Recent Events

March 22-25, 2021

13th International Symposium on Biogeochemistry of Wetlands

Gina and Tracy each gave a presentation at this virtual conference, demonstrating various responses to nutrient enrichment and sediment deposition across different scales:

Plant Species Shifts in Response to Nutrient-Enrichment and Sediment Deposition: Consequences for Organic Matter Cycling

Tracy Quirk

Belowground Productivity Responses to Nutrient-Enrichment and Sediment Deposition: Predicting Effects of Mississippi River Sediment Diversions

Gina Groseclose

January 15, 2021

Third Annual Roseau Cane Research Summit

An online meeting to share recent research developments and future plans for studying Phragmites australis, with a special emphasis on understanding the die-back occuring in some regions of the gulf coast.

January 8, 2021

Donnie Day Thesis Defense

Congratulations to Donnie for successfully defending his Master's thesis on:  

"Plant community response to the combined effects of
elevation and simulated nutrient and sediment
loading in Sagittaria lancifolia-dominated wetlands"

December 1-3, 2020 

Society of Wetland Scientists Conference

Dr. Tracy Quirk presented her research at the the conference.