Lab Photos
Gabi, Abbie, Liz, Kristen, and Jeanne celebrating the start of a new academic year

Liz, Kristen (front row), Jeanne, Alison, and Jensen (back row) celebrating Alison
and Jensen's departure for internship (2023)

Kristen, Jeanne, Jensen, and Liz celebrating Jensen's thesis getting published in
JABA (2022)

Erica's graduation day (2022)

Jeanne and Erica at graduation (2022)
Alison, Sarah, Erica, and Jeanne at the Gulf Coast ABA Conference (2019)

Erica, Jeanne, and Sarah in front of the fountain on the quad (2018).

Jeanne, Erica, and Sarah in a tree on the quad (2018).

Dinner after the Gulf Coast ABA Conference:
Frida, Sarah, Jeanne, and Erica (2018).

Lab dinner after a successful semester of research:
Sarah, Taylor, Erica, and Mallorie (2017).

Erica and Jeanne at the Gulf Coast ABA Conference (2017).

Ashley’s committee after her Ashley’s successful dissertation defense:
Dr. David Richman, Ashley, Dr. Sasha Protopopova, Jeanne (video conference), and Dr.
Devender Banda (2017).

Katie and Ashley reunite at the ABAI poster session (2017).

Katie, Jeanne, and Ashley at TxABA (2016).

Katie and Jeanne at the TTU commencement ceremony (2016).

Jeanne, Katie, Ashley, and Visiting Scholar Dr. Rosario Ruiz-Olivares (2016).

Katie and Jeanne after Katie’s successful dissertation defense (2016).

Katie, Jeanne, and Ashley at the TxABA poster session, where Katie earned the Best
Applied Poster award (2015).