Useful Resources

"Growth and Laboratory Maintenance of Pseudomonas aeruginosa", Curr Protoc Microbiol. 2012 May ; 0 6: Unit–6E.1.. doi:10.1002/9780471729259.mc06e01s25

"Laboratory Maintenance of Acinetobacter baumannii," Curr. Protoc. Microbiol. 2014, November; 35:6G.1.1-6G.1.6. doi:10.1002/9780471729259.mc06g01s35  (find the pdf version at G:\Rivera-Lab-Protocols)

The Pseudomonas Genome Databank

Lab Instruments

AKTA Pure 25L with fraction collector F9-C and Sample pump S9AKTA Pure 25L with fraction collector F9-C and Sample pump S9
AKTA Start and Frac 30AKTA Start and Frac 30
New Bruswick Incubator I26New Bruswick Incubator I26
Cell culture roomCell culture room


Labconco Purifier Biosafety CabinetLabconco Purifier Biosafety Cabinet

Sorvall Lynx6000 CentrifugeSorvall Lynx6000 Centrifuge

MaxQ 4000 referigerated incubatorMaxQ 4000 referigerated incubator

Nano pure water purification systemNano pure water purification system


Yamato SM501 SterilizerYamato SM501 Sterilizer

photo of Hypoxic Chamber

Hypoxic Chamber (O2 Control)

Eppendof CentrifugeEppendof Centrifuge



Refrigerated Vapor TrapRefrigerated Vapor Trap

Epoch2 microplate readerEpoch2 microplate reader
Cary 60 UV-Vis with Cell Holder Single Peltier ThermostattedCary 60 UV-Vis with Cell Holder Single Peltier Thermostatted
Synergy microplate readerSynergy microplate reader


Cary 60 UV-Vis with Fiberoptic dip probeCary 60 UV-Vis with Fiberoptic dip probe
Glove BoxGlove Box
UV TranslluminatorUV Translluminator