ORNL-CNMS user meeting in Knoxville, TN. It was nice to meet many old friends from ORNL and learn new opportunities to collaborate!

4/9/2024 - Our US Patent application on multimetallic catalyst synthesis was finally issued after years of wait. Congratulations to the team!

4/5/2024 - Xiaoshen received the Dissertation Year Fellowship (2024-2025). Congratulations to Xiaoshen! Way to go! 

3/25/2024 - Dr. Ding received a single-PI NSF grant to work on CO2 and natural gas conversion. Thanks for the support from NSF!

3/21/2024 - Dr. Ding co-organized and chaired a symposium entitled "CO2 and natural gas utilizations via thermal catalysis" in the 2024 ACS spring national meeting in New Orleans, LA.

3/21/2024 - Dr. Ding gave a talk entitled "CO2-assisted propane dehydrogenation: a micro-tandem or macro-tandem reaction?" in the 2024 ACS spring national meeting in New Orleans, LA.

3/17/2024 - Xiaoshen gave a talk entitled "Solvent-Free Depolymerization of Plastic Waste Enabled by Plastic-Catalyst Interfacial Engineering" in the 2024 ACS spring national meeting in New Orleans, LA.

1/19/2024 - Xiaoshen successfully passed her general exam defense. Congratulations! 


12/19/2023 - Our paper on the CuPd bimetallic/intermetallic nanoparticle synthesis was accepted by Chem Eng J. This work describes the impact of ligand engineering in surface inorganometallic chemistry. The introduction of macrocyclic ligand, cyclam, greatly improves the site-specific interaction between metal cations and anions to form supported double complex salts, thus facilitating the synthesis of uniform intermetallic nanoparticles. We look forward to taking this work further. Congratulations to Peng and Dave! 

11/24/2023 - Dr. Ding is highlighted by Angewandte Chemie in an interview-type article. Check it out

10/02/2023 - Our paper on PET depolymerization  is now published in Agnew. Chem. Check it out! Congratulations to all our coauthors: Xiaoshen, Divakar, Amitava, and Dr. Ding!

08/02/2023 - Our research on CO2-mediated oxidative dehydrogenation of propane is featured by LSU Engineering news. Check it out!

08/01/2023 - Our paper on CO2-mediated oxidative dehydrogenation of propane  is now published in Chem. Congratulations to all our coauthors: Peng, Zhenhua, Erwei, Divakar, Haoran, Dave, Prof. Liu, Prof. Chen, and Dr. Ding!

06/21/2023 - Dr. Ding gave a talk entitled "Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition on Zeolite-Supported Metal Nanoparticles for Confined Catalysis" and chaired a session in the 2023 North American Catalysis Society meeting in Providence, RI.

03/27/2023 - Dr. Ding co-organized and chaired a symposium entitled "Thermal Catalysis for Natural Gas and CO2 Conversions" in the 2023 ACS spring national meeting in Indianapolis. Thanks to all the speakers who contributed to this symposium!  

03/27/2023 - Divakar gave a talk entitled "TiOx-supported Na-Mn-W oxides for the oxidative coupling of methane" in the 2023 ACS spring national meeting in Indianapolis. 

03/26/2023 - Dr. Ding gave a talk entitled "Confined Catalysis at Inverse Metal-Zeolite Interfaces" in the 2023 ACS spring national meeting in Indianapolis. Thanks to the LSU Faculty Travel grant!

03/20/2023 - Divakar passed his PhD defense and will start his new academic position in NETL. Congratulations to Divakar! We wish you the best luck in your future career.

01/18/2023 - Dr. Ding received the LSU Provost's Funds for Innovation in Research to work on CO2 and natural gas conversion. Thanks for the support from LSU! LSU ANNOUNCES LARGEST-EVER INVESTMENT IN SEED FUNDING FOR FACULTY RESEARCH


12/19/2022 - Our paper on the oxidative coupling of methane was accepted by Catalysis Today. Congratulations to Divakar, Amitava, and Dave! Thanks for your contribution!

11/29/2022 - Dr. Ding received an NSF grant to work on methane conversion. Thanks for the support from NSF!

