
Links to articles are provided below. If you meet a paywall, contact me (staylor at and I will send you an electronic copy.

Settlecowski, A.E., K.E.C. Davis, J.A. Cox, S. Woltmann, S.S. Taylor. In press. Natural history and community science records confirm rapid geographic shifts in the distribution of an eastern North America grassland bird since 1850. Avian Conservation and Ecology.

A.M. Snider, A. Bonisoli Alquati, A.A. Perez-Umphrey, P.C. Stouffer, and S.S. Taylor. 2022. Metabarcoding of stomach contents and fecal samples provide similar insight about Seaside Sparrow diet. Ornithological Applications 124:1-12.

Perez-Umphrey, A.A., C. B. Jonsson, A. Bonisoli Alquati, A.M. Snider, P.C. Stouffer, and S.S. Taylor. 2022. Sex and habitat drive hantavirus prevalence in marsh rice rat populations impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Ecosphere 3:e3929.

Williams, S.T., J.P. Elbers, and S.S. Taylor. 2021. Population structure, gene flow, and sex-biased dispersal in the reticulated flatwoods salamander (Ambystoma bishopi): implications for translocations. Evolutionary Applications 14:2231–2243.

Hart, M.E., A.A. Perez-Umphrey, P.C. Stouffer, C.M. Bergeon Burns, A. Bonisoli Alquati, S.S. Taylor, and S. Woltmann. 2021. Nest survival of Seaside Sparrows (Ammospiza maritima) in the wake of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. PLoSONE  16(10):e0259022.

Hoenig, B.D., A.M. Snider, T.W. Sherry, K.A. Hobson, M.J. Polito, D.P.L. Toews, E.T. Miller,  A.J. Welch, L.L. Powell, S.L. Rogers, A.M. Forsman, S.C. Latta, S.S. Taylor, B.A. Porter. 2021. Current methods and future directions in avian diet analysis. Ornithology 139:1-28.

Enloe, C., A. Cox. A. Pandy, S.S. Taylor, S. Woltmann, and R. Kimball. 2021. Genome-wide assessment of population structure in Florida’s coastal seaside sparrows. Conservation Genetics.

Keppeler, F.W., J.A. Olin, P.C. López-Duarte, M.J. Polito, L.M. Hooper-Bùi, S.S. Taylor, N.N. Rabalais, F.J. Fodrie, B.J. Roberts, R.E. Turner, C.W. Martin, O.P. Jensen. 2021. Body size, trophic position, and the coupling of different energy pathways across a saltmarsh landscape. Limnology and Oceanography Letters 2021:360–368.

Moyo, S., H. Bennadji, D. Laguaite, A.A. Pérez-Umphrey, A.M. Snider, A. Bonisoli-Alquati, J.A. Olin, P.C. Stouffer, S.S. Taylor, P.C. López-Duarte, B.J. Roberts, L. Hooper-Bui, M.J. Polito. 2021. Stable isotope analyses identify trophic niche partitioning between sympatric terrestrial vertebrates in coastal saltmarshes with differing oiling histories. PeerJ 9:e11392.

Davis, K.E.C., A.E. Settlecowski, M.R. Roeder, C. Enloe, T. Virzi, M.E. Hunter, S. Woltmann, S.S. Taylor. 2021. Range-wide population genetic analysis of Seaside Sparrows (Ammospiza maritima) supports at least 5 distinct population segments that do not align with current subspecies descriptions. Ornithological Applications 123: 1-15.

Smith, K.L., K. Feldheim, J. Carlson, T. Wiley, and S.S. Taylor. 2021. Female philopatry in smalltooth sawfish Pristis pectinata: conservation and management implications. Endangered Species Research 45:85–98.

Nepshinsky, M., S.S. Taylor, J.S. Liechty, A.K. Minor, E.D. Windhoffer, and A.R. Pierce. 2021. Morphometric sex determination of breeding adult Royal Thalasseus maximus and Sandwich Terns T. sandvicensis in Louisiana. Marine Ornithology.

Bonisoli Alquati, A., W. Xu, P.C. Stouffer, and S.S. Taylor. 2020. Transcriptome analysis indicates a broad range of toxic effects of Deepwater Horizon oil on Seaside Sparrows. Science of the Total Environment 720:137583.

Williams, S.T., C. Haas, J.H. Roberts, and S.S. Taylor. 2020. Depauperate major histocompatibility complex variation in the endangered reticulated flatwoods salamander (Ambystoma bishopi). Immunogenetics 72:263–274.

Thomas, S., L. Leblanc, A.A. Perez-Umphrey, S.T. Williams, J. Nevarez, and S.S. Taylor. 2020. DNA yield and turtle handling time: buccal swabs versus blood samples from Red-eared Sliders and Eastern Musk Turtles. Southeastern Naturalist 19:355-362.