11/28/2022 - Mark Berko joined the Ding group as a first-year PhD student. Welcome on board, Mark!

11/07/2022 - Dr. Ding organized and chaired the "Heterogeneous Catalysis" symposium in the 2022 ACS Southwest regional meeting (SWRM). Thanks to all the speakers who contributed to this symposium!

10/11/2022 - Dr. Ding visited the Gas Technology Institute in Chicago. Thanks for the invitation, Patrick!

10/10/2022 - Dr. Ding gave an invited talk entitled "Supported Metal Catalysts via Surface Chemistry and Interfacial Engineering" at the Catalysis Club of Chicago. It was nice to reunite with old friends. 

08/22/2022 - Dr. Ding co-organized and chaired a symposium entitled "Surface Chemistry & Spectroscopy: A Symposium Inspired by the Research Contributions of Peter Stair" in the 2022 ACS fall national meeting. Thanks to all the speakers who contributed to this symposium! Wish the best to Peter for his retirement! 

05/06/2022 - Our paper on heterolytic H2 dissociation and hydrogen spillover was accepted by ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. Congratulations to Divakar, Haoran, Dave, and Dr. Ding!

04/05/2022 - Our ACS Catalysis paper "Heterolytic Dissociation of H2 in Heterogeneous Catalysis" is now published! Check it out. Thanks to LSU library for making it open access!

03/24/2022 - Dr. Ding co-organized and chaired the "Intermetallic Catalysis" symposium in the 2022 ACS spring national meeting. Thanks to all the speakers who contributed to this symposium!

03/22/2022 - Our paper on heterolytic dissociation of H2 was accepted by ACS Catalysis. Congratulations to Divakar and Dr. Ding!

03/15/2022 - Divakar received the prestigious Kokes award from the North American Catalysis Society! This award will support him to attend NAM27 in New York in May 2022. He will present our recent work on atomic layer deposition. Congratulations to Divakar! 

02/03/2022 - Our review article on metal encapsulation for confined catalysis was accepted by RSC Catalysis Book Series Volume 34. Congratulations to all the coauthors (Laibao, Peng, Divakar, and Dr. Ding)!


10/08/2021 - Our work on the construction of inverse metal-zeolite interfaces by area-selective ALD was accepted by ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. Congratulations to all the coauthors (Peng, Laibao, Dave, Divakar, and Dr. Ding)!

10/08/2021 - Our collaborative work with Dr. Younan Xia's group on elucidating the structural dynamics of Pd@Pt core-shell nanocrystals was accepted by Nanoscale (RSC journal). Thanks to our collaborators at GA Tech. Congratulations to all the coauthors (Peng, Yifeng, Qiuxiang, Dr. Xia, and Dr. Ding)!

10/06/2021 - Divakar Aireddy passed his general exam. Congratulations to Divakar! Way to go!

08/26/2021 - Dr. Ding co-organized and chaired a "Natural Gas Catalysis" symposium in the 2021 ACS fall national meeting. Thanks to all the speakers who contributed to this symposium!

08/23/2021 - Dr. Ding co-organized a symposium entitled "Intermetallic Compounds in Catalysis - Enabling Active Site Design" in the 2021 ACS fall national meeting. Thanks to all the speakers who contributed to this symposium!

08/20/2021 - Dr. Peng Zhai finished his postdoc research at LSU and went back to China. Thanks to Peng for all his work. We wish him the best in his future career!

03/19/2021 - Teslim Olayiwola and Xiaoshen Bai joined the Ding group as graduate students. Welcome Teslim and Xiaoshen!

01/01/2021 - Dr. Ding received a grant from UNCAGE-ME, an EFRC led by Georgia Tech. Dr. Ding and his graduate student will work on the selective catalytic reduction of NOx, in collaboration with Lehigh University and Oak Ridge National Lab. Thanks to UNCAGE-ME!


09/15/2020 - Dr. Ding received the LSU LIFT2 grant to support his research on natural gas conversion using bimetallic catalysts. Thanks to LSU!

07/30/2020 - LSU Secures $10M Transmission Electron Microscope with U.S. Army and State Support. Dr. Ding serves as a co-PI on this grant. Congratulations to everyone! 

05/18/2020 - Dr. Ding received Michael R. Mangham Tiger Athletic Foundation Undergraduate Teaching Award. Congratulations!

01/14/2020 - Laibao Zhang's paper "Adsorption of colloidal metal nanoparticles via solvent engineering" was published in ACS Catalysis. Congratulations to all the co-authors!


12/12/2019 - Laibao Zhang passed his PhD defense. Congratulations to Laibao! We wish you the best luck in your future career.

11/14/2019 - Dr. Ding gave a talk entitled "Synthesis of Supported Bimetallic Nanoparticles via Surface Inorganometallic Chemistry" in the 2019 AIChE Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL.

10/18/2019 - Laibao Zhang gave a poster presentation entitled "Synthesis of supported metal nanoparticles by controlling the interaction between colloidal metal nanoparticles and supports" in the 2019 Southwest Catalysis Society fall symposium in Baton Rouge, LA.

10/18/2019 - Dr. Ding gave an invited talk entitled "Synthesis of Supported Metal Nanoparticles via Weak Interfacial Interactions" in the 2019 Southwest Catalysis Society fall symposium in Baton Rouge, LA.

07/23/2019 - Laibao Zhang passed his general exam. Congratulations to Laibao!

06/26/2019 - Dr. Ding chaired two sessions in the 2019 North American Catalysis Society Meeting in Chicago, IL.

06/26/2019 - Dr. Ding gave a poster presentation entitled "Synthesis of Supported Bimetallic Nanoparticles via Surface Inorganometallic Chemistry" in the 2019 North American Catalysis Society Meeting in Chicago, IL.

05/16/2019 - Divakar Aireddy passed his qualifying exam. Congratulations to Divakar!

04/26/2019 - Dr. Ding attended the 2019 Southwest Catalysis Society spring symposium in Houston, TX.

04/25/2019 - Dr. Ding visited SABIC in Houston and gave a talk entitled "Unconventional Approaches for Natural Gas Conversion".

04/03/2019 - Dr. Ding gave a talk entitled "Synthesis of Supported Bimetallic Nanoparticles via Surface Inorganometallic Chemistry" in the 2019 American Chemical Society Spring Meeting in Orlando, FL.


11/10/2018 - Divakar Aireddy joined the Ding group as a graduate student. Welcome Divakar!

11/02/2018 - Dr. Ding published a paper in Science. Congratulations to all the co-authors!

08/20/2018 - Dr. Peng Zhai joined the Ding group as a postdoc researcher. Welcome Peng!

03/18/2018 - Dr. Ding co-organized and chaired a "Natural Gas Catalysis" symposium in the 255th ACS meeting in New Orleans.


10/25/2017 - Dr. Ding gave an invited talk entitled "Halogen-mediated natural-gas conversion" in the 2017 Louisiana Gulf Coast Oil Exhibition (LAGCOE) in Lafayette, LA.

06/08/2017 - Dr. Ding gave a talk entitled "Identification of noble metal single atoms using infrared spectroscopy" in the 2017 North American Catalysis Society Meeting in Denver, CO.

05/25/2017 - Dr. Ding received the prestigious ACS-PRF grant to support his research on the OCM reaction. Thanks to ACS-PRF!

05/21/2017 - We started working on the alkane metathesis reaction. Preliminary results are quite encouraging. Without using noble metals and organometallic compounds, we've obtained several percent of propane conversion at low temperatures, with nearly 100% selectivity towards ethane, butanes, and pentanes. We are currently seeking funding for our alkane metathesis research.

05/12/2017 - Laibao Zhang passed his qualifying exam. Congratulations to Laibao!

04/02/2017 - Dr. Ding co-organized and chaired a two-day long "C1 Catalysis" symposium in the 253rd ACS meeting in San Francisco.

03/28/2017 - Our catalytic reactor is fully functioning after a few months of installation and calibration. We've started working on the OCM reaction.


12/21/2016 - Our ALD system has started producing catalysts.

10/31/2016 - Laibao Zhang joined the Ding group as the 1st year graduate student. Welcome Laibao!

07/01/2016 - The Ding research group was launched at LSU!