Cox, J.A., A.E. Settlecowski, and S.S. Taylor. 2020. An unusual Bachman's Sparrow netted during the breeding season in peninsular Florida. Florida Field Naturalist 48:60-62.

Liu, Y., H. Blackburn, S.S. Taylor, and T.R. Tiersch. 2019. Development of germplasm repositories to assist conservation of endangered fishes: examples from small-bodied livebearing fishes. Theriogenology 135:138-151.

Elbers, J. P. and S.S. Taylor. 2019. Mycoplasma prevalence in a reintroduced gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) population. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 14:568-577.

McGuire, H.L., S.S. Taylor, and F.H. Sheldon. 2019. Evaluating the taxonomic status of the Great White Heron (Ardea herodias occidentalis) using morphological, behavioral, and genetic evidence. Auk 136: 1-18.

Nelson-Flower, M.J., Germain, R.R., MacDougall-Shackleton, E.A., Taylor, S.S., Arcese, P. 2018. Purifying selection in the toll-like receptors of Song Sparrows Melospiza melodia. Journal of Heredity 109:501-509.

Elbers, J. P., M. Brown, and S.S. Taylor. 2018. Identifying genome-wide immune gene variation underlying infectious disease in wildlife populations—a next generation sequencing approach in the gopher tortoise. BMC Genomics 19:64.

Perez-Umphrey, A.M., C.M. Bergeon Burns, P.C. Stouffer, S. Woltmann, and S.S. Taylor. 2018. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon exposure in Seaside Sparrows (Ammodramus maritimus) following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill. Science of the Total Environment 630: 1086–1094.

Ford, R., W. Selman, and S.S. Taylor. 2017. Hybridization between Mottled Ducks (Anas fulvigula maculosa) and Mallards (A. platyrhynchos) in the western Gulf Coast. Condor 119: 683–696.

Olin, J., C. Bergeon Burns, S. Woltmann, S.S. Taylor, P.C. Stouffer, W. Bam, L. Hooper-Bui, R. E. Turner. 2017. Seaside Sparrows reveal contrasting food web responses to large-scale stressors in coastal Louisiana saltmarshes. Ecosphere 8(7): e01878.

Elbers, J.P., R.W. Clostio, and S.S. Taylor. 2017. Neutral genetic processes influence MHC evolution in threatened gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus). Journal of Heredity 108: 515-523.

Elbers JP, Clostio RW and Taylor, SS. 2017. Population genetic inferences using immune gene SNPs mirror patterns inferred by microsatellites. Molecular Ecology Resources.

Bonisoli-Alquati A, Stouffer PC, Turner RE, Woltmann S and Taylor SS. 2016. Incorporation of Deepwater Horizon oil in a terrestrial bird. Environmental Research Letters 11: 114023.

Elbers JP and Taylor SS. 2016. Major histocompatibility complex polymorphism in reptile conservation. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11:1-12.

Brzeski KE, DeBiasse MB, Rabon Jr. DR, Chamberlain MJ and Taylor SS. 2016. Mitochondrial DNA variation in southeastern pre-Columbian canids. Journal of Heredity 107:287-293.

Weston KA, Taylor SS and Robertson BC. 2016. Identifying populations for management: fine-scale population structure in the New Zealand alpine rock wren (Xenicus gilviventris). Conservation Genetics 17:691-701.

Wilson AS, Chan Y, Taylor SS and Arcese PA. 2015. Genetic divergence of an avian endemic on the Californian Channel Islands. PLoSONE 10(8): e0134471.

Elbers J and Taylor SS. 2015. GO2TR: a gene ontology-based workflow to generate target regions for target enrichment experiments. Conservation Genetics Resources 7:851-857.

Brzeski K, Harrison R, Waddell W, Wolf K, Rabon Jr. DR and Taylor SS. 2015. Infectious disease and red wolf conservation: assessment of disease occurrence and associated risks. Journal of Mammalogy 96:751-761.

Rogers HA, Taylor SS, Hawke JP and Anderson Lively JA. 2015. Variations in prevalence of viral, bacterial, and rhizocephalan diseases and parasites of the blue crab (Callinectes sapidus). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 127: 54-62.

Chua VL, Phillipps Q, Lim HC, Taylor SS, Gawin DF, Rahman MA, Moyle RG and Sheldon FH. 2015. Phylogeography of three endemic birds of Maratua Island, a potential archive of Bornean biogeography. Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 63:259-269.

Rogers HA, Taylor SS, Hawke JP and Anderson Lively JA. 2015. Prevalence and distribution of three protozoan symbionts in blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) populations across Louisiana, USA. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 114:1-10.

Rogers HA, Taylor SS, Hawke JP, Schott EJ and Anderson Lively JA. 2015. Disease, parasite, and commensal prevalences for blue crab Callinectes sapidus at shedding facilities in Louisiana, USA. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms 112: 207-217.

Woltmann S, Stouffer PC, Bergeon Burns CM, Woodrey MS, Cashner MF and Taylor SS. 2014. Population genetics of Seaside Sparrow (Ammodramus maritimus) subspecies along the Gulf of Mexico. PLoS ONE 9(11): e112739.

Bergeon Burns CM, Olin JA, Woltmann S, Stouffer PC and Taylor SS. 2014. Effects of oil on terrestrial vertebrates: predicting impacts of the Macondo blowout. BioScience 64:820-828.

Brzeski KE, Rabon DR, Chamberlain MJ, Waits LP and Taylor SS. 2014. Inbreeding and inbreeding depression in endangered red wolves (Canis rufus). Molecular Ecology 23:4241-4255.

Cerame B, Cox JA, Brumfield RT, Tucker JW and Taylor SS. 2014. Adaptation to ephemeral habitat may overcome natural barriers and severe habitat fragmentation in a fire-dependent species, the Bachman’s Sparrow (Peuceae aestivalis). PLoS ONE 9:e105782.

Taylor SS, Woltmann S, Rodriguez A and Kelso WE. 2013. Hybridization of white, yellow, and striped bass in the Toledo Bend Reservoir. Southeastern Naturalist 12:514-522.

Sheldon FH, Oliveros CH, Taylor SS, McKay B, Lim H-C, Rahman MA, Mays H and Moyle RG. 2012. Molecular phylogeny and insular biogeography of the lowland tailorbirds of Southeast Asia (Cisticolidae: Orthotomus). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 65:54-63.

Taylor SS, Jenkins DA, Arcese PA. 2012. Loss of Mhc and neutral variation in Peary caribou: genetic drift is not mitigated by balancing selction or exacerbated by Mhc allele distributions. PLoS ONE 7:e36748.

Moyle RG, Taylor SS, Oliveros CH, Lim H-C, Haines CL, Rahman MA, and Sheldon FH. 2011. Diversification of an endemic Southeast Asian genus: Phylogenetic relationships of the Spiderhunters (Aves: Nectariniidae). Auk 128:777-788.

Taylor SS, Sardell R, Reid JM, Bucher T, Taylor NG, Arcese PA, Keller LK. 2010. Inbreeding coefficient and heterozygosity-fitness correlations in unhatched and hatched song sparrow nestmates. Molecular Ecology.

Lim H-C, Zou F, Taylor SS, Marks BD, Moyle RG, Voelker G, and Sheldon FH. 2010. Phylogeny of Magpie-Robins and Shamas (Aves: Turdidae: Copsychus and Trichixos): implications for island biogeography in Southeast Asia. Journal of Biogeography.

Jamieson IG, Taylor SS, Hegg L, Armstrong DP, Kokko H. 2009. Why some species of birds do not avoid inbreeding: data and new theory from New Zealand robins and saddlebacks. Behavioural Ecology 20: 575-584.

Taylor SS, Boessenkool S, and Jamieson IG. 2008. Genetic monogamy in two long-lived New Zealand passerines. Journal of Avian Biology 39: 579-583.

Taylor SS and Jamieson IG. 2008. No evidence for loss of genetic variation following sequential translocations in extant populations of a genetically depauperate species. Molecular Ecology 17:545-556.

Taylor SS, Jamieson IG and Wallis GP. 2007. Historical and contemporary levels of genetic variation in two New Zealand passerines with different histories of decline. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20: 2035–2047. (Supplemental PDF)

Taylor SS and Jamieson IG. 2007. Factors affecting the survival of founding individuals in translocated New Zealand saddlebacks. Ibis 149: 783–791.

Boessenkool S, Taylor SS, Tepolt CK, Komdeur J, and Jamieson IG. 2007. Large mainland populations of South Island robins retain greater genetic diversity than offshore island refuges. Conservation Genetics 8:705-714.

Taylor SS and Jamieson IG. 2007. Determining sex of South Island saddlebacks (Philesturnus carunculatus carunculatus) using
discriminant function analysis. Notornis 54:61-65.

Taylor SS, Jamieson IG and Armstrong DP. 2005. Successful island reintroductions of New Zealand robins and saddlebacks with small numbers of founders. Animal Conservation 8:415-420.

Taylor SS, Leonard ML, Boness DJ, and Majluf P. 2004. Humboldt Penguins Spheniscus humboldti change their foraging behaviour following breeding failure. Marine Ornithology 32:63-67.

Taylor SS, Leonard ML, Boness DJ and Majluf P. 2002. Foraging in Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti) during the chick-rearing period: general patterns, sex differences, and recommendations to reduce incidental catches in fishing nets. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80:700-707.

Taylor SS, Leonard ML, Boness DJ and Majluf P. 2001a. Foraging trip duration increases for Humboldt penguins tagged with recording devices. Journal of Avian Biology 32:369-372.

Taylor SS, Leonard ML and Boness DJ. 2001b. Aggressive nest intrusions by male Humboldt penguins. Condor 103:162-165.